Chapter 281 - Till Death Do Us Part.


"Nik, Zoey is pregnant... you can't—" Sounding reluctant, Patrizio Moretti was interrupted midway. 

"So?" Arching his right brow, Nikolai Silvestri emptied the remaining whiskey in his glass. 

"She's married to Xi Matthew. He could—" Patrizio Moretti paused, seeing the dangerous glint plastered in that pair of piercing hazel eyes. 

He knew asking for Matthew Xi's help would hurt Nikolai Silvestri's pride. But, aside from pride, Patrizio Moretti was aware of the real reason. 

"Family matters, Pat. No outsiders allowed. I am fulfilling a promise with her..." Cold and domineering, Nikolai Silvestri tightened his grip around the empty glass. 

"She will hate me, but I'd prefer that hate if that will give her the drive to live." Slowly, Nikolai Silvestri hung his head low, a pained emotion flickered across his hazel eyes. "You too, Pat. This is the last time you'll contact me." He waved his hand, sending Patrizio Moretti away. 

Patrizio Moretti's eyes frowned, nodding his head as he slowly departed the dark room. Never in his life did he imagine that the once powerful Silvestri Family that protected them from the shadows and gave them the opportunity to start their life anew, had fallen. 

Now, Nikolai Silvestri was just a desperate man who wanted to protect what he could still protect. This was his last struggle... but Patrizio Moretti had his own mind and could make his own decision. 

"Book me a flight to Country S." As soon as Patrizio Moretti left the room, he fished out his phone and ordered as soon as the line connected. 

'I'm sorry, Nikolai. I also want to protect my friends in my own means.' When he ended the brief call, Patrizio Moretti glanced at the door for the last time. He knew he needed to meet Zoey and maybe, her husband could help. 

This was also Patrizio Moretti's last struggle... and the last sliver of hope: Zoey and Matthew Xi. Nikolai Silvestri would hate him, but that was also better than doing nothing knowing there were forces that were coming to have his head. 


Night time in Country S, Z Image Building. 

"Darling~!" As soon as Zoey departed her office, her gaze landed on the most handsome guy in her eyes who was walking towards her. 

"I missed you~!" Skipping her steps, Zoey excitedly approached. Alas, Matthew Xi frowned as he hastened his pace to meet her halfway. 

"Careful." He reminded, frowning as skipping her steps might be dangerous for her condition. 

"Ehh, the doctor said that I and the baby are healthy. A slight skipping is fine~ also, why are you frowning? Are you not happy to see me?" Zoey pouted, disheartened that she was scolded despite being sweet unlike her cold-treatment towards him early in the morning. 

"Silly." Sighing, Matthew Xi stroked her hair as his eyes softened. He was just worried that she would trip. But, that didn't mean he wasn't glad to see her after a long day. 

"Gosh... I prefer the gloomy atmosphere than being fed with dog food!" Melanie Xue constantly glanced at Zoey and Matthew Xi who were enveloped with pink hearts, and petals. 

The couple just beamed brightly — almost blinding for single people like her! They got used to Matthew Xi's presence and adjusted, but this sight... no one in the office would ever get used to it. 

They were just reminded about going home to an empty home! They were reminded that they would wake up tomorrow with no one on their side and had to work tirelessly the whole day!

"Oops! We should head home because I can feel the bitterness in this building." Laughing evilly, Zoey purposely raised her voice for everyone to hear her teasing. "Or maybe, we could go on a date because I miss my darling so much it makes me cry~! Darling, my love, shall we?" Turning to Matthew Xi, Zoey locked her arm around his as she smiled sweetly. 

"Stop teasing them." Shaking his head, Matthew Xi assisted Zoey out of the office while waving his hand to her people. 

"Damn it! This is her own bitter building!" When Zoey and Matthew Xi departed the office, Melanie Xue ground her teeth as she was utterly envious of Zoey — not the bad kind of enviousness though. 

"Well, that's the sign for another all-nighter for me! I wouldn't want to go home knowing no one will love me." Luigi Chan shrugged his shoulder; he had already embraced being single for life. 

"Huhuhu..." Being a hit melodramatic, Melanie Xue pretended to wipe her artificial tears as she knew her unrequited crush towards Paul Qian would remain like that forever. 


"Hehehe..." Hearing her giggle while on the way home, Matthew Xi shook his head sideways. 

"You really know how to tease them." He sighed, brushing the strand of hair on her side. 

"Well, you don't know how envious I was before because most of them were in a relationship. They even paraded it in front of me! Now, it's my time to return the favor — bwahaha!" Zoey justified her actions. After all, most of the pioneer employees in Z Image Group were in a relationship in the past while she was still grinding. 

Zoey could remember them acting too lovey-dovey after working hours. Hence, now is the time for Zoey to parade her beloved husband. 

"Mhmm," Matthew Xi hummed a tune, the corner of his lips lifted up in a slight smile while letting whatever reason she had to tease her people go. 

"Darling, do you love me?" Out of nowhere, Zoey perked up as she batted her eyelashes beautifully. 

"I love you." Staring at those expectant eyes, Matthew Xi poked the tip of her nose as he answered her question. 

"Even if we grow old? Even if I get wrinkles? Even if my body changes once I give birth? Will you still love me?" In the mood to feel loved and clingy, Zoey stretched her lips upward as she waited for his response. She was low on sugar, hence, she needed some sweetness in her system. 

"Till death do us part." As usual, his answer was short but enough to answer her silly questions. 

Upon hearing his reply, Zoey's whole face was colored with excitement.. "I'm so in love~ I'm fangirling~!" Staring at him, Zoey's smile seemed like it wouldn't leave her face until her mood swings came rushing in again.