Chapter 695 - Auction... XV

"So, shall we have a duel, my brother? Like old times, Nik. I hope you win for the first time. Else, you won't ever see her again."

Inigo then dropped the bullets he got from his handgun's magazine. Nikolai gazed down at the bullets he dropped, then raised his gaze up to meet his brother's eyes.

"Let's end this in one bullet, brother. This lady is loaded with only one sperm." Inigo waved his pistol, smirking as he humored his brother. 

"Ten steps, one bullet. Let's end whatever grudge we have, here." 

Inigo added. Nikolai's expression didn't change from start to finish. 

Slowly, Nikolai nodded in agreement. There's no better way to settle their disputes than an old fashioned duel with their lives and honors at stake, is there?

"One round is enough." Nikolai nodded in agreement, but didn't unload his gun just because he didn't have time to pick them back up.

Upon Nikolai's agreement, Inigo grinned. With that being said, both men stood at the center of the podium. Their backs against each other, holding their guns up close to their chest.

"Ten steps." Nikolai muttered coldly.

Inigo didn't say anything further. After a beat, both took their first steps away from each other.

Then, after another beat, they took another step in silence. As the distance grew between them, a bitter smile resurfaced on Inigo's lips.

His mind wandered back to the time Nikolai was born. The day his little brother was born and the time he carried that newborn in his tiny arms.

Time was surely fleeting. Now, they're both grown-ups, trying to kill each other.

Still, he missed those times. Those times when they used to play duels to settle their problems as kids. To get an apology from the other, or just to decide who should own their favorite robot.

Although they didn't use actual weapons, those slingshots hurt. But this time, it was different.

'Even when my body is young, I've grown old, haven't I?' Inigo muttered in his head about having sentimental memories at this point.

Zoey, Matthew, and Inigo. The three individuals who were 'lucky' to return eight years in time didn't age back. Their hearts and minds still remained in their early and mid-thirties. 

The pain of the past remained. Inigo still wondered if this was called luck or a curse. To live the life he had already lived.

To repeat the things that hurt him all over again. To see everything and experience it once again.

To be honest, if Inigo was to be asked, he'd say this was his hell. Because he was in this same loop of nothing but tragedy.

But he had decided. He wanted this to end tonight. 

Perhaps his only regret was that no one would mourn for him. But well, it didn't matter. He still did something hopefully helpful to him, — to Matthew.


Upon taking their ninth steps, the bitter smile on Inigo's lips turned into a genuine, subtle smile. 

'Man… I should've annoyed Matthew before coming here.' Inigo chuckled faintly as he somehow thought that he could've annoyed Matthew just a little bit more.


The second the two took their tenth step, they instantly turned around. Both had great marksmanship. It depends on their aim to where they wanted to shoot.


Two shots were fired at the same time. Nikolai immediately pulled the trigger directly to Inigo's chest. Since he had a vague idea of his brother's physique, he knew exactly where to aim.

However, instead of  the satisfaction that should resurface on his face at the perfect shot, Nikolai's eyes widened ever so slowly.

Inigo smiled. His muzzle aimed at the ceiling. He didn't shoot his brother; he shot the ceiling. Well… there were just too many reasons, but Inigo... would never pull that trigger that would kill his own little brother.

No matter how hateful Nikolai had turned out to be, he was still his little brother. Many people might have wanted Nikolai dead, but Inigo was not one of them.

'Ay… why did he look so surprised? A jester will always be a jester. He probably didn't know that well.' Inigo thought as he slowly fell on his back.

The lead that tore his skin and chest felt like nothing. Yet, he gasped for air, choking as he stared at the ceiling.

Oddly enough, Inigo's head was clearer than ever. Although his vision began to blur, he still saw Nikolai staring down at him.

"Hey! Bastard!" Nikolai shouted, pressing the gunshot wound on Inigo's chest. "What the f*ck is wrong with you?!" 

Sure, Nikolai hated Inigo for everything. He blamed him for everything. He wanted him dead. But, not this way.

"Why didn't you…"

"Haha," Inigo chuckled weakly. "F*ck you." 

In the end, Inigo just used his remaining strength to curse his brother. Using that little strength, Inigo pushed his hand away.

"Zoey." Inigo whispered, diverting Nikolai's attention which was effective.

Slowly, Inigo pulled his hands away, gritting his teeth in frustration. He then stood on his feet, scoffing at Inigo who was lying in his own pool of blood.

"In the end, you're still a selfish bastard." Nikolai spat out through his gritted teeth.

Nikolai cast him one last glare before rushing outside. Inigo chuckled weakly as he watched Nikolai's retreating back.

'I'm sorry if you have a good-for-nothing brother, Lai.' Inigo smiled, pressing his wound just so he could live for another second.

Just for another second to make himself believe he lived a good life. Just another second to tell himself that two lifetimes were enough.

'I hope that Dumpling doesn't show up again.' 

Soon, Inigo's breathing grew slower as his eyes blinked weakly. His vision grew blurrer, his ear deafened, sweat broke out throughout his body, as the pain in his chest numb.

"Joker!" Faintly, Inigo heard a familiar voice of a man. He kept screaming his name until it grew distinct.

Inigo could barely keep his eyes open. But despite that, he saw Matthew's panicking face in front of him.

"Hey!" Matthew yelled, putting pressure on the wound, over Inigo's hand that was placed on his chest. "Hey!!"

Frustrated, Matthew showed no sign of restraint, tugging him to wake up. Inigo tried to open his eyes just to see tears rolling down from those russet eyes.

'He's crying…? Why?' Inigo wondered, seeing the walking ice sculpture shed tears as he screamed.

When Matthew's tears landed on Inigo's cheek, the latter's heart felt serene. This made Inigo let out a weak chuckle. 'What a sight to see behold before death. Well, I guess my ending wasn't so bad, after all. Thank you for crying for me, brother.'

"Inigo!" Matthew shouted as Inigo's eyes slowly closed with a smile on his lips.