Chapter 94 - Stop Teasing Me, Woman.

"You want nudes?" Out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, Matthew Xi's under eye twitched upon reading such off track question. 

He was in the middle of an investigation, reading the Tang Family history and track records. All thanks to his reliable assistant and his down lines for the fast intel gathering. 

But she completely shattered his focus with that one chat of her: 'You want nudes?' Matthew Xi suddenly coughed lightly.

Why would he want nudes? Also, what's the use of asking if she wouldn't do it, anyway?

"She lost it, I see." Shaking his head sideways, Matthew Xi sighed as he pinched the space between his brows. 

The next second, Matthew Xi heard his phone's notifications ring, making him subconsciously glanced at it. Checking what she said again, Matthew Xi nearly coughed blood by the audacity. 

"I'm planning to take some, but I have no one to show it to so I'm asking. You want to see them?" 

In his eyes, Zoey finally lost it. She had gone mad with no chance of returning her sanity back. Still, whether or not he admits it, her words made his blood boils a little. 

It incited his imagination to run wild... no, he shouldn't think more. He shouldn't succumb to evil Zoey's dirty invasion and keep his clean mind from her naughtiness. 

Matthew Xi tossed his phone to the side, massaging his temples before jumping out from his seat. Despite the chill temperatures in his room, he felt hot as beads of sweats drenched his back. 

Therefore, Matthew Xi raised the room's temperature to cool his heated body. He was not a pervert, Matthew Xi knew that. 

Although he might be a little weird and creepy, he was only like this to her. After all, Zoey was the first woman that attracted him and turn him on even without trying. She's the only one he never felt disgusted being touched with. 

One of the primary reason Matthew Xi let her around him. She intrigued him. He wanted to know the reason he was so into her and what's special about her. Well, Zoey was indeed special in so many ways.

However, Matthew Xi never thought in his life that he would have a hard time pretending to be unfazed all the time. After all, Zoey was too unpredictable, just like tonight. 

Just then, Zoey's signature cuppy cake song that he used as his ringtone assailed his ears. Glancing at it, Matthew Xi gulped, seeing Zoey was calling. 

Heaving a few deep breaths, Matthew Xi cleared his throat as he answered the phone. "No, I don't want them." As soon as the line connected, Matthew Xi declared pertaining about the 'nude' part. 

"Aw.." Matthew Xi heard a faint disconsolate noise from her end. "Wait, I think I can still delete it since you haven't seen it yet." She muttered, her voice slightly faded away as if she was talking away from the phone's mic. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi perfectly heard her loud and clear. She sent it! Or maybe not? Matthew Xi had the urge to check, but stopped himself from doing so. 

After all, if she was bluffing, she would know if he was interested or not. That would lead to a never ending teasing. Matthew Xi wouldn't risk that. 

"Alright, all done!" Several seconds had passed and Zoey finally returned on the line. 

"You should sleep." That brief moment of silence helped Matthew Xi to calm down and clean up his messy mind. 

"Browny, are you not attracted to me?" Alas, instead of abiding, Zoey asked. "I mean, I get that we have a contract and you're a really good person. But what I am asking is, what do you think of me, really?" This might be an out of the blue question, but Zoey was truly intrigued on the answer. 

The answer wasn't that important, though. He could just shrug it off like he usually does, Zoey wouldn't mind. She just wanted to talk to him a bit more, like how normal people does. 

Yet, Zoey was clueless that normal people just wouldn't ask that out of the blue. The mood was off; the timing was off, and everything contradicted the idea of an honest talk. 

Matthew Xi knitted his brows, pondering about that particular question. Although the question was rather random, Matthew Xi still contemplated on his answer. 

"Do I have to answer?" After some time, Matthew Xi arched his right brow as he inquired. 

"No. Actually, don't answer. I have an awful feeling I won't like it." After the long wait, Zoey changed her mind upon his last inquiry. Matthew Xi was too honest for his own good. Thus, she didn't want to hear some hurtful words before their official date. 

Little did Zoey know, Matthew Xi's answer wouldn't hurt her. Because he didn't know the answer as well. Matthew Xi wouldn't keep her around if he knows, right?

"I see..." Yet, he sounded understanding, as if he was the one showing mercy on Zoey. 

"Anyway, I still sent you a teaser to add some excitement for tomorrow's date. See ya! Goodnight~" Diverting the subject, Zoey said as she smiled and teased. She heard him hummed a tune, her cue to cut the line short. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi narrowed his eyes as he pondered on the keyword 'teaser'. Sensing that she left something on his phone, Matthew Xi checked the messages she sent. 

For a second, he stopped. No, his entire world stopped. Zoey sent her a message with an attached photo in it. 

She was in a bubble bath. Her drenched collarbones glistered due to the water, there were some bubbles on her shoulders and cleavage, and a few strands of her tied-up hair dangled on her slim neck. Although she covered her face with her hand, Zoey's eyes were seen as she left a few wide gaps between her fore and middle finger for her to see. 

Just staring at it, it emanated her playfulness. He could see her mischievous smile behind her hand, as if teasing him more. 

"That woman... such courage, I commend..." Matthew Xi whispered, staring at the photo before he saved it in his gallery. "Stop teasing me, woman. I don't have an unlimited self-control." he added as a brief chuckle escaped his mouth. 

Unbeknownst to Zoey, she indirectly gave Ezekiel Tang a leeway from Matthew Xi's clutches. She didn't know that she lightened the mood of the king by that single photo. 

And Matthew Xi was stingy enough not to let her know how her little mischievous act amused him.