Chapter 109 - Sweet Nothings

After some time, Zoey and Matthew Xi had settled in their seats around the long table. With them were Ezekiel Tang, Olivia Tang, Clara Wei, Professor Meng, Richard Sun, Director Long, and other distinguished guests. 

As they dined, they threw compliments towards the couple and Madam Tang every minute. Sometimes, they curry-favored Richard Sun for his successful deal with the Xi's. 

Professor Meng and Director Long also mingled naturally as they knew some faces around the table. From a bystander's perspective, none of them showed interest towards Matthew Xi. At least, some greeted Zoey and even asked about her company. 

While some sympathized with Matthew Xi, the man himself preferred being ignored. At least, Zoey didn't ignore him and served him well. That's what was important to him. 

"Nzbxmk ksiznsvak" Zoey whispered in his ears. 

"Huh?" Retracting his head away from Zoey, Matthew Xi knitted his brows. "What are you saying?" He asked, lowering his voice. 

"I'm whispering sweet nothings." She giggled, teasing his curiosity as she shook her head. 

Matthew Xi could not help but shake his head, finding her ideas as silly and unpredictable as ever. Indeed, those were some sweet nothings — a literal sweet nothing. 

Ezekiel Tang's grip on his fork trembled as he watched Zoey and Matthew Xi. Because they were labeled as humble people, Ezekiel Tang insisted that Zoey and Matthew Xi should take the seats opposite them. That was to cover up for his mother's words earlier and showing him some face. 

However, as the dinner proceeded, Ezekiel Tang could hardly focus on food because of Zoey. She was being too intimate with Matthew Xi. Moreover, she kept whispering in his ears and giggling. 

Just what were they talking about?

"Brother Zeke..." Sensing the dark aura emanating from Ezekiel Tang, Clara Wei served a piece of a dish on his plate with a smile. "Auntie is watching," she added with a whisper, reminding him to act accordingly. 

Ezekiel Tang just glanced at Clara Wei's side profile before he scoffed faintly. "Know your place." He replied, bearing no love and affection towards his fiancee. 

Clara Wei forced a smile, pursing her lips as she acted as if she had heard nothing. Glancing at Zoey, Clara Wei tightened her grip while maintaining her gentle poise. 

"Miss Zhou, so how long have you known Mr. Xi?" Striking a conversation, Clara Wei purposely turned to Zoey, catching the attention of some people around the table. 

"Hmm? We met a couple of years ago, but things back then were chaotic." Rubbing her chin, Zoey recalled the time when she first met Matthew Xi. "But, it was last month when we happened to bump into each other again. It was then that we decided to date exclusively. Hehe~" She added, chuckling at how Matthew Xi had made this past month colorful for her. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi glanced at Zoey's gleeful side profile. He wondered why she was lying. After all, he didn't find any problem in confessing the truth. 

Little did he know, Zoey wasn't lying. It was him who could not remember her from that night. If only he knew that stranger that night was Zoey, Matthew Xi wouldn't be too restrained around her. 

"I see..." Nodding in understanding, Clara Wei beamed a smile. "I'm glad that you found a good man."

"I can't take all the credits for that. I should also thank Miss Wei for giving me advice and lessons in finding a good man." Zoey grinned, resting the side of her head on Matthew Xi's shoulder briefly. 

"Thank you for teaching me how to choose my man wisely." Zoey added, winking at her as she altered her gaze between Clara Wei and Ezekiel Tang. 

"We can't expect anything less from Miss Wei! She is blessed to have Mr. Tang as her lover; he truly takes care of her. She even receives flowers and food deliveries from Mr. Tang while she is away filming!" Hearing their conversation, Director Long heartily laughed as he shared Ezekiel Tang's bottomless love for Clara Wei. 

Little did they know, Ezekiel Tang never did such things. It was all Clara Wei's doing. Ezekiel Tang just received all the credits for doing nothing. 

"Mr. Tang is indeed any woman's dream. Miss Wei is fortunate to marry such a man!" Narrowing her eyes, Zoey smirked as she nodded her head in agreement. 

"No, Miss Zhou. I am the one who's fortunate to have a chance to marry Clara." Shaking his head, Ezekiel Tang rebutted as he held onto Clara Wei's hand while he locked his gaze onto Zoey's. 

"Awww~" Sounding moved by their love, Zoey glanced at the 'ice sculpture clad in human skin' beside her. "Darling, do you think you're lucky being with me?" She asked, gazing at him with expectant eyes. 

"Mhmm..." Slowly, Matthew Xi placed a spoonful of vegetables on her plate as he hummed along to a tune. 

"Hihi~ darling, there are many people around. Why do you want to kiss me right now?" Giggling, Zoey murmured, which was enough for Ezekiel Tang and Clara Wei to decipher. 

Didn't he just hum? He didn't say a word, yet Zoey was spouting nonsense. It should alarm Matthew Xi that Zoey was hearing things, right?

The corner of Richard Sun's eye twitched as he discreetly listened to this conversation. Was she translating Matthew Xi's humming? Seriously?

"Because I realized that I'm lucky." Matthew Xi answered, going along with her 'translations'. 

Zoey pursed her lips, not expecting to hear such an answer. Although she knew he was just going with the flow, it still made her heart happy. 

"Hehe! Should we expect an invitation for an engagement in the future, Mr. Xi?" Pleased at how Matthew Xi expressed himself, Professor Meng chimed in. 

"That depends if I'll have the opportunity to propose before her, Professor Meng." Matthew Xi's impression towards Profesor Meng gradually turned from displeased to good. 

After all, only Professor Meng stood by Zoey's side earlier. Although he was still fooled by Olivia Tang's cunning words, Matthew Xi noticed how it displeased the old man. Therefore, he acknowledged the man as an ally. 

"Haha! I knew it! Little Zoey, you should be patient and stop ruining a man's chance by doing it yourself first. Hahaha!" Sending waves of laughter, Professor Meng humored. 

He was not surprised if Zoey proposed first before Matthew Xi.. After all, Zoey compliments herself to the heavens that one would feel ashamed to compliment her more.