Chapter 396 - That Woman…!

Half an hour later, Zoey found herself inside the said country club; to be exact, watching Kenneth watch people doing target shooting in an open space where they do extra activities aside from just standing and shooting. 

"Now tell me how d'you know I'd be here? Are you stalking me, perhaps?" Kenneth shot her a knowing look, arching his right brow as he patiently waited for an answer.

"Tch," Upon hearing his last remarks, Zoey could not help but scoff. "How should I put it?" She mumbled to herself, scratching her temple lightly by her index finger.

Would he even believe her if she said she knew because she used to come in this same place in her previous life? She knew that Kenneth was often in this place. So, whenever she needed his assistance, Zoey would go in here… or should she say ambush him to exploit information from him?

After all, thanks to the thirty-year-old Kenneth Bai, Zoey found out a bunch of classified information from them. The critical and relevant information she might use in the future. Still, the government's information didn't cover all other detailed information about Inigo or the Silva Family.

"I followed my heart." After minutes of pondering, ending with unbelievable excuses she could use, Zoey decided to troll. "I was driving my sorrow away and pulled over to rest. Who knew I'd see you here?" She pinched the space between her brows, sighing as she concocted the most cliches excuses she could come up with.

"Really?" His face blank, not buying the slightest of this excuse as he knew deep down she came here for a reason. Moreover, the world wasn't that small in his perspective.

"Yes!" She affirmed, nodding her head before a sudden idea flashed across her head. "Wait, maybe you're the one who's stalking me?" Zoey raised her head, peering at Kenneth from head to toe suspiciously.

"Me? Stalking you? Dream on." He frowned, shaking his head as he wasn't interested in her argument for coming to such a conclusion. For some reason, Kenneth thought that Zoey was too good with her words that no matter how ridiculous it was, her argument often made her point to reach the mark.

For example, the car she won from the race. Since Kenneth was knowledgeable in cars, their engines, and so forth, he knew that Zoey's setup that was requested by Matthew was a hybrid one. It was enough to outrun the latest luxury cars that were out in the market.

If someone asked him, Kenneth would say that the setup was designed for racing. It was also good as a getaway car if she planned to flee. Not to mention, even if someone ambushed her, it was bulletproof.

In other words, the entirety of the car that she wrecked in a single day wasn't just costly, but very convenient. Zoey had the capabilities to maximize the car's potential with her insane driving skills.

"Yes! You're the one who approached me! I should be the one asking you, how did you find me?" She stamped the bottom of her fist against her palms, spewing the unwelcomed explanation Kenneth didn't want to hear.

"You can delude yourself as much as you want — I don't care." His eyes rolled back, shaking his head as he somehow knew she would say something ridiculous as this. 

"Can you let me borrow another car?" Without further ado, Zoey inquired, which made his brows twitch.

Slowly, Kenneth raised his head with a frown plastered across his distorted face. "Do you have no shame? I never met someone who's as shameless as you." 

"Having shame wouldn't feed me." She shrugged, not affected by his harsh statements. "Also, being shy is boring." Zoey stressed her last word, leaning back nonchalantly in her seat. 

"Jeez… what did I even like about you?" He whispered to himself, staring at Zoey in disbelief as he wondered how his taste towards women went down so low. 

Given that Kenneth accepted that Zoey and Matthew were dating, that didn't mean his interest towards the lady disappeared. He was neither waiting for the time to have a chance as that was a waste of time, nor was he trying to make her like him instead.

It's like having a crush. Neither deep nor shallow.

"What?" She asked, failing to hear what he was mumbling about.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking how can you think I'll agree to all your demands without knowing a thing or two?" Kenneth shook his head, giving her an answer which was one of his queries in his mind.

"Hmm." Zoey rubbed her chin, thinking how she would explain it in the easiest way. After several seconds, Zoey clapped her hands as she figured out how to answer him. "Go home early later — I mean to your old man's place." Zoey suggested, her lips stretching up.


"You said you wanted to know how that car ended up in that state, right? You can take the credit of the good deed I've done!" Her tone sounded generous, causing him to knit his brows as he was rendered confused by her sudden high energy.

"Good deed, huh?" Kenneth knitted his brows while watching her wiggle her brows up and down with a silly wide grin on her lips. 


Later that night, Kenneth headed back to the old Bai Mansion. Although Zoey managed to make him agree on letting her borrow a normal car, he didn't buy her 'lies' and didn't consider going back home. 

However, he received a call that his old man was asking him to come home tonight. Thus, he did. 

As soon as Kenneth arrived back home, a man wearing his uniform called. "Son!" His voice resounded across the entire spacious living area. 

Kenneth travelled his eyes, seeing a few known political personalities and some police. Since there were always authorities coming in this residence every now and then, Kenneth didn't find the police mobiles outside. 

"Yes, father." Kenneth didn't waste a second, trudging towards them and bowed his head after closing the distance with them. "Good to see you, Chief Leng." He then greeted his father's friend, before giving respect to others. 

When he raised his head, Kenneth saw his father gesturing for the maids to clear their post. Hence, there was a minute of silence dawned on the living area, causing his heart to race listlessly. 

"Your Uncle had something to say, we want the truth, son." The moment they were certain that there were no extra ears eavesdropping, General Bai uttered. 

Kenneth gulped a mouthful of saliva, moving his gaze from his father to Chief Leng that was staring back at him. "Young Master Bai, there was a little ruckus on the highway earlier this day…" Chief Leng paused, sliding the folder to the edge and opened it. 

Kenneth instinctively walked closer, picking up the file for a closer look. Upon seeing a cctv photo taken from the highway showing Zoey's 'car', his eyes widened. 

'That woman…!' Instinctively, Kenneth had the urge to berate Zoey for putting him in a 'tight situation'.