Chapter 112 - A Man's Nature


"Mr. Xi," Clara Wei offered Matthew Xi a glass of wine. Matthew Xi glanced at the glass of liquor before he accepted it wordlessly. 

"Well, I know Auntie had been picking on you, so I apologize in her stead." Since he was keeping his silence as they stood near one of the corners of the hall, Clara Wei began the conversation on a humble note. "But, you know, Miss Zhou, she's not the person to pause and think about her words either." She added, giving justice to her future mother-in-law's action. 

Meaning to say, it was Zoey's fault why Matthew Xi was being picked on. He understood the woman's insinuation, but couldn't care less about it. 

Sure, it was his first experience of being discriminated against. Apart from his mother, Vivian Xi, no one dared to offend him — no one was that bold in his presence. 

On a brighter note, Matthew Xi somehow witnessed the different sides of these people. Although he knew about this wicked side of human nature all along, Matthew Xi could not say that he understood it earlier. But now, he does after experiencing it firsthand. 

"What is the important subject you want to talk about?" Matthew Xi asked, cutting off all irrelevant details and jumping straight to the point. 

"Uhm..." Pursing her lips at his lack in interest, Clara Wei looked around discreetly. "This may come as a surprise to you, but Miss Zhou and my fiance had a history together." Mustering her courage to give him some information which she didn't know that he was aware of, Clara Wei cleared her throat. 

"That was back when our relationship was going through tough times." She added, slowly scrutinizing his reaction. Alas, Matthew Xi's front didn't change — not even a bit. "I'm not trying to taint Miss Zhou's name for being a third party in our relationship. But what I'm saying is Miss Zhou loved my fiance in the past. I'm afraid... she hasn't moved on yet." Clara Wei bit her lower lip as she voiced out her thoughts. 

Glancing at Matthew Xi, she was relieved that he had a brief change of expression. By the looks of it, he was slightly enraged knowing that information. Little did she know, some other fact caused the sudden mood transition. 

"Miss Wei, are you telling me to work with you so it wouldn't happen again?" That 'third party' part took Matthew Xi by surprise. He didn't expect that. Regardless, his instincts told him it wasn't important at the moment. 

"No... I mean, I — yes." Stuttering because of the harsh chill in the air, Clara Wei cleared her throat along with her firm resolve. 

"I appreciate your offer, but I can't." Nodding his head for giving him a clear resolve, Matthew Xi thought of returning the same honesty.

"What... why?" 

"Miss Wei, I don't mean to offend, but what I'm about to tell you is my personal opinion as a man and as a person. I don't know much about love nor our current predicament. However, even if we try our best to separate them, if we are not enough for them or it is not us that they seek, we can't do anything about it. Your fears are bound to happen, regardless." Blunt and straight to the point, Matthew Xi shared his hindsight about the whole situation. 

Indeed, Matthew Xi lacks knowledge when it comes to matters of love. He was never in a relationship before Zoey. He believed that having a companion in life was a person's choice and was not mandatory. 

Thus, no matter how many dates his mother set him up with, Matthew Xi never thought of being committed in a relationship, much less marriage. After all, why would he tie himself down in a relationship he didn't want in the first place?

"But, Mr. Xi..."

"Miss Wei, when a third party is involved, I believe it isn't entirely the third party's fault; the greater fault is of the person who has the commitment." Cutting off her argument even before she could begin, Matthew Xi added strongly. "I'm not telling you how to live your life, but if a man did it once, even marriage can't stop him. He will certainly do it again with some other person." 

Clara Wei's shoulder trembled along with her lower lip. She knew that. Everything that Matthew Xi said, she was well-aware of that deep down. However, the truth was overwhelmingly painful for her to face. It wasn't that easy — it was easier said than done.

After all, she loves Ezekiel Tang more than she loves herself. Hence, she kept losing it but couldn't really blame Ezekiel Tang. 

"Don't worry. I'll pretend you didn't say anything. If I may excuse myself now," Watching her tremble as the obvious truth bit her unprepared, Matthew Xi slightly bowed his head as he excused himself. 


"Help! Someone help me! I'm about to get r*ped!" Zoey screamed, as Ezekiel Tang dragged her back to the restroom. 

"Shut up!" He growled, slamming the door close as he pinned Zoey against the wall. "Zoey, are you out of your mind?"

"Wow, the nerve! I should be the one asking that; are you out of your mind?" Utterly shocked at his shamelessness, Zoey hissed back as a glint flashed across her eyes. 

"Yes! You make me lose my sanity!" Ignoring Zoey's glares, Ezekiel Tang roared. "Bringing that man here... purposely trying to make me jealous, Zoey aren't you going too far?" 

Upon hearing his last remarks, Zoey slightly calmed down as she stared at his desperate front. Slowly, his hand cupped her cheek, sending shudders all over her body. 

"Z, let's go far away from here." Calming down as Zoey stopped retaliating, Ezekiel Tang uttered under his breath. "Didn't you want that? Just you and me? Against the world?" The corner of his lips curled up a little, reminiscing about the good days in the past. 

"You..." Staring at him, Zoey could not find the words to respond as she could not discern where to start. Ezekiel Tang was truly a shameless trash that was a waste of space in this world. 

However, unlike how her mind insulted him in utter disgust, Ezekiel Tang perceived her reaction as submission. He believed that his words definitely opened her heart. 

"Z, I will protect you this time and love —"

"No," Before he could spout another batch of cringy nonsense, Zoey cut him off by rejecting him without batting an eye. 

Ezekiel Tang stared at her as a scoff escaped his lips when he took several steps back. "Why?" He asked, ruffling his hair in distress. 

Just as he asked, both Zoey and Ezekiel Tang heard a light knock from outside. "Are you still inside?" Followed by Matthew Xi's deep voice. 

"Is it because of him?" Ezekiel Tang scoffed in mockery. "What do you think he would do if he saw us here? Together?" The corner of his lips curled up into a smirk. 

"Who knows... you might drop dead." Unlike what he expected, Zoey kept up her nonchalant front despite her panicking heart. 

Of all people, why must Matthew Xi see this? Zoey wouldn't care if it was Clara Wei or anyone else, it would just give her more entertainment. But Matthew Xi? Zoey didn't want him to misunderstand or even hurt him in the slightest. 

"We'll see." Shrugging his shoulder, Ezekiel Tang cocked his head towards the door's direction, gesturing for her to go. 

"Don't push your luck, Mr. Tang." Zoey glanced at him, her tone incredibly colder than the usual as she headed for the door. 

Zoey held onto the door handle for a few seconds before she deeply exhaled.. With that, Zoey opened the door just to be welcomed by Matthew Xi's piercingly cold gaze.