Chapter 79 - Which Is More Shocking?

Meanwhile, Attorney Chan took hurried strides to catch up to Zoey. Did the settlement failed? It did, right? Does that mean they were back to their original situation?

"Miss Zhou, wait!" He was already in his late fifties, hence Attorney Chan was out of breath as he caught up to Zoey. "Are you fine with the outcome?" In between his deep breaths, Attorney Chan inquired. 

"It's not like we're coming at them unprepared." Nonchalant, Zoey responded, never stopping in her steps. 

"But this problem will last for a year or so..." 

"Attorney," Finally, Zoey halted. She turned her heel and faced the middle-aged lawyer with an unconcerned expression plastered across her face. "If only the Sun Corporation wasn't dealing with a huge project, we were probably inside the court now. Are you going to say that if we're in that scenario?" Arching her right brow, Zoey asked. 

"That is why I am saying we should avoid that from happening." Attorney Chan argued, heaving a distress sigh as he tried to make his point across her stubborn head. 

"Avoid what? Letting him go easily? He had harassed me for several months. Should I pretend that it's nothing?" Suddenly, the air surrounding Zoey grew colder. She might have put a strong front all this time, but Zoey could not stay silent all the time. 

Sure, she would spat hurtful words to scoot Richard Sun away. However, Richard Sun had tried many methods — including extreme ones — that violated Zoey's peace of mind and personal space as a woman. Good thing he was never successful — just halfway successful. 

She never mentioned it, but it was true. If they think Richard Sun was just a scum, they were wrong. She considered him as part of the lowest scum society. 

"Attorney Chan, the deal I am asking is the least they could give me. If they don't want my conditions, I won't take anything from them." Adamant on her stand, Zoey affirmed once more. The glint in her eyes was enough to make Attorney Chan to understand where she's coming from. 

The lawyer must have thought that there was a deeper grudge Zoey had against Richard Sun. There weren't many reasons, but for a woman, Richard Sun must've crossed the line and Zoey was just returning the favor. 

"Understood." Nodding in understanding, Attorney Chan didn't argue anymore. If this was his client wishes, so be it. All he had to do was to do his best on winning this case. 

"Good." Pleased that Attorney Chan stopped from arguing, Zoey was about to resume on her tracks. However, she stopped upon hearing her lawyer's next words. 

"Miss Zhou, you don't always act like this. Did something happened?" Attorney Chan glanced at her back, wondering if her current mood had anything to do with this whole fiasco. 

Knowing Zoey, even if she was mad at Richard Sun, she never acted on impulse. It would be easy if he considered that she was this adamant because of what Richard Sun did to her. However, Attorney Chan felt that she had an entirely different reason. 

"I'm just pissed, that's all." Giving him part of the truth, Zoey answered without turning to face him. 

Just then, Attorney Fu's voice assailed their ears, causing the two to turn their attention to him. "Miss Zhou!"

Zoey watched Richard Sun's lawyer jog his way towards her. Tilting her head to the side, Zoey crossed her arms as the side of her lips curled into a smirk. 

"Attorney Fu, we won't settle with you unless you listen to my client's conditions." Thinking that Attorney Fu followed them to ask them to reconsider, Attorney Chan declared. 

"Yes, I know." Panting, Attorney Fu took several breaths as he straightened his posture. "That's why I came here to say my client agreed with your conditions." After taking his last inhale and exhale, Attorney Fu didn't go around in a circle and delivered the news. 

"He didn't. He has no choice, am I right?" In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey humored with a faint scoff. "Regardless, since we are now on the same page, should we talk about it somewhere else?" Zoey proposed, shrugging her shoulders with a smile on her lips. 

With that, Zoey and the two lawyers discussed each condition. Richard Sun didn't join any discussion as he left the establishment. Zoey was much pleased he wasn't around. After all, his lawyer was more rational and understanding than that narrow-minded man. 

After discussing for two hours, the meeting finally ended. Zoey got most of her conditions and made things clear about the limited interactions Richard Sun could do with her. All those interactions should be business related matter — no more, no less. 

In the end, everything went well. They dropped all charges against Zoey and all the complaints she filed against Richard Sun.


Hours later, Zoey finally returned to Z Image Group. It was near dinner time, hence her people went home. 

Zoey stared at the establishment's front. A sigh escaped her lips. It was a long day, indeed. 

Thinking of a certain someone, Zoey fished out her phone from her purse. Staring at his contact name, Zoey edited Matthew Xi's name from Darling to Browny. 

After changing his contact name, Zoey pressed the call button. Normally, she would only send him a 'good evening' message. But she called him instead. 


[Xi Corporation main HQ]

"Sir..." Paul Qian whispered awkwardly. Matthew Xi was staring ahead at the project that was currently being presented. 

However, the presentation already ended thirty minutes ago! They were just waiting for his comments about it. Yet, Matthew Xi never said a word. The reason everyone was trapped in this conference room, waiting for their boss's thoughts and orders. 

Matthew Xi's gloomy mood had already spread throughout the entire company. Therefore, being trapped inside with him, everyone felt like shedding tears with this agonizing silence. 

Paul Qian sighed heavily, shifting his gaze to everyone around. He felt sorry for them as they were being forced to stay silent and accompany their boss. Paul Qian was used to the overwhelming presence of his boss for a long time, but not them.

"You're my honey bunch, sugar plum..." Just then, the silence that filling the room broke by a girl's terrible singing. It wasn't that terrible per se, just a little out of tune. 

With that, everyone looked at each other. Some gestured that it wasn't them while others checked their phones even though they don't have that ringtone. Soon, everyone slowly turned their head to the sound's source — from the head seat!

As soon as they set their eyes on Matthew Xi, he was already staring at his ringing phone bearing no emotions on his front. "Hmm?" Moments later, he answered and hummed a tune. 

No one knew what the other person on the line said, but it brought a brief smile on their boss's lips! Everyone didn't know which was more shocking: Matthew Xi having a woman's awful singing as a ringtone, his pink phone, or the fact that he smiled! 

Nevertheless, it caught everyone off guard. 

"Have you eaten?" Upon hearing Matthew Xi's question, everyone gasped in disbelief. Why was their boss sounded like he was a normal person?!