On Friday, a day passed quickly in a relaxed atmosphere, but it rained when I got off work.

The rain was so urgent and heavy that they chatted while waiting for the rain to stop in the office.

Xiao Xiaoyu suggested: "what are you doing this weekend? It's OK. Let's go to the movies. We've made several new movies recently. They're all good. "

"It's agreed this week to see my grandfather."

Xue Meng had no choice but to show his hand: "I haven't been to see him for a long time. I don't think I will be expelled from my home any more."

Jiang said, "I'm going to the hospital on Sunday to meet someone."

Uncle Yao is discharged from hospital on Sunday. He has to help.

Xiao Xiaoyu had to shrug his shoulders and said regretfully, "let's make another appointment next time."

Just at this time, the rain became smaller, and the three said goodbye to each other and went home.

Without an umbrella, Jiang Shu took a taxi home. The taxi driver is a middle-aged man. He should be a local. He speaks with a strong Jiangcheng accent. Seeing Jiang Jiu holding the black backpack in his arms, he joked: "the brand-name bag on the young man's back?"

Taxi drivers come and go. They have seen many girls carrying famous brand bags. On rainy days, they would rather get wet than let their bags get wet. But it's the first time that a man has done this.

Sitting on the co pilot's seat, Jiang Jiu wiped the rain on his bag with a paper towel and said with a smile, "the kitten at home is in the bag."

The driver's uncle was shocked and said, "what kind of cat is it? Why didn't you hear it

"It's not a cat of any breed." Jiang Shu zips up his backpack.

The driver vaguely saw a yellowish brown kitten wag its tail and meow softly.

"You're a good cat. It's not noisy."

Jiang Shu took this as a compliment and said with a smile, "yes, it's obedient and easy to raise."

The lion dragon in the bag immediately gave a clear meow, as if responding. The furry paw also stretched out from the backpack to play with Jiang's fingers.

Jiang Shu lives in a neighborhood not far from his unit, and usually rides a bicycle for more than ten minutes. But when you drive, you have to turn around and make a big circle. Coupled with the rain and traffic jams, the speed slows down.

The driver is obviously a talker and can't stop talking. He drove the car radio and began to talk about the latest news with Jiang Jiu.

The car just passed an intersection, and the driver said to Nunu, the fork road on the right hand, "that's the way into the community. A woman died last night, don't you know?"

Jiang Shu nodded: "what's the name of hongjingyuan? I saw the news in the morning. I said that the manhole cover was stolen, and the man fell down and broke his head. I didn't rescue him. "

But the driver seemed to be talking about something strange. He lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the woman was killed."

"Murder? It's impossible, isn't it? "

Jiang Jiu read the news seriously. The police didn't mention the murder. It should be a case of accidental death. The deceased is not a native of Jiangcheng. It seems that she came to work in Jiangcheng. Hongjingyuan lives in the house she rented.

The driver sniffed with a sense of superiority, shook his head and said, "how can those reports on the news be believed? I have an old watch who lives in that neighborhood. He said that the woman is not a serious person at all

He showed a smile that men all know, and looked a little obscene: "she is in the skin and meat business. It seems that last month, she took the guests home, but the price didn't agree, so they fell out. As a result, after the guest left, the woman called the police, saying that the man was strong and raped her. "

Jiang Shu frowned: "it's said in the news that she is a bartender."

The driver said, "what's the bar? Which serious woman can go to work there? Moreover, my old watch said that the woman was dressed in fancy clothes. She went out in the dark every day and came back in the early morning. I know all about the neighborhood. She's on the stage. "

There was a superior tone in his voice, and his words were solemn, as if he had mastered all the truth.

Jiang Jiu only read the news, and his knowledge of the dead was limited to the news. He was not willing to echo the driver's unfounded malicious speculation, so he just turned to look out of the window.

However, the driver was very excited and continued: "it is said that she was retaliated because she angered the guests by calling the police that time. If you ask me, she deserves it. You've got to call the police for what I want. Isn't that a whore? Do you still want to build a memorial archway? "

Just at this time, the car had already arrived at the gate of the community, and Jiang Jiu scanned the code and paid for it. When I got off the bus, I still couldn't help saying: "the specific situation of the case is subject to the police notice. We'd better not pass on those wild guesses, saying that it's stomatology and retribution. "

The driver didn't seem to expect that the young man who looked pretty would refute him and curse him for retribution, so his face immediately came down. He yelled a few words in Jiangcheng dialect, then deliberately stepped on the accelerator, and the wheels rolled up, and the splashing water roared past Jiang Jiu.

Fortunately, Jiang was able to hide quickly without being splashed with water.

He sighed, shook his head and strode into the neighborhood with his backpack in his arms.

What he said just now was not to scare or curse the driver.

Buddhism has three evils: mouth, body and mind.

Words can be used to kill people with swords and guns, so the deepest evil karma is oral karma.

The fourth commandment also says: don't lie.

However, in today's society, there are too many windows to speak, and many people can't control their speech desire. They are happy to talk about the "truth" they speculate, express their views like speakers, and point out the country. I just hate that I can't let everyone know my insight.

This is true of the comments under the news, and so is the driver just now.


Jiang Shu came home, took a hot bath, changed into clean clothes, and relaxed.

Outside the rain reduced, but has not stopped, rain line connected. After eating a piece of jade and ordering a takeout, he cradled the lion dragon nest in his arms and played with his mobile phone in the sofa

In the Department group, Xue Meng is make complaints about his grandpa in real time. His grandfather is an old revolutionary. His favorite is Mao. Zhu. Xi. If you come to the door, you have to recite a section of Mao. Zhu. Xi quotations... Comrade Xue Meng is out of luck today. Now he is being rushed to his study by his grandfather. He is full of indignation and unwilling to copy Mao. Zhu. Xi quotations.

It's like talking about stand up crosstalk.

Jiang Jiu flipped through the chat records and laughed as he watched. The negative emotion he had just been hooked up by the taxi driver soon dissipated.

There are all kinds of people in human society. There are good people, naturally there are bad people, or there are people in between who can't tell good from bad.

But generally speaking, there are still many lovely and kind people in this society.

After looking through the records of the Department group, Jiang Shu went to see the news that he didn't come to see. It turned out that it was Ying Qiao who sent it.

Look at the time of the message. He was in the car.

Ying Qiao sent several photos in a row, all of which were all kinds of candy. Finally, he asked which one he liked and brought it to him next time.

Looking at these photos, Jiang Shu seems to have tasted the sweet taste of peach again. He is not greedy, carefully selected some, his favorite can of fruit candy to Ying Qiao.

[goblin: this / picture]

Ask again: "how do you buy so much sugar?"

There are several jars of sugar on the tea table in front of Ying Qiao. There are all kinds of brands and prices. He specially asked people to buy them in the morning.

He didn't plan to send all of them to the goblins. He was ready to take a little water for him every time.

Only in this way can we have surprise and expectation.

According to raising cubs, parents should prepare small gifts for cubs from time to time, which can not only give cubs a sense of expectation, but also improve the intimacy between parents and cubs.

After rubbing his finger on the screen for a moment, he replied: "I can't eat so much from others

Although it's just a small gift, it can't be too deliberate to make the goblin feel uneasy.

Jiang's tone is really relaxed: [then I'll help you eat / have fun]

Ying Qiao: [well, there's something going on next Monday. I'll just pass by your unit. I'll send sugar to you at that time

Jiang Shu happily agreed.

He picked up the lion dragon, rubbed his chin on the lion dragon's hairy brain bag, and said with a smile, "I have sugar at work on Monday."

Of course, you can buy sugar by yourself, but it's always sweeter when given by others.

The lion dragon obviously felt the same way and rubbed him back happily with his chin.


The sudden rain didn't stop until Sunday afternoon. Although the rain stopped, the weather was still overcast. The originally warm temperature also dropped a few degrees. Jiang Chuan put on a thin coat and left the lion dragon at home. He went to the hospital to meet uncle Yao and Xiao Hei.

Uncle Yao's injury is not serious, but he is old and injured in his joints. He has only been in hospital for a week. Next, just go home and have a rest.

This week, Xiao Hei has quickly adapted to human society. When Jiang Jiu arrived, he had already completed the discharge procedures. Mr. Yao was sitting beside the hospital bed laughing and drinking tea, while he was busy packing.

Jiang Jiu helps him to clean up. Xiao Hei pushes the wheelchair, holds uncle Yao up and puts him in the wheelchair, and goes to the outpatient building to get the medicine.

The inpatient department is not far from the outpatient building. Xiao Hei goes to get the medicine, and Jiang Shu and uncle Yao are guarding the luggage in the hall. Because it's the weekend, there are many people in the hospital, especially the sudden cooling in the past two days. Many people are suffering from influenza. For a short time, 8.9 out of 10 people passing by are coughing.

"I don't feel it in the ward. It's really cold when I come out." Uncle Yao took out his wallet, counted five hundred yuan and said, "I don't think Xiao Hei has any decent clothes. He wouldn't want any money to buy them himself. I'll give you the money. Please take him to buy some clothes. Don't get sick. "

Jiang Shu is about to say that he has clothes there and doesn't need to waste money to buy them, but Uncle Yao shoves the money into his hand.

Between them, a piece of money fell to the ground. Jiang Zhou bent down to pick it up, but heard a mean voice shouting: "silly. Force, you are in my way!"

The voice was sharp and harsh. For a while, not only Jiang Jiu, but also the people around him were stunned. They all turned to look at the speaker. Jiang Jiu also straightened up to see, even though there was some accident - the other side turned out to be a mild looking girl. The sharp and mean voice matched with her gentle appearance, which seemed to be a little disobedient.

Jiang Jiu was about to say something, but he saw the girl staring at him, suddenly blushed, and then looked away awkwardly.

On the contrary, uncle Yao couldn't see it. He said, "I'm a girl. How can I talk so hard?"

The girl was obviously stunned for a while, looking at master Yao's expression, she was puzzled, but she said, "what's the matter with you

Uncle Yao was obviously not scolded like this. He didn't react until he was stunned. He was so angry that he patted the armrest of the wheelchair: "little girl is young, how can she be so poor?"

There are people around who can't see it, and they all accuse them: "it's obviously that you didn't see the way by playing with your mobile phone. How can you blame this little brother?"

"That is, how can you be so mean at a young age?"

"The old man also scolded, too ill bred..."

The girl looked around in panic, and her face turned red when she was accused. She seemed to react. She covered her mouth tightly and rushed out of the hall with shame and indignation.


#Nothing out of nothing#

Mr. Ying: I'm going to do something on Monday, just passing through the street.

Chen Hua: what's the matter? Why don't I know?

Ying Qiao (smile): that's why I want you to think.

Chen Hua: shit!


We dragon will not only pull hatred, but also routine cubs.

100 red packets, boo boo~