Chapter 617 - Unannounced Visit

Inigo waved the note in the air before he kissed it languidly. "Adios!" Inigo remarked happily as he resumed in his steps.

Matthew watched Inigo's retreating back. "Don't die." He muttered in his usual monotone voice.

Upon hearing Matthew's reminder, Inigo chuckled as he halted. Slowly, he turned and faced Matthew bearing a grin plastered across his lips.

"You know what? You and Zia are a perfect match." Inigo remarked playfully.

To Inigo, Zoey and Matthew were too different. But at the same time, too similar. Matthew was always calm, a man of few words, and just unpredictable oftentimes. Zoey, on the other hand, was crazy on every level, said too much crap, and was also unpredictable -- the kind that was crazy.

Yet, despite their differences, both Zoey and Matthew often hid their genuine worries and concerns behind their strong visage. Their reminders often sounded limited, afraid that they would annoy their loved ones for a long speech.

Nevertheless, Inigo understood Matthew, his sworn brother's concern. Was he afraid that Inigo would do something reckless?

"I need you alive for now." Unfazed by Inigo's remark, Matthew added emotionlessly.

"Alright, alright. I won't do something reckless and will return alive! Happy?" Inigo rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he let out a brief chuckle.

Matthew said nothing and Inigo nodded in satisfaction. "If you're worried, just say so. I also want to live a little longer. I haven't achieved my goal. See you!"

With that being said, Inigo resumed in his steps while Matthew watched him until Inigo was out of his sight. Matthew let out a heavy sigh before he resumed in his steps.

Inigo was like a brother to him. Although Matthew had cousins who were close to him, Matthew's brotherhood with Inigo was far stronger and solid.

It may have started on the wrong foot: a strange place, and under an unprecedented situation. But, that didn't hinder them to dwell on how their brotherhood started to respect each other even until the present time.

Thus, Matthew was also worried with Inigo's well-being. They both died in their previous life; both had thousands of regrets which fueled them to do everything to live longer without regrets.

However,  Matthew took this situation as an opportunity for the future, but Inigo had a different view. Inigo lives in the present. His timeline only lasted until he reached his goal. After achieving his goal, Inigo would have nothing else to do in his life.

Sure. It was not Matthew's problem whatever Inigo wanted to do with his life. Inigo was an adult, after all. But, Inigo was his brother as well, and Matthew couldn't help but worry.

If chances were given to him, Inigo could easily take Nikolai's head and this would all end. But that was easier said than done. 

Matthew reached the driveway while being slowly consumed with his own thoughts. He only snapped back to reality upon hearing Paul's voice from his side.

"Master, you only have a five minutes break with all your work piling up. That excludes your meal time." said Paul, checking Matthew's tight schedule once again.

Since Matthew had been moving all his meetings and important business affairs, his schedule had become more packed. Moreover, Paul could no longer move the meetings as it would surely affect the company.

"Make it two hours." Matthew cast Paul a brief glance before reaching for the door of the car.

"Master, I'm afraid…" Conflicted, Paul cautiously returned his boss's gaze but his words trailed off. "Well then, I will have to reduce your mealtime to make it work."

"Works fine with me." Matthew nodded in understanding. "Drive me to Z Image. I want to have lunch with my wife."

Matthew ordered before hitching inside the back passenger seat. Paul bowed as he didn't stop his boss like usual.

After all, Matthew had been busy with all these things with Inigo. Paul didn't know much about it, but part of him knew that his boss wouldn't neglect his office work if the unknown problem didn't hold importance.

Who knows? Maybe, it holds the same value as their lives. Paul shrugged his thoughts off and hitched inside the front passenger seat. Little did he know, he was correct.

The situation they were in was far more important than business affairs. Matthew was currently holding the fate of many of them. That Matthew had to protect everyone against a very powerful enemy.

"Z Image Group Main headquarters." Paul informed the driver. The driver nodded and they sped away.


[Z Image Group]

"Baby, want to have lunch together? I have spare time and I can drive to your office. You want something in particular?" Zoey sent a message to her darling as she was bored.

Since Angelo informally resigned, Zoey needed to deal with her meals again. She could just ask her people to buy her something to eat, but she suddenly had this urge to see Matthew.

Zoey had been restless ever since Angelo walked out of this building. She was worried that Angelo would do something reckless that could compromise his life. Her anxiety was just intensifying every passing hour and she needed Matthew's presence to calm her soul.


After a minute, Zoey heard her phone produce a distinct notification noise. Immediately, Zoey checked Matthew's reply which made her grin brightly.

"On my way. Will be there in thirty minutes. Want something in particular?" 

Zoey giggled as she blushed. She then rubbed her chin lightly, pondering something she wanted to eat. The next moment, her naughtiness manifested in her.

"Yes! You!" She replied as she giggled playfully.

*Knock! Knock!*

Suddenly, just as Zoey tapped the send button, she heard a light knock from outside her office. Without looking at it, thinking it was just Mel, Zoey answered.

"Come in," Zoey waited for Matthew's reply eagerly. She might as well flirt with him while waiting for his arrival.

"You seem to be in a high spirit, Zia. Is my presence, perhaps, the reason?" 

Zoey's world suddenly stopped upon hearing the familiar voice of the man. Slowly, she turned her head to the direction where the voice came from.

Upon laying her eyes on him, her eyes widened. "Niko?!"