Chapter 332 - My Girl’s Business Is Also Mine.

As soon as Cora's mind processed his words, a faint yet deep exhale escaped her lips. "The audacity…" She muttered, shaking her head as she couldn't understand where he was getting such confidence from. For pete's sake, Ezekiel was cheating, yet he had the audacity to act righteous and dignified. Cora was rendered speechless, really.

"I don't know what you're so mad about, but tell Z that we need to talk." Ezekiel raised his chin a bit up, his gaze appeared as if looking down on the shorty old fashioned lady who would surely remain single forever.

"Why?" Her eyelashes fluttered slowly, her face completely void of any emotion as it offered her poker face. 

"Ma Cora…"

"What? You think we're all pushovers? Z might have been blind in love, but she's not a fool to cling onto a cheater!" Cora shrugged her shoulders, scoffing in disdain as she crossed her arms under her chest.

Upon hearing her remarks, Ezekiel's righteous front changed drastically. His brows were still furrowed together, but his eyes widened in disbelief. "Yes, we know and Z wouldn't just blindlessly chase after someone who is responsible for making her a mistress for two years… actually, it's actually a good thing you did it because I wouldn't have a headache whenever you ignore her needs." Cora languidly nodded her head, pressing his buttons in a much calmer way than earlier.

"What are you saying? Mistress? Z ditched me on our anniversary date last night. Neither was she answering her phone, nor could I contact her. You're talking bullcrap, Ma Cora." Ezekiel explained, still sounding a little confused about her claims. However, instead of getting aggravated, he was rather calm while he explained.

"Hah! Tang Ezekiel, are you still really going to deny it ?" In utter disbelief, Cora exhaled through her mouth as it gaped open. "Do you really take us for fools? You're impossible. Truly, a scum of the lowest of the low." She muttered, her tone airy as she sighed along. She couldn't believe how Ezekiel Tang surpassed Zoey's expectation.

No wonder her radar for bad news rang incessantly the time Zoey told her about him. He wasn't just bad news, he's the worst! A man that lacks human decency, no basic manners, and a cheater! Good thing Zoey didn't give up her V yet, else, she didn't just lose her time but also something precious.

"I already told you the side of my story; it's your decision whether to believe or not." He paused, shrugging his shoulders just like what an innocent person does while being accused. "However, I am warning you for the last time, don't run your mouth just anywhere. I've been kind to you since you're Z's weird friend. I have limited patience, Ma Cora. Don't tell me I didn't warn you." For the last time, Ezekiel warned as Cora was being too much. His expression grew dire, his pair of eyes glinted as his aura intimidated the woman standing before him.

"Good." Since Cora didn't say anything anymore, Ezekiel nodded his head in satisfaction. Pleased that she understood who she was speaking to, Ezekiel turned his back against her. Alas, just as he did, he immediately stopped in his tracks upon hearing Cora's shouts.

"Cheater! Scum! Jerk!" With her hands balled into a tight fist, Cora shouted all insults she could. Even when he turned around, she continued. She witnessed how his expression changed before he started taking large strides towards her.

"What?! You hurt women now too?!" Unconsciously, she took a step back. But when she realized her body showed fear before him, she resisted on her body's instinct with all her might.

He was two steps away from Cora when she spouted such words. "I told you, you're in my territory. So, this is self-defense." He smirked maliciously, raising his hand to Cora's surprise.

Sure, Cora expected all kinds of humiliation before she headed in here to confront him. However, she didn't really think that Ezekiel could raise his hand against a woman! Now, Cora was certain it was just right that Zoey got out of this relationship with him. After all, Zoey mentioned that she would marry Ezekiel if he only asked for her hand.

Regardless of these thoughts right now, Cora gritted her teeth, tightening her jaw as she anticipated a slap that would land on her face. She already showed courage and Cora would rather receive the slap instead of cowering in fear. More especially if that person was this scum and coward. Her pride and her stand would just be a joke if she did.

Ezekiel scoffed as Cora didn't show a little bit of fear which enraged him even more. Since she was challenging him, an unreasonable egotistical man like him wouldn't back down either. Regardless if his facade as a gentleman would be tainted, he couldn't just let this woman go so easily after insulting him over and over again.

However, just as he was about to slap her, he stopped hearing a deafening revving of an engine. Subconsciously, Ezekiel raised his head and narrowed his eyes. There, behind Cora, was a motorcycle rushing towards them at full speed.

Meanwhile, Cora who had her eyes half closed slowly opened them wide. She immediately turned behind her, shielding her eyes at the blinding light coming at them. Both Cora and Ezekiel involuntarily took a step back for their safety.

Turns out, they didn't need to because the motorcycle drifted, tires screeched against the concrete ground causing an ear-piercing noise before it totally stopped a few meters away from them. Slowly, the rider pushed his helmet's visor up.

"Yo." His blue eyes darted from Cora to Ezekiel. Cora immediately recognized the voice that sounded like what the person Zoey introduced to her as her brother from another mother!

"Why are you hitting women?" He asked, slowly removing his helmet after he hopped off from his motorcycle.

"It's none of your business." Since Ezekiel could speak the universal language, he could respond to the foreign man that came out of nowhere. Ivan knew about the man's capacity and capabilities, hence, he spoke English so they could communicate easily.

"Not my business?" Ivan cocked his head to the side, glancing at Cora who was wondering what they were talking about. He then walked closer towards Ezekiel, the side of his lips curled into a cocky smirk. "No. My girl's business is also mine.." Without further ado, Ivan claimed in a matter-of-fact tone.