Chapter 130 - Curiosity Kills The Cat

Cora Ma looked down. She stared at her fist that was on her lap before her lips tilted into a meek smile. 

What she failed to see was the confusion on Zion Kwan's face. His brows twitched upon hearing Zoey's name as the person he had romantic feelings with. 

Zion Kwan studied her small frame that he took last night. If not for the fact that her reaction about last night wasn't the same as what she showed him, Zion Kwan would surely clear this misunderstanding. 

However, he just lost all his will and motivation that he didn't have the energy to clarify things with her. Therefore, Zion Kwan nodded his head as he leaned his back on the couch. 

"Thank you," He said, piercing her already wounded heart. 

"Anyway, I'll pretend nothing happened last night. It will be awkward if Zoey has another brilliant idea again." With her fist clenched tightly, Cora Mu mustered her courage as she looked up to him. 

She smiled brightly, chuckling at her last remarks as if it was nothing. Zion Kwan just nodded his head as he offered her a weak smile. 

"I'm sorry." Saying the words he didn't intend to say after realizing what happened between them, Zion Kwan sighed. 

No, he wasn't sorry. He didn't even have a bit of regret about last night. Although his actions were a bit out of control, Zion Kwan subconsciously knew what he was doing. 

He wasn't that reckless in his actions. It was just that his feelings for her overwhelmed him that he snapped and lost control. 

Hence, he wasn't sorry. But since this was the outcome, he would rather treat it as something with little importance. 

"It's fine. No need to say sorry." Cora Ma picked up her things with a smile still plastered across her face. With that said note, she slightly bowed her head and excused herself. 

As she turned around, Cora Ma bit her lower lip as hard as she could. She resisted the tears that were attempting to fall any minute. 'Not now,' she chanted internally, asking for her eyes to hold the tears as she couldn't break down now. 

Despite how heavy her feet felt, no matter how her heart ached, Cora Ma's steps didn't falter as she strode out of the hotel room. 

On the other hand, Zion Kwan just watched her depart the room. 

'I should've stopped myself last night to avoid this pain today...' He whispered inwardly as he scoffed in mockery upon the shame he brought to himself. 



"Suspish, suspish, suspish..." Zoey chanted. She perched on the couch in the Indian style and stared at her phone placed on the small table. 

"What are you murmuring about?" Leaning against the wall not far away from her, Matthew Xi furrowed his brows. 

He had arrived a few minutes ago and Zoey was just murmuring while staring at her phone as if thinking what to do with it. 

"Browny, did I mention that Cora and my Big Bro went on a date last night?" Without glancing at his direction, Zoey squinted her eyes more as she rubbed her chin. 

"No, you didn't." 

"Well now I did. But, it's already past noon and both of them are not answering their phones. Do you think they finally did the deed? I mean they like each other, anyway." Glancing at Matthew Xi, she blinked her eyes as she sought for some helpful opinion from him. 


"Wow, my darling. Very insightful comment." After a minute of eye contact, Zoey clapped her hands as she nodded her head. 

"I am mildly surprised that that's the only reason you can come up with." Hearing her sarcastic remarks, Matthew Xi shrugged his shoulders as he perched on the couch beside her and placed a paper bag on top of the table. 

"Browny, I've known them for the longest time and I always follow my instincts." Casting him the are-you-saying-I'm-dumb look, Zoey informed him in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Matthew Xi just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as he couldn't care less about other's love affair. After all, he was already confused about what Zoey's role in his life was. So he didn't have time to spare worrying about others. 

"Something happened..." Zoey muttered, nodding her head in conviction. 

"Like?" Turning his head to her, Matthew Xi waited for her reply as he watched her serious side profile. 

"I don't know, but something happened." Rubbing her chin, Zoey arched her right brow as an idea struck her. "Darling, how about we drop by my brother's place and interrogate him?" She proposed, perking up to her side to where he was languidly sitting. 

"Rest." Not surprised by her sudden suggestion, Matthew Xi placed the tip of his forefinger on her forehead and pushed it lightly. 

"But my curiosity is bugging me!" She frowned, relaxing her shoulders as she raised her helpless eyes. 

"But curiosity kills the cat." Unfazed, Matthew Xi wouldn't fall for her adorable card. Moreover, what's wrong if something happened between Zion Kwan and Cora Ma?

They're adults, anyway. Also, it would make him feel assured that her 'brother from another mother' doesn't bear any romantic feelings for her. Well, no one could blame him for doing so as Zion Kwan was utterly protective to Zoey as if she was his lifetime treasure. 

"Drop it. Your friend or your brother will surely tell you about it."

"Will you tell your sister about the details of how we made love? Of course, you won't. My brother will never tell me and if what's on my mind happened, Cora will never tell me either." Sighing heavily, Zoey shook her head as if she was in a life crisis. 

"I don't have a sister." Yet, Matthew Xi informed her of the things she didn't know instead of the main subject. 

"Eh? How about a brother?"

"I'm an only child." Shaking his head, Matthew Xi glanced at the strand of hair that was going up against the flow of her hair. "Neither a friend." He added, fixing the messy strands of her hair. 

Zoey blinked her eyes as she watched him stroke her hair. For some reason, she didn't doubt his last remark as his personality was one that would have a hard time looking for friends. 

Pursing her lips together, Zoey breathed out deeply before she suddenly laid her head on his lap. "I'll probably satiate my curiosity next time.. Baby, stroke my hair until I fall asleep!" She grinned before she fixed her body in a comfortable position.