The farce in the outpatient department hall soon ended, but Uncle Yao was still shaking his head and sighing. He said how young people look like this.

Jiang Jiu pointed to Xiao Hei who came back with the medicine with a smile: "isn't there any good one?"

Uncle Yao was amused by him. He patted his thigh and said, "it's the same. Rice raises all kinds of people."

Seeing that they were looking at themselves and laughing, Xiao Hei felt a little confused. She subconsciously touched her face and asked, "what's the matter?"

Uncle Yao was not angry: "no, I asked Xiaojiang to take you to buy two clothes. Look at your clothes. Be careful when you get old and sick."

Xiao Hei hung the bag on the wheelchair and pushed him out: "I'm not cold."

He said not cold is really not cold, although there is no deep cultivation, but the physical quality is good, not so easy to get sick.

But Mr. Yao obviously didn't believe it. All the way, Xiao Hei was happy to hear it, with a bright smile on his face.

Three people hit a car back to the community, the two live in the opposite door, but also convenient. Just when the elevator stopped and the three of them went out, Xiao Hei suddenly remembered something. He turned to look at Jiang GUI in horror and stammered: "that, that... Da Hei has to work hard. You have to take care of him for two days. I'll pick him up when the house is tidy."

His voice was small and weak, and he felt guilty.

These days in the hospital are busy to forget, uncle Yao did not know big black has died. Big black is a small black disguised, now others here, there must be no big black in the room.

He can only make up an excuse to delay time, and then he looks at Jiang GUI for help and asks him to help.

Fortunately, Mr. Yao didn't hear anything wrong. He happily looked at Jiang Jiu and said, "I'll trouble you again. When my legs are ready, I'll cook a big meal for you. Xiaojiang must come."

Jiang Jiu gives Xiao Hei a soothing smile and smiles.


It rained again on Monday morning.

It's not the plum rain season yet, but the continuous rain is falling intermittently.

The weather was so bad that he bought two tea eggs for breakfast and went to work in a hurry.

Because of the rain, Jiang Jiu arrived late, and everyone else in the office had already arrived.

He threw the water drop on the umbrella in the bucket at the door and opened it to air in the open space behind the office.

Uncle Zhou is still the same, holding the hot tea with a smile. Jiang Jiu says good morning to him and takes the lion dragon to his station. Hearing the news, Xue Meng stood up and asked him the morning feebly.

Jiang Jiu was surprised: "what's wrong with your voice?"

Xue Meng is outgoing, and his voice is always full of vigor. As soon as he hears his voice, he knows that he is a sunny and healthy boy. But today, he is just like holding his voice. His voice is high pitched and sharp. How can he listen? How strange.

"I don't have much voice?" Xue Meng felt his throat suspiciously and coughed twice. He complained: "it's cool to sleep at night, but it's useless to take medicine. He coughed all the time. Is he hoarse?"

"Why are you hoarse?" Xiao Xiaoyu turned his head and said, "it's like a eunuch who has been castrated."

The voice is sharp and thin. People who prick their ears hurt.

I have to say that although she has a poisonous tongue, her description is very accurate.

Xue Meng refused: "you have been castrated, your whole family has been castrated!"

After that, he asked Jiang to comment: "Jiang, where do you think my voice is like a eunuch?"

Jiang Shu: emmmm

At first, he felt that Xue Meng was speaking with his voice in his mouth, but when Xiao Xiaoyu said that, he felt that it was really similar.

Xue Meng saw that he was silent and didn't speak. He suddenly showed his anger and anger that he had been betrayed: "even if you are aiming at me, you don't know how to care about patients."

Xiao Xiaoyu just turned out the cold medicine from the drawer, and smelled the speech and patted it on his desk: "my voice is like this, so I need to take the medicine honestly."

Xue Meng gave a strange hum. After all, he got up to take a cup of hot water and took two cold medicines.


The rain finally stopped in the afternoon.

Director Cheng calls Jiang GUI and Xue Meng to the office and gives them a stack of brochures on influenza prevention.

"According to the feedback from the hospital, there is a suspected outbreak of small-scale influenza in our district recently, and it has been rainy these two days. You two should go to these districts with high incidence of influenza to do preventive publicity work sometime. "

Jiang Jiu looked at the document and said, "Xue Meng has a cold. Let me go alone. Is there a deadline? "

Director Cheng said with a smile: "this week, we will try our best to publicize it in place."

Xue Meng originally wanted to go with him, but as soon as he opened his mouth and said two words, the ugly voice of Ji Gong scared director Cheng.

"Xiao Xue, if you can't hold on, please take sick leave to the hospital." Then he looked at Jiang Jiu kindly and patted the board: "the propaganda work will be hard for Xiaojiang. If you are not busy, you can relax some time."

Jiang Shu and Xue Meng return to the office with a large pile of publicity materials.

Xue Meng is still Baba Baba: "I'm actually OK, but my throat is a little uncomfortable. I feel itchy and always want to cough."

His voice was too sharp, just like sticking on his eardrum, Jiang Jiu couldn't stand it. He poured him a cup of hot water and tried to block his mouth: "I can do it alone. If you are sick, have a good rest, drink more hot water and talk less."

Xue Meng was moved and said in a sharp voice, "it's very kind of you, Jiang Shu."

Jiang Shu gave him a polite smile back.

Xue Meng: I'm so moved by QAQ


The publicity work of the community should be prepared in advance. The first time Jiang Jiu had no experience, Xue Meng found out the PPT of previous years to give him a reference. While reading the materials, Jiang Shu asked questions from time to time.

Until he saw the list of key publicity districts, pointed to the name of one of the districts and said in surprise, "how is hongjingyuan again?"

In just a few days, the frequency of hongjingyuan is too high. It seems to be everywhere.

Xue Meng suddenly said: "dead people, stained with bad luck."

He spoke very fast, but Jiang didn't hear clearly. He asked, "what did you say just now?"

Xue Meng pinched Ji Gong's voice and looked at him blankly: "I didn't speak."

Jiang Jiu frowned a little. He looked at Xue Meng seriously and touched his forehead again, but he didn't find anything unusual.

It's not like being attacked by evil or being cursed. There's no demon breath on the body.

Xue Meng looked at him with an aggrieved voice: "I don't have a fever."

Although he didn't see the problem, Jiang was still a little worried. He was not good at this kind of exorcism. He could only ask, "where did you go for two days on the weekend?"

Xue Meng recalled for a while, and said, "I went to my grandfather's home after work on Friday, and I came back on Sunday night, and I didn't go anywhere."

Jiang Shu asked again, "have you ever met anything special?"

Xue Meng thought for a moment: "it's nothing, is it? It's nothing in the community, listening to a group of aunts talk gossip. There are only people dead in the community. There is a warning belt on the manhole cover. I listened to it at that time. "

He looked at Jiang's serious expression. His eyes were gradually frightened. He lowered his voice and asked, "can't I hit a ghost?"

Jiang Shu patted him and said with a smile, "you don't see any problem. Maybe I think too much. If you don't mind, I'll ask your friend for confirmation later. "

Xue Meng nodded and said, "Dad, please ask for me, or I won't sleep soundly tonight."

Jiang Shu promised to come down.

Next, they concentrated on preparing the propaganda plan, but there was no problem again.


At the end of the day, Jiang Jiu suddenly receives a call from Ying Qiao.

The other party's voice with an obvious smile: "I just passed by your unit, are you off work? Is it convenient for me to come in? I've got something for you. "

After looking at the time, everyone was ready to leave work and said, "convenient. Where are you? I'll pick you up. "

"No, I'm in your office hall."

Ying Qiao got out of the car, carried several bags in his hand, chin toward Chen Huayang, indicating that he could go.

Of course, the process of handling affairs was made up. He just wanted to find a reason to feed the goblin and meet his colleagues and friends by the way.

As a pioneer of scientific breeding, Ying Qiao not only pays attention to the goblin itself, but also tries to understand the goblin's circle of friends.

It's also very important to help the cub establish a good relationship with colleagues and friends.

He was carrying four or five bags. As soon as he got to the hall, he met Jiang GUI who came out to welcome him.

It's a bit cold today. Jiang Jiu is wearing a white Long Sleeve hooded sweater. When he comes out in a hurry, the two small straps on his hat hang in front of him. He is very lively and lovely.

"I thought you weren't free today."

Ying Qiao followed him and said gently, "if you promise to come, you won't break your promise. It's just a little bit of a delay. "

The president still has to go to work, otherwise he can't afford to raise his son.

Jiang Shu didn't think much. He took him into the office and sat down in his own place.

Xiao Xiaoyu was the first to see and notice Ying Qiao. He came up with a smile and said, "Jiang Jiu, is this your friend?"

"This is Ying Qiao." Jiang Shu nodded. Introduced two people.

"This is Xiao Xiaoyu."

Ying Qiao nodded his head and said, "Hello, I'm older than Jiang GUI. He's just like my brother."

Then he put the bag on the table and took out the snacks and fruits and gave them to them: "it's rare to come here once. I bought some snacks. Thank you for taking care of Jiang Shu."

Xiao Xiaoyu was not polite. He took an orange and said enviously, "Jiang Shu, your brother is very kind to you."

She also wants to have this kind of handsome and warm brother!

Later Xue Meng held the rooster's voice and said, "welcome to Yingge in the future!"

In fact, Jiang Shu is a little embarrassed. If you really want to talk about it, Ying Qiao, an ordinary snake tribe, must be smaller than himself. But Ying Qiao didn't know his identity, and he had a heart of love, so he didn't retort and acquiesced to the other party's kindness.

It happened that uncle Zhou came back from the outside with a teacup: "Oh! Why is it so busy? "

Xiao Xiaoyu called him to eat fruit: "Jiang GUI's brother came to see him."

Uncle Zhou came forward happily. When he saw Ying Qiao, he was suddenly stunned. After a long time, he stammered: "Ying, Ying..."

Ying Qiao's eyes flashed, and immediately he said with a smile: "Uncle Zhou, I'm Ying Qiao, Jiang GUI's brother."

Uncle Zhou shook his hand and almost threw out the cup.


Long long: if you can't be a father, it's good to be a brother.


Hu: shameless! Get out of here!


Long long is really the two faces of the young.

Draw 100 red packets, chirp = 3=