Chapter 843

"That old fellow Huang Shiping is really shameless. He even said that he was the victim and that he didn't want to fight with his master. It's really shameless!"

For Huang Shiping's use of people's concerns and counterattack in public opinion, Qin Chao is very unconcerned and sneers at what Huang Shiping has done.

"Master, we'd better take some actions to fight back in the field of public opinion." Qin Chao suggested.

Shen Ze Wen Yan, the first time did not give a reply.

After a while, Shen Ze said, "there's no need to compete with Huang Shiping for moral supremacy. I just need the election to be held."

Qin Chao nodded, then said: "but we can't let that shameless guy Huang Shiping confuse right and wrong like this."

"I think we still need to move public opinion back."

Shen Ze pondered for a moment and said, "if you want to do it, do it!"

"Good." When Qin Chao heard the speech, he immediately nodded.

Then, Qin Chao frowned and said solemnly, "master, the election seems to be a little difficult now."

"Although there are many people in the national assembly and among the people who support the re-election, if the Presbyterian Council can not make a decision, it can not be done and can only be dragged on like this."

Qin Chao is telling the truth, and Shen Ze can only be silent.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't speak, Qin Chao then said, "people's worries are not unreasonable. If we continue this stalemate, the country is really prone to big trouble."

Shen Ze nodded, and then said, "think of a way to instigate the members of the Presbyterian Council on Huang Shiping's side."

Qin Chao said, "I'm afraid it's difficult."

"I have contacted the two members of the Presbyterian Council who support Huang Shiping before. They are very resolute in supporting Huang Shiping. It is not easy for them to revolt, or even impossible."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze frowned slightly.

After a moment of meditation, he said, "if you can't turn against the Presbyterians, then continue to put pressure on the court."

"Don't be afraid of big trouble in the country. Everything is under control."

"If it's time to give up, I'll give the first order."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao was relieved. He nodded and said a good word.

After reporting recent events to Shen Ze, Qin Chao went to work.

Qin Chao wanted to move public opinion back, so he fought back in the field of public opinion for the first time.

Qin Chao impressively asked people to list the adverse development of Guobang after Huang Shiping took office, and then explained that Shen Ze only promoted the election to make Guobang develop better.

To let Huang Shiping step down and let Lei Ming sit in that position is beneficial to the nation. It is important for the overall situation. That's why we do it.

If we continue to let Huang Shiping sit in that position, Guobang is likely to fall into a bad situation again.

Since Huang Shiping took office, there has been no better development of Guobang, which is very intuitive evidence.

If Huang Shiping is really for the sake of the nation, he should not prevent the re-election, or even take the initiative to abdicate and give way to the virtuous. Only in this way can he be truly profound and praiseworthy.

It is obvious that these topics created by Qin Chao are very reasonable and normal. At the same time, they can catch people's hearts.

Before that, everyone felt that Huang Shiping was not suitable to lead the imperial court, because since Huang Shiping came to power, the development of the state was not as good as before.

In this highly competitive world, if the state does not develop, it is a kind of retrogression. We all see these things in our eyes.

Many people want Huang Shiping to step down and let other capable people sit in that position to lead the national court, so that the country can have a better development.

Therefore, after Qin Chao made these remarks, public opinion changed again.

"Since Huang Lao took charge of the imperial court, Guobang has not developed well, and he almost took Guobang to the sewer. Just like what happened before, if Lord Dragon God insisted on leading the army to attack the enemy country, Guobang would not be what it looks like now."

"Yes, after Mr. Huang took charge of the national court, the state not only did not develop well, but even worse. It is really necessary to let Mr. Huang retire."

"As we all know, the current international situation is very unstable. The competition between countries is very fierce. If we fall behind, we will be beaten. We can't continue to develop so badly. It is necessary to change the first person."

"Thunder is very capable and qualified to take the first place. We should and normally push him up."

"We all know that Mr. Huang is not fit to continue to lead the national court, so we should replace him."

"If Mr. Huang really thinks about the country and the overall situation, he should take the initiative to step down and let more capable people go up."

"Don't be stubborn, Mr. Huang. You're really not suitable to lead the national court. You should take the initiative to step back."

"Yes, Mr. Huang, if you really think about the country and the overall situation, you will take the initiative to step down."

"If the stalemate goes on like this, and if you continue to dominate the national court, the country will not have a good development. Huang Lao, you should step down quickly. It's good for everyone."

"Mr. Huang, if you take the initiative to step down, we will remember you. If you don't step down, you are afraid that you will become a sinner of our country and be nailed to the pillar of shame forever."

"Don't insist, Mr. Huang, take the initiative to retreat."

Qin Chao made such a move, which made the public opinion revolt again. Many people began to talk about Huang Shiping's faults, and many people suggested that Huang Shiping should step down on his own.

As soon as the direction of public opinion changed, it was extremely unfavorable to Huang Shiping.

"Mr. Huang, Guobang really needs a good development. You don't have enough ability. You really need to abdicate and give up your talents."

"Don't be stubborn, Mr. Huang, or you will end up with a bad reputation."

"Mr. Huang, he who knows current affairs is a hero. Everyone wants you to step down, so don't insist on it any more."

"Mr. Huang, if you take the initiative to step down, you will make the greatest contribution to the country."

"Mr. Huang, please consider for your country and take the initiative to retreat."

With people's appeals, there are more and more calls for Huang Shiping to take the initiative to step down. The whole people have expressed such views as if they had reached a consensus.

"Damn it, Shen Diaolong made such a show for me!"

For such a situation, Huang Shiping was very upset and furious.

Huang Shiping and Shen Ze had played a public opinion war before, and he ended up in failure. This time, it's almost the same.