Chapter 313 - Hi Handsome

"That was just yesterday..." Zoey murmured, her eyes still fixated on the starless sky as her last memory in the year 2020 was Iñigo trying to stop her from pulling the trigger. 

She wondered what happened after that. Not that she was concerned about Iñigo. More like she was curious how miserable a person like that monster could live without any other drive to function. 

After all, he had been obsessed on watching her grieve. He went to all the trouble to save her and bring her back to life just so she could suffer. With her death, Iñigo must have lost his purpose too. 

"What about yesterday?" Ivan's face hovered above hers, furrowing his brows in curiosity as she had been silent but murmured from time to time. He was worried if Zoey had hit her head or something. 

"I blew my head off yesterday and now I'm lying here; alive with a back pain." Zoey shifted her gaze to meet his eyes, shrugging her shoulders as she answered in a matter-of-fact tone. 

No one would believe her anyway, and would probably take her words as a joke. Therefore, Zoey didn't find the need to lie about her thoughts.

"I don't think back pain is the only condition we should worry about — your head too." Ivan shook his head as he sighed. Zoey was acting weird and saying awful stuff. 

Zoey knew that Ivan disliked the word death being spoken by his friends. Although his line of work under the Silva Family was risky, he didn't like the mentality that dying would be okay. Hence, he rarely spoke of death because he tended to be extra sensitive about the topic. 

Just then, Ivan raised his head towards the direction they came from. There, one motorbike was rushing it's way towards them. 

"Huh?" Slowly, Ivan pushed his hand away from his knees and straightened his posture. As the motorcycle came close, his forehead creased because he clearly told this guy to return. But, what was he doing here?

Zoey turned her face towards the direction of the source of the screeching. She blinked her eyes slowly, clarifying her eyes if she was seeing him for real. After a few blinks, Zoey sighed as she wasn't surprised that he followed them. 

'What a worrywart.' Zoey murmured internally. 

However, she knew he came to check on Kenneth Bai's condition. After all, although Kenneth Bai inflicted a few scratches earlier, his mental state would be in a haywire for sure. 

In other words, Kenneth Bai would still need to spend the night or how many days in the hospital to cope. On the other hand, Zoey just wanted to sleep with Matthew Xi to recuperate her state of mind. 

"Should I ask him to sleep with me...?" Unconsciously, Zoey muttered which was heard by Ivan. 

Ivan gazed down, glaring daggers at her. In his perspective, Zoey wouldn't say such a thing if she wasn't tempted. After all, Nikolai Silvestri had been wooing her but Zoey never even batted an eye on him! 

Although she now had a boyfriend whom Ivan wanted to skin alive, he wasn't touching him since he was afraid of her wrath. Now, she wanted to ask that man to sleep with her? 

Had she been cheating all along?! She wouldn't be that kind of scum, right? Although considering Ezekiel Tang was also a scum in this society and a waste of oxygen and space, Ivan would stand as the man to stop Zoey from taking the cursed path of cheating!

"My knight in a black suit... how majestic." Zoey murmured as the motorcycle came close and stopped several meters away from their standpoint. 

"Sis, you have a boy... I mean, aren't you dating?" Ivan cleared his throat, having the feeling of puking just by addressing Ezekiel Tang as Zoey's boyfriend. Hence, he chose the title that could be more acceptable for him. 

"No, I'm widowed." Without batting him a glance, Zoey glued her eyes onto Matthew Xi who hopped out of the motorcycle and removed his helmet ever so slowly. 

"Ha?? Did you break up with him? Are you heartbroken?" Ivan's brows could not help but twitch. What nonsense was she spouting? Did she break up with Ezekiel Tang? 

Was that the reason Zoey came up with this idea? Was that the reason she was now back at being the Zoey he knew all along? Not that it was a bad result, but Ivan was worried Zoey was heartbroken. 

Why? Because Zoey seemed to have admired that jerk to the extent she had been a martyr. She also threatened him not to touch even a strand of Ezekiel Tang if he wanted to see her in the future. 

Ivan knew Zoey that well and he was certain that she would stick with her words if he tried to approach Ezekiel. The reason Ivan let Ezekiel Tang out of his radar. 

"Well..." Zoey shrugged her shoulders, watching Matthew Xi approach her. When he was standing beside her, Zoey batted her eyelashes with a sweet smile. 

"Hi handsome." She greeted, obviously charming the man who was gazing down coldly at her. 

"Where is he?" Matthew Xi ignored Zoey's change of behavior and asked. His eyes scanned the area and soon landed at Kenneth Bai who was slumped on the ground with his back leaning against the side of the car. 

"Tsk." Zoey heard the faint click of her darling's tongue and watched him walk towards Kenneth Bai's direction. 

"Damn it..." Zoey cursed in disappointment. Although she knew Matthew Xi was more concerned at Kenneth Bai's well-being, she could not help but frown at the clench of her heart.

Zoey was more disappointed that there was not the slightest care in his eyes when he looked at her. Unlike his usual loving eyes, Zoey only noticed the edginess as if he was utterly enraged and worried. 

Obviously, he was worried at Kenneth Bai. He didn't know her until she showed up earlier. Thus, Zoey couldn't expect more from him. 

Still, it hurts her heart to an unimaginable extent. Especially now that she just wanted to rest in his embrace.

"Well, let's call it a night, I guess?" Zoey shook her head, shrugging all negative thoughts to the back of her head as she forced a smile on her lips.. She then assisted herself up while Ivan tried to help her.