Chapter 61 - Wolf Qin

The last days of Lewis's vacations had passed by in a swift. It just went on, just like how he spent it with Devon and Dion's daily visits, but it didn't make it less satisfying to him. Now it was time for him to get to work.

Devon hugged her knees closer to her chest while she watched him walk back and forth from the couch. It was still very early, five in the morning, but he was already busy preparing.

"Are you her mom? You look like an anxious mother on your son's first day of school!" Ghost Lin spat out in disgust, who was sitting on the armchair. "Gee… stop sulking while using my face!" 

Devon only glanced at the nagging ghost but didn't say much. Ghost Lin wouldn't understand her anxiety, as this was the first time she'd be apart from him. Although Devon didn't expect she'd be this anxious and sad.

"Tsk," Ghost Lin clicked her tongue, annoyed. "And here I thought you don't like him."

"I never said I didn't," Devon murmured, resting her arms over her knees and her chin on top of it. "He's my friend, after all." and her family.

"You're acting like a child." Ghost Lin rolled her eyes before a brief smirk turned up on her lips. Her eyes suddenly glinted maliciously, catching Devon's attention as the latter glanced at her cluelessly.

"You, why don't you call him daddy since you're acting like his child?"


"Father. That's how we call our father's!" Ghost Lin raised her brows briefly, maintaining her poker face so Devon wouldn't find out.

"Nonsense," Devon muttered, frowning, as she didn't have the energy to entertain Ghost Lin's rambling. However, part of her memory remembered Lewis referring her to a child. 

'Does he see me as his daughter?' Devon wondered, blinking her eyes innocently. While she was pondering whether to ask Lewis if he liked being called a Daddy, Lewis suddenly stopped and faced her direction.

He narrowed his eyes. "You should sleep more."

"How insulting," she averted her eyes, closed-lipped. 'A lady stayed up early to send him off, how can he say that?' a faint sigh slipped past her lips for the nth time. If only he knew her worries.

Lewis frowned as he stared at the invisible, gloomy clouds hovering over her. Just the sight of her made him extremely reluctant to work, but he couldn't postpone it; he had tried, but there's a mountain of paperwork awaits him.

"This feels really… depressing," he muttered as he strode towards their room without saying a word to her. Devon, who glanced at him, felt more dejected with his lack of response. 

'I want to tell him to take me with him or just don't go, but he had duties to fulfill. I can't be that thoughtless and greedy, can I?' Devon told herself, convincing herself that she shouldn't be too dependent on him.

But a life in a new world with a conceited ghost as her guide? Not that Devon didn't like Ghost Lin, but Ghost Lin's ways were too bold and extreme. Devon didn't want to disgrace or humiliate herself, obviously.

"Haist…" Ghost Lin tugged the ends of her hair in distress. "Why did I come back too early?! I already knew this would happen! How infuriating! Should I help you or not?! You're acting as if you'll be apart for ten years!" 

Ghost Lin wanted to ignore her, but couldn't. That's her body and face and even her brain, after all. Although the soul inside was different, no one could bear to see their body and mental state suffer.

"I'm just sad," Devon whispered under her breath. "But I'll get used to it, eventually." 

The first time was always the hardest. In her previous life, she had always been alone, and the friend who always visited had his head delivered to her on a silver platter. That instance was impossible in this world, but what if he wouldn't come back? That thought scared her.

'I don't want to lose another dear friend, that's all,' she said internally but didn't have the gall to speak it aloud, afraid Ghost Lin might just condemn her. So, it was better to ignore her for now.

Her brows quirked when she heard the door opened and closed once again. But Devon didn't look in his direction, as staring at him just saddened her even more. 

"Here," her eyes snapped open, and slowly moved her head to her side as he sat down. She darted her gaze from his subtle smile to the tie in his hand. 

"Can you tie this to me?" he asked, confusing her. "Don't you want to have a little contribution? Don't worry, I'll teach you."

"Smooth… Daddy Qin." Ghost Lin mumbled, raising her thumb for a thumbs up. A gesture between husband and wife, nice.

Devon pursed her lips as she nodded. She took the tie from his hand while Lewis flipped his collar.

"Put it around my collar," he said, bending over. As he did so, Devon got a whiff of the scent of his hair, a faint scent of sandalwood with a bit of sweetness, perfect for his posh and sophisticated looks and demeanor.

"You smell good," she blurted out, freezing as soon as she realized it. Her eyes fell down on him, but it seemed it didn't faze him. 

If only Devon knew how Lewis opened his mouth with his tongue touching his inner cheek, just so he wouldn't smile. Meanwhile, Ghost Lin's eyes dilated as she didn't expect that from Devon.

"Holy..." Ghost Lin gasped in disbelief.

"Ahem!" Lewis cleared his throat as he straightened his back after she put the tie around his collar. "Hold it here, then cross the wide end over the narrow end…"

Lewis instructed her slowly and carefully, taking his precious time with their fingertips grazing at each other. He watched her as she bit her lower lip, noticing her flushed cheek, but said nothing about it. 

"Wow, Romantic Qin… you're born for this," Ghost Lin commented, covering her lips as she watched Devon tie the knot cluelessly, while the wolf in a sheep's skin wasn't even trying to hide his canines. 

"I feel bad for her."

"Done?" he asked, and she grinned as gazed up. 


He smiled, patting her head. "Thank you." 

His actions, though, made her frown. So she asked, "Do you see me as a child?"

"No?" Baffled, Lewis still answered in a confused tone.

"Then why are you patting my head as if I'm a child?" she asked, a little disappointed at being patted as praise.

Lewis raised a brow. "Then, should I kiss you?" 

"Ten points for wolf Qin.." Ghost Lin whistled as an awkward silence befell the two.