Chapter 314 - Tonight’s Sacrifice

Matthew Xi squatted down in front of the shocked Kenneth Bai. He tilted his head to the side, examining the aghast expression plastered across his face and sighed. 

"He's good though he's still in shock. Locate our location and send an ambulance as soon as possible. I can't guarantee that he'll just be in shock if you arrive late." Matthew Xi pressed his earpiece and ordered Paul Qian on the other end of the line. 

"Bai Kenneth..." After he gave his order, Matthew Xi returned his gaze back to Kenneth Bai and called him with his full name. "You know your motorcycle is not good enough to race on the streets, don't you?" Unlike his concerned front earlier, this time, Matthew Xi's tone was cold as if he was interrogating a criminal. 

"Ah..." At a loss of words to speak, Kenneth Bai could only raise his unstable gaze up and meet the pair of russet eyes that were glinting with killing intent. 

"Did you really wish to die?" He asked, his sharp russet eyes never left Kenneth Bai's widened eyes. 

"I... no, it's not —" Kenneth Bai forced his mind to function to defend himself, but his words clogged on his throat disabling him to speak a word. 

"If you wish for death so bad, why did you have to trouble everyone? You shouldn't have struggled!" Matthew Xi snapped, losing his patience as he grabbed him by the collar and pinned his back against the side of the car. 

Witnessing that sudden aggression, Zoey and Ivan looked at each other in confusion. Zoey blinked her eyes many times and tilted her head to the side; her eyes inquired him about what's going on out of nowhere. Ivan shrugged his shoulder as an answer, before the two of them returned their confused gaze back to Matthew Xi who was not being lenient on Kenneth Bai. 

Wasn't he concerned about Kenneth Bai? Alas, why was he acting as if he was more angry than worried? What did Zoey and Ivan miss?

"I had my suspicions, Bai Kenneth. The reason you agreed to my mother's request, and taking this opportunity hoping you'd die." Matthew Xi stared at him dead in the eye, dropping his suspicions from earlier until now. 

Kenneth Bai was under a lot of pressure from the Bai Family and tons of other things. Matthew Xi could barely grasp his mental state, but he was certain Kenneth Bai hoped to end his life. 

Yet, at the last minute, when he was facing death, Kenneth Bai cowered and cried for help desperately. Meaning, he truly didn't think about his actions. 

Still, what enraged Matthew Xi was Kenneth Bai endangering other people for his issues. Zoey had taken the risk of saving him, the guests of his party that were also the audience of this race would surely be put under question if something happened to him. 

It would be a long discussion, and one would surely take the blame: Zoey. The Bai Family would surely push all the blame to Zoey. They would ruin an innocent person's life just because Kenneth Bai wasn't in the right state of mind. 

"I just..." Before those piercing russet orbs, a deep exhale slipped past Kenneth Bai's lips. "... I did know that my ride is not in its hundred percent well condition. I also hoped for it to malfunction amidst the race and I'll die. I thought it's a convenient way to die and less hassle for my family during my funeral." Slowly, Kenneth Bai returned his gaze back to Matthew Xi as he explained his side without any filters — just pure honesty. 

"Alas, I realized I really didn't want to die. My mind and body clashed because my body unconsciously struggled to live while half of my mind wanted to accept it. You won't understand, man. You will never understand." His tone was low but sincere, coming straight from his heart. 

There was a deeper pain laced with his last remarks. After all, Kenneth Bai couldn't understand himself either. He felt sorry for causing trouble for everyone, but at the same time, he wasn't. 

Now, before Matthew Xi, his mind just wondered what if he did crash earlier? If that happened, he wouldn't have to feel this emptiness anymore. 

"Hey," Just as the two stared at each other in strange silence, they heard Zoey's voice from the side. 

Unconsciously, the two turned their head to her direction, seeing her squatting down with a frown. Before they knew it, Zoey raised both her hands and flicked at their temple. 

It wasn't that painful, but it caused a mild sting. "Hey, are you crazy?!" That mere action, Kenneth Bai frowned as he shouted at Zoey while grinding his teeth. 

However, Zoey ignored him and turned her attention to Matthew Xi who was also frowning. "No, I am not crazy but this guy is." She perked her chin to Matthew Xi, clicking her tongue. 

"If you don't understand other people's silent battles, don't go spouting nonsense to them. What a jerk." Zoey had the urge to flick his forehead again, but he was just too precious for her. Still, Zoey was disappointed at how inconsiderate this young version of her husband was. 

Obviously, Kenneth Bai had a deeper reason why he took the risk despite the dangers. Perhaps Zoey could relate because she was in the same situation in her previous life... no, to be honest, she was still experiencing it until this moment. 

It was just that her goal was much bigger than her depressive lows. Thus, she wanted to move forward and achieve her goal. 

"Hey, I don't need you — ah!" Although Kenneth Bai was surprised at her words, his mouth automatically began to run amok but stopped when she flicked his forehead again. 

"Let's race again in the future." Slowly, the side of her lips curled into a kind smile. She didn't mind the whole ordeal because for her, the result mattered the most. 

Moreover, one way or another, this race made her feel alive. It was fun nonetheless. Zoey was certain Kenneth Bai felt the same as this race brought emotions he lost in his previous life. 

"Uh," Instead of replying with hate, Kenneth Bai pursed his lips as he stared at Zoey. To be fair, she didn't look that bad. If anything, at that moment, Kenneth Bai found her amusing that caused the tips of his ears to turn red. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi frowned witnessing her smile at Kenneth Bai and the latter reacting like a teenage boy in front of his crush. The three of them were just an arm's length away from each other, yet, in his eyes and heart, he considered this as a shameless infidelity. 

"Anyway, you," Zoey snapped, satisfied that Kenneth Bai calmed down and turned to the bitter Matthew Xi. "You'll be tonight's sacrifice for my services for saving your friend." This time, the smile on her lips grew into a wide grin as she cupped her cheek sweetly. 

"Huh?" Confused, Kenneth Bai knitted his brows as he darted his gaze from Zoey to Matthew Xi. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi's displeasure moments ago magically disappeared with her cute smile. For some reason, his mind ignored the keywords she dropped as he didn't mind spending the night with the woman he was interested in. 

"Come on," Slowly, Matthew Xi got up and offered his hands to her. 

"Sweet!" As if neither the world mattered anymore nor the pain in her back, Zoey raised his hand and took his hand as he assisted her up.