Chapter 665 - Zion's Ignorance II

"Sad, isn't it? That poor girl…" Inigo clicked his tongue continuously, shaking his head slightly.

"What…" Zion's breath hitched as she slowly cast Inigo a look. "What are you saying? Stop playing with words."

"Playing with words?" Inigo raised his brow as the side of his lips stretched into a smirk. "I am not. In fact, I'm holding back, afraid that it'll be too much for you and you'll snap!"

"What do you mean that my sister was one of them?" Zion ignored Inigo's last remarks as he queried firmly.

"One of them? No? I said she was like them. These people were more of a government people. But Zia, unfortunately, never worked for them. I'm not saying working for these government agencies was good; but they're rather less evil, I think." Inigo shrugged his shoulders as he shoved his hand inside his pants.

"What she has gone through... " Inigo trailed off as he glanced at Zion who stood beside him. "You better broaden your imagination, Doctor. What would a little girl have to do to survive the cruel life of the underworld?"

That very second, Zion froze. His mind entered into a sudden blank state and was only brought back from his trance when Inigo slapped his back lightly.

"Come. Sulking won't help her." Inigo said and resumed going inside the mansion.

Zion huffed in disbelief as he glanced at the training ground for the last time. He gritted his teeth as bitterness flashed across his mind.

Still, Zion followed Inigo in silence. His mind circled around Zoey and how cheerful she was when she returned to the Kwan Family.

Zion often thought that Zoey was hiding something. He had asked her countless times what happened and where she was all this time. However, she only gave him the cliche yet believable lies.

But now… Zion could barely grasp the idea of the truth. It was too much for him to grasp and accept in an instant. Zoey… his little sister… just how dark was her childhood?

Soon, Inigo and Zion reached a room that was akin to a meeting room. There were numerous computers and a large screen on the other side; in the middle was a long table, while the other corner had maps and faces Zion had never seen before.

If he didn't know well, Zion would assume he had entered a private organization's headquarters. But it was not.

Matthew was standing behind the person operating the monitors, his hands typing at an unbelievable speed. Both of them were busy; Matthew was talking to the person while the other person was typing and different locations appeared on every monitor.

"Found her?" Inigo inquired as he leaned his back against the wall not far away from Zion and Matthew.

"Sadly, no." Ivan shook his head. He was perching languidly on one seat around the table, his feet up.

"They didn't return to Silva's Family's headquarters, huh?" Inigo sighed, crossing his arms as he shook his head. "Why are you even here, Ivan? You're kind of useless being Niko's trusted man."

"F*ck you." Ivan cursed as he shot Inigo, mocking eyes. "I've been assigned to assist my sis, alright? I was about to return but your f*cking grave is empty and I had to stay longer. What do you expect? I've been here for almost a year. I'm about to start my own family!"

Ivan hissed. In the Silva Family, if they were on a mission, information back home would remain there. Unless they were needed, they would have to return and be filled in with information they missed.

In other words, Ivan's stay in this country for almost a year saved him from the stress of whatever problems that occurred back home. At the same time, he wouldn't hear information if they moved to another headquarters just in case a problem arose or they failed in their mission.

It was a bit complicated, but the Silva family was like that. It was their way to narrow down traitors if there were. Hence, there's always this division in the said family.

"Like family with that nerd? Or a crime family run by you?" 

"Do you want to die?" Ivan retracted his feet from the table as he raised his chin, challenging Inigo whom the former didn't expect to work with again.

Ivan was surprised when he saw Inigo in this place. However, with Matthew, Ivan had to listen to Matthew's explanation why Inigo was in this place.

After explaining things to him and Zoey's misunderstanding, Ivan had to give them the benefit of the doubt. Also, with Matthew's determination to save Zoey from Nikolai, Ivan gradually eased up and cooperated.

Still, Ivan and Inigo couldn't help but clash every so often -- like at least, three times a day,

"Well, I do want death. Sadly, the dumpling and that grim reaper didn't do their job properly. Here I am, talking to you instead of using your severed head as my ball in soccer." Inigo shrugged nonchalantly, causing Ivan to scoff.

"You're really asking for it, huh?" Ivan slowly rose from his feet while Inigo retracted his back from the wall he was leaning at.

"What's going on here?" Finally, Zion spoke which snapped Ivan and Inigo back to their senses.

The two nearly forgot his existence as he had zero presence. Matthew also raised his head towards his direction.

"Looking for Zoey." Matthew explained, keeping it short and simple.

"Was she abducted?" Zion inquired helplessly as he stared at Matthew's unchanging front.

"No?" This time, Ivan was the one who answered. "I told you, she went on a vacation herself. Thing is, it's a one way flight with a very dangerous man."

"Heh. In simple words, she eloped with another man." Inigo chuckled, humoring everyone which had an opposite effect.

"Sorry." Inigo raised his hands, raising his brows as she shrugged his shoulders along.

"Ivan, explain it to him. Milo has found a clue. Keep it low." Matthew cocked his head to Ivan before returning his attention back to his main business.

"Aight." Ivan nodded as he cast Zion a fake smile. "Do you know why I hated you before and until now?"


"Because you're so clueless. You act and claim as my sister's big brother. Yet, she protects you instead and she couldn't even rely on you.." As brutally honest he could be, Ivan uttered mercilessly, hitting all nerves in the clueless Zion.