Chapter 841

Although Huang Shiping's ability is not very strong, he still has a brain.

As for the current situation, he knows it very well.

With the promotion of Shen Ze, re-election has become a matter of certainty, which can not be changed. Now there is no way to change this situation.

The reason why Huang Shiping still wants to let everyone do something about it is that he just wants to do a desperate struggle.

Of course, the main reason is that Huang Shiping doesn't want to lose everything he has and doesn't want to step down from his current position.

For Huang Shiping, if he lost his current status, it would be worse than killing him.

On the other hand, Huang Shiping is still in his normal term of office. If a re-election is held and he is eventually dismissed and let thunder go, then he will become a joke. After all, this kind of thing has never happened before.

If Huang Shiping is really passively brushed down, it will be a permanent shame for him.

Huang Shiping could not accept such a thing.

Therefore, Huang Shiping will not give up until the last moment.

"No matter what I do, I will stop the re-election!" Huang Shiping said in a low voice.

"We can't give up until the last minute!" At this time, Huang Shiping was a great inspiration to everyone's morale.

At this time, Huang Shiping's side of the people's mentality are somewhat pessimistic, just like decadent, no morale.

Of course, the reason why we do this is because there is no way to change the current situation.

How can they be in a good mood to think that if Huang Shiping retreats, they will suffer as well? How can we not be pessimistic?

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, everyone is still suffering a face, and the mood has not become high spirited.

Seeing everyone's dead look, Huang Shiping's face was very ugly. He said angrily, "don't show this look. We haven't lost completely yet. We don't need this look."

Huang Shiping said coldly, "I need everyone to cheer up and continue to fight with Shen Diaolong. Before the final result comes out, we still have a chance!"

Huang Shiping's confidants stood up at this time and helped him speak.

"Mr. Huang is right. We haven't lost yet. Only if things are not settled, we still have a chance."

"Yes, as long as Mr. Huang has not stepped down, we will have a chance to turn over the game again. We really need to rally our morale and continue to fight!"

"If we give up now, we'll really lose. There's no room for a reversal."

"There is no complete ending yet. We really have a chance. We must cheer up."

"I think everyone is the same as me. We don't want to be defeated like this, and then we will lose everything we have now. I think we can struggle again. Maybe the outcome will change."

After several people began to talk about their morale, they regained some fighting spirit.

"Well, we will continue to think of ways to stop Shen Diaolong and them from promoting the election."

"Yes, let's do everything we can, whether it's useful or not."

"We all have a chance before the dust settles."

"The situation is not optimistic, but it doesn't mean that we don't have a chance. We still have a chance."

"Then go on!"

Seeing that everyone's fighting spirit was high again, Huang Shiping took a breath. If everyone didn't have fighting spirit and didn't help him any more, he really couldn't do anything.

Huang Shiping thought about it, and then said in a deep voice, "Shen Diaolong, they have been pushing for the re-election. Let's continue to oppose it. Let the re-election drag on until we come up with a better way to deal with it."


When they heard the words, they all nodded.

Later, Huang Shiping said, "the voice of the people can be ignored, but we still need to win more people's support within the national court. Only in this way can we solve the fundamental problem."

"As long as there are more people who support me, then there will be no re-election of the house of Lords, and my status will not be threatened."

"Therefore, we still need to continue to draw on contacts and let more members of the National People's court support me."

After listening to Huang Shiping's words, they nodded again.

Obviously, everyone agrees with Huang Shiping's point of view.

Although public opinion is also very important, it is within the national assembly that plays a decisive role.

As Huang Shiping said, if the internal staff of the national assembly supported Huang more, the re-election would not happen.

As long as the re-election will not happen, there will be nothing like Huang Shiping stepping down from his present position and letting Lei Ming sit on it.

Therefore, Huang Shiping's decision-making is very right. At any time, as long as more members of the National People's court are recruited, the final victory will be achieved.

"We all give full play to our abilities and contacts, and try our best to attract members of the National People's court." Huang Shiping said in an unquestionable voice.

"Yes." Everyone should be in unison.

Huang Shiping then said, "next, let's discuss in detail how to prevent a re-election of the national assembly."

After that, the people began to discuss how to prevent the national assembly from holding a re-election.


Within the national assembly, more people support thunder and less support Huang Shiping, so the re-election has been put on the agenda.

However, it was not in line with the routine, so it was not carried out at the first time.

In order to hold a new election, it needs the Presbyterian Council, which belongs to the national assembly, to decide.

There are six members in the Presbyterian Council, including Huang Shiping and Lei Ming, while two of the other four members support Huang Shiping and Lei Ming.

Therefore, the Presbyterian Church is in a state of three to three. Three people support re-election and three people oppose re-election.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the Presbyterian Council to decide whether to re elect, so the re-election is delayed.

However, although the Presbyterian Council can't make a decision, if the pressure from the inner court and the people is strong enough to laugh at you, the election will still come to light.

After all, there are some things that the court can't control.

Shen Ze was aware of this situation. When he learned that the Presbyterian Council could not decide whether to re elect, he did not worry. Instead, he continued to exert pressure on the Presbyterian Council within the national assembly and among the people.

He was very patient, waiting for the Presbyterian Council and the house of Lords to bear the pressure and finally hold a new election.