"Yes, you should get — what?!" 

Marshall's eyes dilated as he watched how the corner of Lewis' lips curled into a smile. Did he hear his grandson utter such words? His grandson whose name and marriage could never be put in one sentence?

"I canceled all the blind dates because they're just a waste of time," Lewis explained in a knowing tone, sighing as his heart softened at the thought of Devon. "I'd rather use those ten minutes I am mandated to spare them to my girlfriend." 

Marshall stared at him with eyes full of doubt. He couldn't believe his ears and his eyes. He had to blink to see if he was truly seeing the smile on Lewis's face.

"Brat, what are you saying so suddenly?! Did you meet —" He paused as he coughed loudly, feeling his chest tighten a bit from all the shouting.

Lewis immediately sprung up to his feet and rushed to his side. "Grandpa, are you alright? Don't raise your voice too much. I told you don't get too excited."

His concerned tone made Marshall shot him a glare. How could Marshall not raise his voice when Lewis was giving him a headache with his love life? And now Lewis was spouting nonsense.

"What kind of strategy did you cook up during your vacation, you punk?" Marshall slapped Lewis's shoulder while grinding his teeth. "What nonsense are you saying? Do you hate the idea of marriage so much that you're tricking me?"

Lewis frowned at this false accusation being thrown at him. He trudged back to the long sofa and let out a sigh.

"I only hate the idea of being married out of convenience, Grandpa." He cocked his head towards Marshall, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"How can you find a girl you might like when you're always cooped up in your office?"

Again, Lewis let out a weak sigh. "I told you, I will be marrying soon."

"Hah! I want to see this lover you've been bragging about!" Marshall scoffed, still not convinced of Lewis' claims and taunting him by inviting this girlfriend over.

"Sure." Lewis nodded nonchalantly. "But I have to ask her if she is comfortable in meeting you since she's a sensitive person."

"Hmph! If she's going to marry you, it's rude of her to reject meeting me!" Marshall harrumphed, purposely pressing a nerve or two. 

Lewis stared at his grandfather with his eyes glinting menacingly. "Grandpa, the thing that I'm afraid of is that you might embarrass me in front of her."


"I don't even think I'm worthy of her." Lewis let out a sigh, as Devon was just too precious. "She's like an angel who descended straight from heaven. Even if I give her the entire fortune of our family, it will be enough as a dowry."

Marshall's eyes narrowed as he studied his grandson's expression. To think that Lewis could bear such emotions and speak such words, part of him was wavering.

"Qin Lewis, I have to see for myself who is this 'angel' you're talking about." His voice suddenly grew solemn and low. "I won't accept just anyone. I have to know from which family she came from and see if she didn't come from a family of opportunists."

"Oh, her family are opportunists." Lewis bluntly informed him without batting an eye, rendering Marshall speechless. "Her father had sons and daughters from different women."

Lewis tilted his head to the side as he pondered about it and reviewed the information of the Lin Family in his mind. The Lin Family's business wasn't that bad — although they were not on the same level as the Qin Family — the head of the family had a notorious reputation in the past.

"Hah! And why are you telling me all this? Are you not afraid I will not accept this woman, knowing what kind of father raised her?" 

"With or without your blessing, I will marry her, Grandpa." Lewis asserted while staring at Marshall straight in the eye. "Even if it means stepping down on my position and living as a salaryman, she's the only woman I would like to marry."

The two of them stared at each other in silence, but the tension between them grew thicker than ever. Neither of them backed down with their staring competition.

"Chairman, until now, I did everything for this company and for our Qin Family. However, I will tear it with my bare hands if it impedes my only wish." Lewis stated along with his warning as he would do so if his position got in the way of his own happiness.

"I never requested anything from you or from anyone. I merely wish that you will respect the woman of my choosing and see her for her character without thinking what kind of benefit she will offer to our Qin Family."

Silence enveloped the two of them once again, so Lewis spoke after some time. "Am I not enough for our Qin Family for you to feel the need of another family backing me up?" 

"For you to say all this makes me want to meet this woman you're protecting to the extent of threatening your grandfather." Marshall's eyes glinted menacingly, exuding an intimidating air.

Lewis blinked as he leaned back comfortably. "I'll have to ask her opinion first and hear her thoughts about meeting you."

"Hmph! If she is not an impudent girl, she will meet her in-laws! How can you get married without meeting us first?!" 

"But I haven't proposed yet." Lewis blinked innocently as he watched Marshall's brow knit.

Marshall was slightly taken aback as his grandson just said he was getting married. Upon noticing his grandfather's baffled expression, Lewis explained.

"Grandpa, I just managed to charm her. She didn't even see me as a man before." Lewis let out his nth sigh, recalling how hard his life was being just Devon's friend. 

"What nonsense! Our Qin Family gene never lacked!" Obviously, Marshall got worked up with this information, as he was proud of his grandson for being almost perfect.

Lewis nodded in agreement. "I agree. It's a miracle that she accepted the likes of me, but I'm still worried once she realized a mortal dared to love her. I mean, how can she not like me when I have fortune, fame, looks, and influence?"

"Is she really an angel, you punk?!" Marshall's attitude surprisingly made a huge turn with their genes at stake. "Angels don't get blind to worldly things! You have to pray for her, how can you not know that after daring to charm an angel?!"