Chapter 471 - Decision You Wouldn't Regret

"They wouldn't kill me... not that soon." His words repeated inside her mind even after their discussion. 

"Yan, do you have an idea who the enemies of the young master are?" Zoey kept looking through the window of the back passenger seat, asking Ryan who was seated at the front passenger seat. 

Currently, they were on the way to Z Image Group. After arguing with Matthew, she convinced him to only send Carter and Ryan with her for the day. 

Well, Zoey couldn't go to work with a battalion of men with her. She was, after all, a simple business owner who couldn't afford to hire more employees at the moment. Her people would surely probe which she was trying to avoid. 

"No, Miss Z." Ryan's answer was obvious. Even if he knew, he wouldn't just tell her as it was classified information. 

Granted that Zoey had proved herself, Ryan still couldn't consider that alone. In his mind, if Matthew wanted to let her know, then he would tell her himself. He didn't want to get in trouble if anything unprecedented happened. 

For a moment, Zoey didn't speak. When she did, a sigh slipped past her lips. "After dropping me off, spy on him." Slowly, Zoey moved her eyes and looked at the rear mirror. 

Carter, who was driving the vehicle and Ryan who was on the front passenger seat could not help but frown and furrow their brows. "Miss Z, are you telling us to spy on the master?" Ryan asked in disbelief. 

"Yes," In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey nodded her head. "I'm not saying you monitor him for me, but watching him from a different angle, you'll notice things his eyes can't." Zoey explained before they could conclude anything. 

"My apologies, Miss Z." Just then, Carter chimed in, glancing at her through the rear mirror. "Master had ordered us to look after you. So, we can't just follow your orders. If something happened to you, we wouldn't be able to face our boss." He explained, his tone still bore displeasure but more calm than earlier. 

By the looks of it, Carter got a grasp of himself. He was so triggered by her that his judgement was being clouded. Not that he liked Zoey now. He just understood that Zoey was still their boss's woman and possibly the next Madam Xi in the future. 

"Nothing will happen to me." Without a second delay, Zoey argued calmly. However, both remained silent and didn't answer her anymore. 

"I thought you value your master's life more than anything?" Since the two had a silent agreement to stay silent, Zoey rubbed her chin as she pushed their buttons one by one. 

"Heh, I know I'm too precious. Someone always says that I have the capability to change a person's heart from good to bad — bad to good." Proudly, Zoey boasted as she studied their unmoving expressions from the rear mirror. 

Both Ryan and Carter treated her words as irrelevant buzzing of a bee. No matter what she said, it went in from one ear and came out of the other. 

"Aren't you worried that your Master will be in harm and you might not be able to do something?" After rumbling on and on, Zoey finally asked something she was genuinely curious about. 

"Miss Z, if you are worried about our master, we are as worried as you. However, since our master entrusted you to us, we can only execute the order with the best of our capabilities." At last, Carter opened his lips and answered her solemnly. His eyes were still fixated on the road, driving carefully albeit not slowly. 

"Also, we trust our comrades to protect the Master from harm. Owen might be careless and impatient, but I believe Miss Z has already realized that among us three, he's the best." Carter added, admitting something that surprised Ryan as the latter turned to him in surprise. 

"Not the best." Zoey rolled her eyes, shaking her head as this Carter had a very simple mind despite owning a smart one. "He might be better than the two of you right now. You know why?" Zoey turned her eyes back to the window, watching the road flash across her eyes. 

"He's practical and flexible to adapt. He doesn't let his emotions take over him — yesterday's game was probably the first and last." Zoey recalled how Owen fought last night and how he adapted to the game. 

She was also observing him during the breakfast and she noticed how Owen remained silent. He remained silent, listening and observing. 

"However, that doesn't mean you two are terrible. You just have to stop the pretense and be real to yourself." Zoey lazily rested her jaw on the back of her hand, still bearing the same languid expression while explaining her thoughts to the two. Fortunately, they were listening in silence. 

"I'm not saying having emotions is bad. It's just how you use them ." She muttered, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. 

Zoey knew she didn't need to detail everything to them. They were not stupid to be spoon fed every information. She knew, one day, they would understand her words. 

Carter and Ryan remained silent; her words had instilled puzzlement in them. Although it sounded simple to understand, for them, it came as vague. 

"Anyway," After some time, Zoey cleared her throat as she fixed her position. "Will you listen to me if I prove that I don't need your protection?" Her leg rested over the other, tilting her head to the side as she noticed their already knitted brows crease even more. 

"You know, I appreciate the thought of you protecting me, but I don't need it." Zoey shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, shaking her head as she truly didn't need their protection. "Monitoring your boss from the distance will reassure me that I have someone to come home to everyday." This time, Zoey raised her eyes at the rear mirror. 

She saw Ryan glance at her as her eyes glinted. "If Matthew dies, I don't care if you comfort yourself by saying you followed the orders. I'll still kill you." As Zoey started dropping her words, the breeze inside the car dropped. 

"Either way, whether you follow your original orders or the new ones, you'll still end up dead. Well, I don't really know if Matthew will kill you, but I will... and I will not lose a wink of sleep. You just have to decide which weighs heavier in your heart and a decision you wouldn't regret.." Zoey ended her proposal, darting her eyes from the driver's seat to the front passenger before the side of her lips curled into a smirk.