Chapter 780

Knowing that Zhao Xinghua and his family were also in trouble, they were besieged by enemy troops for a while. When they couldn't get rid of them, they were unable to sit still.

"Marshal, we can't wait any longer. If we don't break through again, we really won't have a chance."

"Yes, the Qilin army led by Zhao Xinghua has been surrounded by the enemy. I don't know when we will be able to break through. I don't think we can wait for Zhao Xinghua to come. We can only break through now."

"Yes, we don't have much time left. If we drag on, the worse the game will be for us."

"Marshal, you order to break through the encirclement!"

"Marshal, you order to break through the encirclement!"

Li Guangrong and other generals proposed to break through.

Shen Ze is very clear about people's worries and thoughts. He has the same worries as others. However, he is more calm and less anxious than others.

"Don't be impatient. I'll judge. If it's time to break through, I'll give the order." Shen Ze said in a deep voice.

As the most invincible God of war in the world, Shen Ze has never been defeated in the war. He has rich experience in actual combat, and he knows when is a good time to break through.

Others are anxious, so they propose to let Shen Ze order a breakthrough.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, everyone calmed down a lot.

As for Shen Ze, everyone obviously believes in him very much.

Now that Shen Ze has said so, others have said nothing more.

"The more critical the situation is, the more calm we should be."

Shen Ze said: "we don't need to think about breaking through now, but how to conserve our energy and make the best preparation for the next breakthrough."


When they heard the words, they all nodded heavily.

"I'll get in touch with Zhao Xinghua. You don't have to worry about it. I'll let you know as soon as there's new news."

After saying this, Shen Ze waved his hand, "let's go and do our own work!"

After hearing the speech, they bowed to Shen Ze one after another, turned and left.

After the others left, Qin Chao said to Shen Ze, "marshal, it seems that the situation in Xinghua is not optimistic."

"The enemy knew that they were coming to support us, so they sent a lot of troops to intercept them and set up a lot of obstacles."

"Xinghua, if they want to come and support us, they may have some difficulties."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze's face became a little dignified.

Shen Ze pondered for a while, then said, "most of the enemy forces have been transferred to encircle us. They don't have many enemy forces to intercept Xinghua."

"I believe they can solve the problem and support us in a short time."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao nodded and said, "I hope so!"

Shen zeshen said in a deep voice: "at this time, we are waiting for the news from Xinghua."

Qin Chao nodded, then said to Shen Ze: "marshal, you go to have a rest first. I'll answer the phone. As soon as there's news from Xinghua, I'll report it to you."

In recent days, Shen Ze has hardly had a rest.

Qin Chao knew that Shen Ze was very tired, so he asked Shen Ze to have a rest first.

Now there is no important thing, Shen Ze also did not strong support, he nodded, said: "OK, I go to rest, you have news, immediately report to me."

"Yes." Qin Chao nodded respectfully.

Then Shen Ze went to have a rest.

Qin Chao did not sleep, but has been guarding the phone.

There are not many enemy troops to intercept Zhao Xinghua, but they are very difficult.

Although the number of enemy troops is not large, because their purpose is only to intercept Zhao Xinghua and not to fight them to death, they have played very naughty tactics.

It's just to disturb Zhao Xinghua and others, but it's not to confront them head-on.

Because the enemy troops are more familiar with the terrain, this set of play, quite a familiar taste, let Zhao Xinghua they have a headache.

Zhao Xinghua and his family have been trying to get rid of the enemy troops, but they have been sticking to them like dogskin plaster.

"In any case, we must get rid of these dog skin plasters tomorrow morning and go to the Grand Marshal and them!"

Zhao Xinghua gave the Qilin army a death order. He had to get rid of the entanglement and go to Shen Ze for support.

Military orders are like mountains. They must not be changed or violated.

For the soldiers, if the commander gives death orders, they will die completely.

After Zhao Xinghua, the commander-in-chief of the central war zone, ordered the officers and men of the Kirin army to hold their breath and die to break through!

With such a belief, the combat effectiveness of the Kirin army suddenly became much stronger. As a result, the enemy troops that were originally in bulk were immediately overwhelmed.

After pestering with the enemy for almost three hours, at about three o'clock in the morning, the Kirin army got out of the predicament and continued to move towards Shen Ze at full speed!

Before continuing, Zhao Xinghua called Shen Ze in person.

Qin Chao has been guarding the phone, he was the first time to receive a call from Zhao Xinghua.

"Marshal Zhao, what's the situation over there?" As soon as he got through, Qin Chao asked.

Zhao Xinghua replied, "we have broken through the encirclement and continue to march towards you. I think we can reach you around 8 a.m.!"

After listening to Zhao Xinghua's words, Qin Chao was very happy, "OK, we are waiting for you to arrive!"

"Brother Qin, we'll meet!"


After Zhao Xinghua conveyed the news to Qin Chao, he didn't say much and hung up the phone.

After Qin Chao hung up the phone, he didn't hesitate to wake Shen Ze up for the first time.

Qin Chao reported to Shen Zechen: "marshal, just received the news from Marshal Zhao, they have broken through the encirclement and continue to march towards us. Marshal Zhao said that they can reach us at about 8 am."

Shen was relieved to learn that Zhao Xinghua had broken through and continued to March here.

This is obviously good news for them.

Shen Ze immediately ordered: "pass on this news, and then pass on my order by the way, so that everyone can be ready. As soon as Zhao Xinghua and his family arrive, we will break through!"


After Qin Chao nodded, he turned and left.

Qin Chao passed on the news of Zhao Xinghua and Shen Ze's orders.

When all the soldiers learned that Zhao Xinghua had broken through the encirclement and continued to advance, they were very happy.

This is really exciting news!

In addition, the thought of breaking through in the morning filled everyone with fighting spirit and excitement.