Chapter 696 - Auction... XVI

Meanwhile, on the upper deck where Ivan and Zion were present...

Ivan had his back against the wall, not moving or making a sound. Gunshots and screaming from the lower deck had reached the upper deck. 

Hence, the partying elites had scattered around. Since they were in the middle of the ocean, people were just running around to safety. 

He had witnessed others riding a lifeboat to save their own life and a few circles of friends. Still, no one cared about people they didn't care about. 

Humans would always show their selfishness in times like this. Still, this chaos had granted them the opportunity to move at their own discretion. 

"What's the situation on the lower deck?" Ivan whispered through his earpiece, peeking on the end of the stairs to see if an enemy was there. 

"Sir, the lower deck mostly consist of —" 


Before the person from the other end of the line could finish his sentence, he was shot down. Ivan hissed in frustration as another one died while talking to him.

Matthew's forces were already on the lower deck. Ivan was tasked to clear this area. 

"Anyone? F*cking give me some f*cking news. Is Boss Matt alive? Have you encountered Niko yet?" Through his gritted teeth, Ivan inquired, treading down carefully the stairs of the upper deck.

All Ivan had heard were faint static noises and shootings. Everyone was busy fighting, and Ivan had been dreading to know what was currently happening.

So far, Ivan and his team had almost cleared the upper deck. Still, he was skeptical as it was rather easy.

Nikolai wasn't the type of person who would place his men in one place. Not to mention, they hadn't heard from Angelo or anyone from the sniper team.

If Angelo died or everyone in his team were annihilated, it would only be a matter of time before the Silva Family reinforcement arrives. Ivan knew they weren't just fighting people, but also time.

The longer they stay, the lesser chances they could leave this place alive. Ivan felt torn between joining Matthew's forces or sticking to their plan. 

"Hey, is anyone —"


Before Ivan could ask again, someone shot at him from below the stairs. Thanks to his fast reflexes, Ivan was quick to hide on the railings. 

He held his gun close to him, his focus on his surroundings. It was amazing how Ivan could still focus despite his frustration over the miscommunication. 

Taking a deep breath, Ivan peeked his rifle's muzzle towards the direction of his shooter and shot randomly. When he heard heavy steps, trying to walk away, Ivan sprung up to his feet. 

Without the slightest hesitation, Ivan continued on opening fire until he saw the man lying. There was no remorse in Ivan's eyes as he walked down cautiously. 

This had been the life he grew up into. It was kill or be killed. That's why he didn't want this kind of life with Cora in his life. 

Ivan knew that if he didn't stop the Silva Family, they'd come at him in the future. One year or ten years from now, Ivan knew he'd always be a part of the Silva Family; they'd do anything to make him work for them again.

When Ivan reached the man, he pulled him back by his shoulder to roll him around. "Sh*t, man."

Ivan cursed with a sigh. He knew this man. It was one of his underlings as Ivan was an underboss in the Silva Family. Regardless, they were not friends or anything of the sort. 

For him, it just felt weird that they're in this situation much sooner than he expected. Well, that's just what life is like in the underworld. 

Today, they're your friends. Tomorrow, they could be your enemies. 

That's why Ivan only had selected friends — exactly, two — Angelo and Nikolai. Betraying Nikolai might be out of Ivan's character, but what else could he do?

He loved Cora and would do anything to stay by her side. Even if it means breaking his friendship with Nikolai, he would.

"Damn..." Just as Ivan sighed, he turned around with his rifle raised upon someone entering his radar. 

Before he could shoot, Zion raised his hand in panic. "It's me! Don't shoot!"

"The f*ck are you doing here?" Surprised seeing him here, Ivan cast him a look of dismay. "Didn't I tell you to take the lifeboat and stay on standby? Why the f*ck are you here?"

"How can I stay there knowing you guys are putting your life on the line to save my sister?" Zion argued.

The second the chaos reached the upper deck, Ivan prioritized his safety, telling him to stay there and wait until everything was clear. But, Zion's anxiety kept growing.

Each and everyone of them were putting their lives on the line. He wanted to help, no matter how small it was. 

"Let us do our f*cking job and you do yours, alright? Can't you see this man over here?" Ivan pointed his rifle towards the dead body lying beside him. 

Zion gazed down at the man who died from the gunshot wounds on his vitals. 

"I just killed him. Now, if you don't want to be this man, just listen to what I'm saying, alright?" Ivan explained in distress. 

No feelings involved, but having Zion to protect while he does his job would make his task extra harder. Fighting while protecting someone was just like suicide for him.

"Geez! Just—"

"Watch out!" Before Ivan could continue, Zion's eyes widened as he yelled. 

Out of adrenaline rush, Zion pushed Ivan to the side as a series of loud bangs resonated in the air. 

Zion didn't know why he did what he did. He simply acted out on impulse despite realizing what could've happened to him. 

Ivan's world suddenly slowed down as he slipped due to the blood under his shoes and he fell down. His eyes slowly widened, watching Zion take those bullets that were intended for him.