Chapter 888

After dialing Shen Ze's phone, Su Shiman's heart beat faster and became nervous.

Will Shen Ze answer the phone?

Su Shiman is quite worried that Shen Ze won't answer her phone, and her worry is unreasonable. Such a thing may happen.

In the past three years, Su Shiman had many impulses to call Shen Ze, but he finally resisted them.

Today, the call was finally made.

In sushman's uneasy waiting, after a while, the phone got through.

"Hello?" The man's indifferent and calm voice came out of the mobile phone.

Hearing this strange but very familiar voice, sushman's heart shook violently.

She took a deep breath, then tried to keep calm and said, "I heard that you have returned to Shudu?"

The man's voice is still indifferent and calm: "yes, I arrived at noon today."

Sushman seemed to have great courage and said, "can we have dinner together in the evening?"

"Besides, if you don't live there, you can come to Wutong garden, anyway, this manor is yours."

Su Shiman spoke quickly and finished these words in one breath, and then she waited for Shen Ze's reply with anxiety.

After listening to Su Shiman's words, Shen Ze didn't give a reply for the first time.

After a while, Shen Ze seemed to make a good decision and replied, "OK, tell me the place for dinner?"

Shen Shen agreed, and Su Shi man was stunned. Then he said, "Oh, the place of supper is in Wutong garden."

Then sushman asked, "I want to cook dinner myself. Do you mind?"

Shen Ze replied without hesitation, "I don't mind."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he was a little happy. "OK, that's settled. I'll see you at seven in the evening."

Shen Ze said.

Sushman hung up with him.

After hanging up the phone, sushman gasped like the end of a long run.

Seeing Su Shiman like this, Liu Yuan said with some disgust: "it's really hopeless. It's just a phone call to make an appointment for a meal. She's so nervous."

For a while, she was run by Liu Yuan several times, and Su Shiman was also upset.

She raised her head, glared at Liu Yuan fiercely, and scolded: "you'll make sarcastic remarks. If you come, you might force me to be nervous!"

When Liu Yuan heard the speech, she sneered twice.

"If I came, I would do better than you."

Su Shiman gave Liu Yuan a white look and did not continue to argue.

Liu Yuan seems to have suddenly thought of something, and her tone of teasing is to say to Su Shiman: "Su Shiman, are you going to cook dinner in person tonight?"

"With your cooking skills, do you think you can eat what you make?"

When Su Shiman heard the speech, her face turned red. Then she said with feigned firmness: "I've learned from the chef specially. The food is very good. Why can't I eat it?"

After hearing Su Shiman's words, Liu Yuan laughed and said, "OK, since you are confident in your cooking skills, you can make it yourself."

Su Shiman said to Liu Yuan in an indisputable tone: "I want you to give me a hand!"

Liu Yuan smell speech, the cheek peeps out a silk not willing, "you let me this young lady to give you small hit?"

Sushman naturally said, "what's the matter, can't it?"

Su Shiman didn't give Liu Yuan the chance to refuse. She immediately got up and went to Liu Yuan.

"Come on, buy the ingredients with me."

Su Shiman is impressively leading Liu Yuan out.

Liu Yuan half hearted, and followed Su Shi man to the gate of Wutong court, and the two men came to Ferrari after one.

"All right, sushman, for your happiness, sister, I'll be your Valet today and give you a hand."

Liu Yuan suddenly became a driver and took Su Shiman to the supermarket to buy food materials.


When Shen Ze receives Su Shiman's call, he is still chatting with Leng Feng and Qin Chao.

Shen Ze was surprised that Su Shiman would call him.

For Su Shi man, he was not surprised to know that he had returned to Shu capital. But to his surprise, Su Shi man would have called him to dinner, and sent him an invitation to go to the Wutong garden.

In the past, didn't that woman always dislike him and want to stay away from him? Why is the attitude changing now?

A woman's heart is a needle.

Shen Ze is very intelligent. He can master and see through a lot of things, but he really can't guess or see through the woman's mind.

In the three years since he left Shudu, Shen Ze has been indifferent to Su Shiman and can keep calm.

Today, Su Shiman's sudden phone call and dinner appointment made Shen Ze's heart full of waves.

In the face of Su Shiman, he could not be indifferent after all.

After hanging up, Shen Zeping recovered his mood and then said to Qin Chao and the cold front, "go to Wutong yuan for dinner tonight."

Cold front smell speech, on the face exposed the color of thinking.

But Qin Chao is a face of doubt. "What is the Wutong garden?"

Shen Ze said, "you don't need to know where it is. Just follow me."

"Oh Qin Chao nodded and asked nothing more.

Shen Ze Wutong planned to go to phoenix tree garden for dinner at night, but he did not think he wanted to go to Wutong garden.

Wutong yuan had been transferred to Su Shi man's name at present. Now, Su Shi man is the owner of Wutong garden.

Shen Ze Wutong thought that if he went to phoenix garden to live in, it would be inconvenient, so he did not plan to live in Wutong garden.

As for the dinner tonight, Shen Ze doesn't think it's anything. Anyway, everyone is here. Just have a meal.


According to Shen Ze's idea, the Silver Dragon carving gives the hall half a day to think about, because the hall doesn't mean to be dissolved.

Therefore, after waiting for half a day, in the case of no reply from the hall of Yan Luo, the Silver Dragon carving launched an attack on the hall of Yan Luo.

Silver Dragon carving is holding the idea of exterminating the hall of hell, so as soon as it comes up, it attacks with all its strength.

As a result, there was a fierce battle between the Silver Dragon carving and the hall of Yama.

The members of the Silver Dragon carving are all martial arts masters, and they are equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world. They are more powerful than the ordinary elite troops.

In terms of the overall combat power, the Silver Dragon carving is obviously higher than that of the Yanluo hall. In addition, there is no strong warrior on this side of the Yanluo hall, so the Yanluo hall is impressively defeated by the Silver Dragon carving after a big fight between the two sides.

The hall of Yan Luo has been defeated and retreated, while the Silver Dragon carving pursues the victory and wants to kill all the people in the hall of Yan Luo.

Because of the defeat of the Silver Dragon carving, many people chose to escape.

The battle only started for an hour, and the hall of Yama could not hold on. Their members died, injured, escaped, and were defeated!