Chapter 163 - Ma — Marriage...?

Meanwhile, as soon as Matthew Xi closed the door, he glanced at it one more time. Fishing out his phone inside his pocket, Matthew Xi called his assistant as he walked away. 

It took less than a ring before the line connected. "Young Master," Paul Qian greeted solemnly. 

"Fill me in." Matthew Xi ordered, as he headed towards the hospital parking ground. 

"Young Master, about the incident, the bartender who served you last night also quit in the next few hours. We tried to get his information but he was working under the table. We can get more information, but I'm afraid it would take a few days." Delving instantly on Matthew Xi's main concern, Paul Qian filled him in as Matthew Xi told him he was nearly drugged. 

Obviously, Paul Qian had given this situation his highest priority. To him, it was good that Matthew Xi didn't drink it. 

Little did he know, Zoey was the one who was drugged. Still, the mystery of who it might be and if it was merely a coincidence, remained. 

"Alright. How about Mother?" Nodding his head in understanding, Matthew Xi paused in his tracks as he peered at Zoey's car. 

He just realized that he didn't have his own vehicle with him. After all, he often drove Zoey back home. Hence, to lessen the trouble, the two of them had this silent agreement on using her car wherever they would go. 

"Uhm," Paul Qian cleared his throat, pondering where he should start. "About Madam Xi, she ordered to lock your place and not let anyone in — even you, sir." Clenching his jaw, Paul Qian informed his boss on how Vivian Xi declared a lockdown on Matthew Xi's place. 

God... how Paul Qian wished he was not the person to relay such news. After all, Matthew Xi was a little unpredictable and he might announce his retirement even before they knew it!

Just what was Vivian Xi thinking? Why must she torment everyone including herself? 

"Where is she?��� Unlike what Paul Qian expected, Matthew Xi sounded unsurprised and laid back. 

"Uh..." Shaking his head, Paul Qian cleared his mind, yet his brows knitted. "Madam has a meeting with the board of directors before lunch." Still, Paul Qian gave out the information he knew as he was still at the company while Vivian Xi informed him that her son would take a week leave. 

"I'm on my way." Nodding his head, Matthew Xi uttered and without further ado, he ended the line. 

Returning his focus on Zoey's not-so-fabulous car, the corner of his lips curled into a smirk. "I wonder if she will try to sneak out." He whispered before hitching inside her car. 



Going straight to the office without changing his casual outfit since last night, Matthew Xi garnered everyone's attention as he entered the premises. 

"Young Master," One after another, every one bowed their heads as they stepped to the side to make way for him. 

Ever since Matthew Xi started participating in the XI Company affairs, not once had they seen him wearing anything aside from his uniformed suits. In other words, everyone was appalled as this was the first time they had seen their big boss coming to the office appearing less strict with his casual sweater and pants. 

"Son!" From the opposite way, Vivian Xi, followed by a group of executive directors, called out. 

Her brows creased as she gazed at his figure. If she remembered correctly, this was the same outfit she saw him wearing yesterday. 

As usual, there wasn't much reaction from him as he scanned his mother and the directors behind her. Bafflement plastered across their faces as they stared at him with eyes full of question marks. 

Slowly, Matthew Xi trudged forward, approaching the cluster of significant individuals in their company. He stopped several steps away from his mother as he ignored their odd glances. 

"I heard what you did to my place." Without further ado, Matthew Xi went straight to the point which made Vivian Xi gulp out of guilt. 

"Well..." Averting her gaze away from him, Vivian Xi cleared her throat as she didn't expect that Matthew Xi would know this soon. 

After all, Vivian Xi was certain that her son would be a little more busy today. Hence, her estimation before the news would reach him would be late. 

Alas, Vivian Xi underestimated Paul Qian's loyalty to him. Well, regrets wouldn't make things different. Thus, Vivian Xi exhaled sharply as she perked her chin up as she arched her right brow. 

To Vivian Xi and everyone else who were sneaking glances at them surprised, Matthew Xi smirked as a faint chuckle slipped past his lips. 

"Uhh, son...?" In disbelief of what she was seeing before her, Vivian Xi blinked her eyes many times as she shifted her gaze to the people around her. Her eyes sought for clarification if they were seeing the same as her. 

Matthew Xi took a step forward, fishing out a key from his pocket and offered it in front of his mother. Vivian Xi alternated her gaze from his russet orbs to the keys in his. 

"These are...?"

"My spare keys." In a matter-of-fact tone, Matthew Xi answered without a second hesitation. "Didn't you say you forbid me to enter my own place? I'm reassuring you, I won't." Shaking the keys, Matthew Xi nodded his head in satisfaction as Vivian Xi laid her palm open. 

"Oh..." Blinking her eyes many times, Vivian Xi squinted her eyes suspiciously as she watched Matthew Xi glance at the board of directors before he pivoted his heel — going back to the elevator lift. 

"Uhm, young master? Aren't you on leave today too?" Assuming he was heading back to his office, Vivian Xi hastily took a few steps as she inquired. "Why are you here, then? You're not thinking of working...?" Intrigued, Vivian Xi added. 

For some reason, the board of directors and some employees around perked their ears as they patiently waited for the big boss's reply. 

"No. I need to arrange my marriage certification." Blunt and direct, Matthew Xi answered and left them just like that. 

For a long minute, the whole empire fell silent. Even Vivian Xi, who was doing every means to push her son to find his real feelings, was utterly surprised. 

"Ma — marriage....?" As the keyword finally processed in Vivian Xi's head, her eyes shone brightly as the side of her lips stretched into a large grin.