Chapter 781

Happy to happy, excited to excited, we still do not forget to listen to Shen Ze's order, to make good preparations for the morning break.

The lifeless garrison was restored to a state of vitality.

Everyone moved very quickly, but in two hours, they were all ready.

No matter Shen Ze or others can imagine that the enemy will not watch Zhao Xinghua support them, but will continue to send troops to stop them.

If the enemy does this, it will obviously make Zhao Xinghua and his party come here in a bad way.

In order to avoid such a thing, after everyone was ready, Shen Ze made an immediate decision and gave an order to make everyone pretend to break through the encirclement and create some trouble for the enemy troops.

Shen Ze's idea is to attract the attention of the enemy forces, and let the main force of the enemy forces surround them instead of intercepting Zhao Xinghua.

With such a plan in mind, Shen Ze sent a part of his troops to do things to attract the attention of the enemy troops.

Of course, Shen Ze pretended to break through, just to attract the attention of the enemy troops.

When they took action on Shen Ze's side, the enemy thought that they really wanted to break through the encirclement, so they put most of their forces on Shen Ze and only transferred a small part of their forces to intercept Zhao Xinghua.

In this way, Zhao Xinghua was given the greatest opportunity.

Because the enemy forces were too small, they could not resist the Kirin army at all.

In the end, although an hour later than expected, Zhao Xinghua and Qilin army arrived outside their city.

After arriving at the destination, Zhao Xinghua contacted Shen Ze for the first time.

After getting the news of the arrival of the Kirin army, Shen Ze immediately ordered the whole army to attack and begin to break through.

Of course, when Shen Ze and Zhao Xinghua tried their best to break through the encirclement, they also launched an attack on the enemy troops that surrounded them.

Both sides cooperate with each other from inside and outside, which has achieved good results.

Of course, because the enemy countries have deployed millions of troops here, they are numerous and powerful, and their combat effectiveness is extremely terrifying.

Even if Zhao Xinghua and Shen Ze work together inside and outside, they will not be able to break through for a while. This is bound to be a very difficult war.

It is obvious that the enemy does not want Shen Ze to break through the encirclement. If they are not completely annihilated, it will be an indelible disgrace to the enemy and make the world laugh.

After all, as a superpower, it's OK to let Shen Ze invade. They have been occupied by the capital and killed so many people. If they can't annihilate all Shen Ze and let them safely withdraw to the Dragon Kingdom, then the enemy country will really lose its prestige and can't have a foothold in the world.

Therefore, under the circumstances that these things have happened, the enemy will not let Shen Ze and them withdraw to the territory of the Dragon kingdom in any case. No matter what the cost, they will be completely annihilated.

The enemy will be able to mobilize all the forces over, encircle and suppress them.

The battle was dark, as if it was not over. Shen Ze and his family failed to break through for a long time.

However, in the case of internal cooperation and external cooperation, there are still some achievements.

Shen Ze and Zhao Xinghua joined together.

When the two sides joined together, their combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

However, even so, they could not completely clear the obstacles and successfully break through for a while.

"Marshal, if we drag on like this, we'll all be dragged to death, and none of us will be able to leave."

Qin Chao proposed to Shen Ze: "Grand Marshal, you order some people to break through the encirclement, and some people to stay to intercept!"

Qin Chao seemed to have made up his mind. Then he said, "I'm willing to stay here to stop the enemy!"

Qin Chao's obvious meaning is to let some people stay to intercept the enemy in a way of sacrifice, and to create an opportunity for others to break through and evacuate.

Of course, it's easy to say, but it's very cruel and bloody.

After all, some people will die, only some people can live!

Shen Ze didn't say anything about Qin Chao's proposal for the first time.

Shen Ze always wanted to bring everyone back to the Dragon Kingdom safely. He didn't want to leave behind any brother who threw his head and shed his blood.

Qin Chao knew what Shen Ze was thinking, and then he said, "marshal, I know you want to take all your brothers back, but the current situation can't make you do that."

"You and I all know that if we drag on like this all the time, we will not be able to leave. We will only be nibbled away step by step by the enemy."

"Now we can only choose to sacrifice some people and let others go back alive!"

What Qin Chao said is obviously true.

And Qin Chao can see these, so can Shen Ze.

Now the situation is really very bad, we must make such a choice, otherwise everyone will not be able to leave.

The reason why Shen Ze didn't make such a decision at the first time is that he still wants to take everyone back.

But now, the situation has forced Shen Ze to make a decision.

Shen Ze knows that a decision needs to be made as soon as possible at this time, because every little time passes, there will be more casualties on his side.

Shen Ze also thought about how to break through the encirclement and how to bring his brothers back to the Dragon kingdom as much as possible.

And thinking about it, only Qin Chao said that this method is the best, can only choose to sacrifice some people, let others leave.

The way is like this, but how can we give such an order?

For anyone who wants to go back alive, who is willing to stay and sacrifice?

If Shen Ze wants to give such an order, who should he let stay?

Knowing that staying is death, how can Shen Ze give such an order easily?

Shen Ze is not a God, but a man. Even if he is the commander in chief of the three armed forces, he is not qualified to decide the life and death of others.

Of course, war is cruel. There must be sacrifice.

Now, if you don't want to give orders, you can only give them.

So, after a hard psychological struggle for a while, Shen Ze still delivered the order.

He gave blessing by force and conveyed his meaning to the soldiers in secret.

"In the present situation, only a part of the people can be withdrawn and the rest can be used to resist the enemy."

"I don't ask anyone to stay. Those who want to stay stay stay."

Shen Ze really can't force some people to stay. He can only convey this meaning and let the soldiers make their own choices.

In times of national crisis, there are always some people who are willing to stand up and serve the country, even if they have to pay the price of bleeding.

In this almost desperate time, some people still take the initiative to stand up, even if the sacrifice, but also let the brothers return!