Chapter 887

Leng Feng is not good at expressing himself, so he just gave a rough account of Su Shiman in the past three years.

In the past three years, Su Shiman didn't do anything special. He just managed Tianze group well and focused on his work all the time.

Of course, Su Shiman didn't find a partner either, and he stayed alone after his divorce from Shen Ze.

As the first beauty in the capital of Shu, Su Shiman naturally has no lack of admirers. In the past three years, she has been chased by someone, but she refused.

Generally speaking, in the past three years, Su Shiman has been very busy.

Although Leng Feng is not good at expression, he is not stupid. He said something about himself.

In the past three years, Leng Feng has made the best use of everything and has been Liu Yuan's bodyguard to protect her safety.

It is precisely because of this day and night together, the two feelings warming, and gradually come together.

Liu Yuan is a rich woman, while Leng Feng is an orphan. She has no family background. She has no other identity except as a member of the Qinglong army.

Like other normal situations, Liu Yuan's parents do not want Liu Yuan to marry Leng Feng, but Liu Yuan chooses Leng Feng wholeheartedly, regardless of her parents' opposition.

In the end, Liu Yuan's parents agreed that she would marry Leng Feng, which is partly because Leng Feng is Shen Ze's direct subordinate.

As Shen Ze's direct subordinate, Leng Feng naturally has a special identity.

With Shen Ze's support, Leng Feng is fully qualified and powerful to take Liu Yuan. It can even be said that Liu Yuan's marriage to Leng Feng is a kind of climbing high.

Therefore, in the end, the marriage between Leng Feng and Liu Yuan became a happy thing for everyone.


Emperor Huang Yi Pin, Wutong garden.

With a roar of engines, a red Ferrari came to the gate of Wutong garden.

Ferrari slowly stopped, the car door opened, and a beautiful woman with black shoulder length short hair and light makeup came out.

The heroine is no other than Liu Yuan.

After getting off, Liu Yuan stepped directly on a pair of black boots and headed for the Wutong court.

As she walked, Liu Yuan yelled, "Su Shiman, where are you?"

At this time, a light blue dress, long hair fluttering sushman, is sitting on the sofa in the hall.

When Su Shiman heard Liu Yuan's cry, he answered, "here it is."

Hearing the sound, Liu Yuan went straight to the hall.

Liu Yuan came to the sofa opposite Su Shiman and sat down.

Su Shiman took a look at Liu Yuan, and then asked, "what's the matter? In such a hurry. "

Liu Yuan took a deep look at Su Shiman, and then asked, "don't you know Shen Ze has returned to the capital of Shu?"

At Liu Yuan's words, Su Shiman was stunned.

After a moment, Su Shiman picked his eyebrows as if in surprise: "Shen Ze has returned to the capital of Shu?"

Liu Yuan nodded, then said: "Shen Ze arrived at the capital of Shu at noon today."

"He's staying in the celebrity hotel, and Leng Feng has just come to see him."

Hearing that Shen Ze had returned to the capital of Shu, Su Shiman felt waves in her heart, but on the surface, she was still. She nodded and said nothing.

Looking at Su Shiman's calm appearance, Liu Yuan turned her lips and said, "Oh, you are so calm!"

"Shen Ze has returned to the capital of Shu. Aren't you excited at all?"

Su Shiman white Liu Yuan one eye, light said: "what's so excited?"

Liu Yuan smiles and says, "Su Shiman, don't pretend in front of me. I know you haven't forgotten Shen Ze."

"I don't know what you're thinking. You regret your divorce from Shen Ze, and you've been thinking about Shen Ze."

Liu Yuan solemnly said: "this time I married Leng Feng, which just brought Shen Ze back. You have to seize the opportunity."

Su Shiman heard the speech, pondered for a while, and then said feebly: "seize what opportunity!"

"Some things have passed, there is no room for recovery."

Speaking of this, sushman seems to think of something unhappy, showing a look of depression.

Liu Yuan gave Su Shiman a look of hate iron but not steel, and then said in an indisputable tone: "Su Shiman, you don't want to think about what you have now, you should obey your heart and do what you should do."

"Don't be forward-looking about feelings. Besides, it's useless to talk about other things before you take action."

"Practice can test the truth. How can you know if you haven't tried?"

After listening to Liu Yuan's words, Su Shiman stopped and sighed.

Some things are said to be OK, but it becomes difficult to take practical action.

Liu Yuan wanted to cheer up Su Shiman, so she immediately said, "we all know that Shen Ze is very affectionate to you. Although he divorced you, I believe he has not changed his mind. He must still have you in his heart."

"At the beginning, you missed it for various reasons. Now you have each other in your heart, so seize the opportunity and don't miss it again."

"Sushman, if you don't take this chance, I look down on you!"

Su Shiman pondered for a while, then said: "I had caused a lot of damage to Shen Ze, his heart may not have me."

When he said these words, sushman was surprised with some remorse and guilt.

Looking at Su Shiman showing a coy look, Liu Yuan said angrily: "Su Shiman, I have said, you don't think so much, you just do it."

"You don't care whether you can succeed in the end, as long as you do it and don't regret it in the future."

After listening to Liu Yuan's words, Su Shiman nodded heavily as if he had made up his mind and said, "OK, I'll do what you say."

Seeing Su Shiman's decision, Liu Yuan said, "that's right!"

Then Liu Yuan suddenly thought of what she said to Su Shi man. "Now you go and contact Shen Shen, and let him come to dinner in Wutong yuan."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, a look of hesitation appeared on his beautiful cheek: "go to contact Shen Ze now?"

Liu Yuan nodded, naturally said: "yes, you said long time no see, let me have a meal together."

Wutong, you can also ask him to come directly to the Wutong yuan to live in. What hotel should he stay in? Anyway, this phoenix tree garden is also sent to you.

Sushman hesitated for a moment and nodded, "OK!"

Liu Yuan urged: "you call Shen Ze now."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he hesitated again.

Seeing this, Liu Yuan urged: "don't dawdle, call quickly."

After hesitating for a while, Su Shiman still takes out his mobile phone and dials Shen Ze's private phone.