Chapter 568 - The Demon Lurking Around... Chu!

"I don't recall us lacking vehicles to use." Frustrated, Matthew complained as he massaged his temple.

"Shut up, Xi Matthew." Vivian only cast him a brief side eye before rolling her eyes.

Currently, Vivian brought the two along with her. Despite Matthew's insistence to use another car for him and Zoey, he didn't stand a chance before his mother. Therefore, here they were, carpooling in Vivian's car: with Vivian in the middle, Zoey on her left and Matthew on her right.

Zoey leaned back, attempting to sneak a glance at her frustrated lover. As if sensing Zoey's attempts, Matthew also leaned back and turned his head into her direction.

"Youngsters nowadays are really aggressive. You two should start reflecting upon the reason you're stuck with me and heading to the place where I am taking you." Slowly, Vivian looked at Matthew and then at Zoey.

The two of them were helpless, turning their head to the window beside them. Seeing this, Vivian let out a heavy exhale and retained her poker face the entire trip.

Zoey and Matthew didn't attempt to see each other -- despite being in the same car -- with Vivian on guard. So close yet so far -- both understood the meaning of this phrase that they unknowingly thought at the same time.

Soon, the car stopped as they reached their destination. Both doors of the backseat opened from outside before Zoey could open the door herself. 

"Thank you." Zoey offered a subtle smile while the man holding the door open for her just bowed.

As Zoey exited the car, Matthew and Vivian stayed inside for a little while. Matthew just stared at his mother, shaking his head lightly as he couldn't believe his mother could think of such a ridiculous idea just to get to know Zoey.

"I remember telling you to shut up, my dearest son." Vivian uttered, with her right brow raised.

"I haven't said anything yet."

"But your thoughts are too loud, I can hear your dismay." 

Matthew sighed hearing his mother's remarks. After a deep sigh, he finally headed out with Vivian following after him.

As soon as they came out, they saw a few people from the temple already standing outside to welcome them. Vivian was amongst their top benefactors and would frequently come here to meditate. So, it was safe to say that they already knew her and would treat her and her company extra special.

"Madam Xi, it's good to see you again." The head monk greeted and bowed in front of Vivian.

Vivian also returned his gesture and bowed. "I believe the head monk already knows the reason why we've come by."

"Yes. Father Abbot has been waiting. This way, please." The monk answered calmly before gesturing to them to follow.

Vivian nodded and followed his tracks without asking the two --her son and Zoey -- to follow her. As they walked ahead, Matthew cast Zoey an apologetic look while Zoey just smiled.

"See you later." Zoey winked as she wasn't that opposed to the idea.

If doing this would make Vivian happy and relieve her worries, Zoey would do it in a heartbeat. Little did she know that Matthew's apologetic front was not for her but for himself.

Obviously, he knew that Zoey would do anything for Vivian. He wouldn't be surprised if Zoey refused to marry him if Vivian asked her to. Fortunately, his mother wasn't like that.

Vivian may have shown opposition towards his relationship with Zoey but not to the extent that she would go to extreme means to break them apart. She's that kind of person and would rather put up parameters for the future events -- may it be bad or good.


Zoey and Matthew were guided into separate rooms for the ritual. Vivian remained outside, enjoying the peacefulness that the temple offered in the company of the head monk.

"Madam Xi, how have you been?" The head monk struck a conversation as he placed the cup of tea on top of the small table. "It's been a while since I've seen Young Master Xi. He has grown into a fine man."

"Not as fine as he appears to be. I wouldn't be here if I raised him well." Vivian sighed, putting down the cup of tea as she raised her eyes towards the old monk whom she trusted and confided with her problems of the past.

The old monk just smiled. "The Young Master has been raised well even if Madam Xi is alone."

Upon hearing the monk's remarks, Vivian's expression changed. Unlike how she reacted in front of other people whenever they mentioned Matthew's father, Vivian remained silent and didn't explode.

"You know, Matty reminds me of his father." Vivian looked down and saw her reflection in the still tea inside the cup. "He told me he wouldn't mind giving up his inheritance if he gets to be with her."

"I disagree. In my point of view, he sounds more like you, Madam Xi. Only Madam Xi could make such a decision to chase her happiness." The smile on the monk's face grew gentler.

He knew Vivian's story and all her secrets were kept safe with him. The young Vivian had fought hard for her love interest -- Matthew's father. The old monk could still remember Vivian cutting ties with her father because they couldn't accept her lover at that time and arranged her marriage to someone they found to be more suitable for her.

She was not the type of person who was glamored by wealth and status. Vivian was a free woman and she would choose happiness over everything else. Thus, hearing what Vivian said, the elder monk disagreed.

"Heh," Vivian let out a faint chuckle as she turned her head outside the open garden. "No, he sacrificed more than I did… even his happiness. He is the last person I will ever forgive."



"Huh?" Zoey nearly dropped her jaw upon hearing what the young monk said. She was rendered speechless as she could only stare at him in utter disbelief.

"That's right, Young Miss. I see evil lurking around you and you should come often for cleansing." The young monk affirmed calmly.

"Evil lurking around me?" Zoey repeated ghastly. Well, she thought he was mistaken as she was evil herself.

"Yes! Me- chu!" Out of nowhere, a minion voice rang to her side which startled Zoey as she looked at the source of the voice.

As soon as Zoey laid her eyes on the small floating dumpling, her eyes widened as her jaw completely dropped.