Chapter 842

As a result of the re-election, the whole nation began to flow and become restless.

Fortunately, now, the bear country and the eagle country fight, will not go to the dragon country.

Therefore, Longguo now has no external pressure, just needs to deal with internal affairs.

Of course, these things still worry the people of Longguo.

"The Presbyterian Council can't make decisions about re-election. Now things are becoming a bit confusing and deadlocked."

"It can be seen that Huang Shiping is trying his best to prevent the re-election, so even if the Dragon God and his parents push it all out, it will not be so good."

"I feel that re-election is the trend of the times. Even if Huang Shiping tried his best to block it, he could not change the final outcome."

"Because of the re-election, the internal state is very turbulent and everything has become very unstable. I don't know how long this situation will last."

"I'm still a little worried. I'm afraid that if we continue like this, the country will eventually become very chaotic."

"Yes, I'm afraid the chaos will continue. After all, if the re-election does not happen, it will continue to be a stalemate. In the stalemate, there must be a lot of conflicts."

"Lord Dragon God, their fight with Huang Shiping has a great influence in the end. I hope it can happen as soon as possible whether I want to re elect or not, otherwise it will continue to be chaotic, which is a very bad thing for the nation."

"Now the external pressure has not completely disappeared. If the internal chaos continues, I'm afraid it will cause more chaos and make the country fall into a very difficult situation."

"Yes, the country has just been stable for a short time. I don't want to see the country get into trouble any more. I hope that no matter whether it's a re-election or not, we can get the result as soon as possible and don't hold such a stalemate."

Most of the people in Longguo are worried that if Shen Ze and Huang Shiping continue to fight like this, the country will become more chaotic.

Before that, Longguo had been in a great predicament, almost in a very dangerous situation.

After that, if Shen Ze didn't lead the army to attack the enemy country, save the dragon country and restore its vitality, otherwise the dragon country would be doomed.

Now the people of the Dragon kingdom are afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years. They don't want to put the country into an uncomfortable situation again, and they are also afraid that the situation in the country will become very bad. So they all hope that the fight between Shen Ze and Huang Shiping can end soon.

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

It's normal for the people of Longguo to have such worries.

Shen Ze is more concerned about folk voice, but he is not influenced by public opinion.

In his view, the current situation is still under control. It does not need to stop all actions, but can continue until Huang Shiping is allowed to step down from that position and let leiming sit on it.

Of course, Shen Ze will still release some news to make the people of Longguo feel at ease.

However, although this has played some role, it has not played a big role.

Guobang is still in a kind of shock, which makes people panic. As time goes on, this kind of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger.

Huang doesn't care much about folk voices. He can do anything as long as he can achieve his goal.

Seeing that the people of Longguo were worried about the state's situation, Huang Shiping took advantage of this and began to fight back.

Huang Shiping impressively asked people to release news, indicating an attitude that he did not want to cause unrest in the country and fight with Shen Ze.

The reason why he fought with Shen Ze was that he was forced to fight back because Shen Ze was determined to do something.

Huang Shiping impressively portrays himself as a victim, which makes people feel that he is innocent and that he has a good mind. It is Shen Ze who deliberately chooses things and makes them bad.

Shen Ze and Huang Shiping initiated this incident on their own initiative. Huang Shiping said that there was really nothing wrong with it, which made people unable to find the point of refutation.

However, the people of Longguo did not fully believe Huang Shiping's words. However, Huang Shiping added fuel to it and used public opinion to fight back.

Huang Shiping and his colleagues can't do anything now. They can only rely on public opinion to fight back. They mean to occupy the moral commanding height.

Huang Shiping's practice in this way has played an important role and caused a counterattack in public opinion.

"Mr. Huang is right. He doesn't want the country to be in turmoil. The reason why they fight is because Mr. Dragon God has initiated the trouble. He wants Mr. Huang to step down and push thunder up."

"It's true that Mr. Huang is more reasonable in this matter. After all, he is still in the normal period of office. It's not reasonable for Mr. Longshen to do so."

"I feel that Huang Lao is really forced. If the Dragon God didn't want to push the thunder up and have a new election, Huang Lao would not fight back and fight with them."

"In general, it's because the Lord Dragon God has made trouble. If he hadn't made these things, they wouldn't have happened in the future."

"In any case, it's all done by Lord Dragon God. I still think it's really improper for him to do so, because if he doesn't handle it properly, it will really make Guobang fall into trouble again."

"If the Lord Dragon God didn't hold this re-election, there would be no such thing after that."

"The current situation is really a headache. The election can't be done, and Lord Dragon God and Huang Lao have been fighting. If this goes on, the country will have big problems sooner or later."

"If I say it, both of them should stop and end these fights."

"For the sake of the nation and the overall situation, they really should end the fight."

"If there is really no way to hold an election and we have to hold a stalemate like this, Lord Dragon God will stop. Don't let the country really fall into chaos."

"I think we can talk about the election when Mr. Huang finishes his term of office."

Huang Shiping seized the people's mentality of worrying about chaos and made some striking counterattacks in public opinion, which made more people support him and fewer people support Shen Ze. Moreover, there were many voices that made Shen Ze stop.

For such a situation, Huang Shiping and the people on his side are very happy, and this is a bad thing for Shen Ze.

However, Shen Ze doesn't think it's a big deal.