Chapter 118 - Stop It

Derek stood guard outside the hotel room, leaning his back against the wall with his eyes on his phone. He knew that Dion and Mike would come here any minute, and Lewis might literally kill them for interrupting the mood.

'Am I worrying too much?' he wondered, as he had been reluctant in contacting the best wedding coordinator to work with. The reason for that was because Derek was well-aware of Devon's health condition.

Even though Derek was not the one with whom she slept with, he still had a good amount of interactions with Devon in the past. Devon had made it clear that she didn't have any plans on being tangled with Lewis romantically. That was why Derek was worried.

"He is… Miss Lin will be in trouble in the future." Derek shook his head and let out another sigh. That was correct. It was not Lewis whom he should be more worried about, but Devon. 

"Assistant Wang, what are you doing here?" asked Dion, as they approached Derek. "Where is my brother?"

Derek just glanced at them briefly but said nothing. He thought the answer was too obvious, and answering that question would waste his energy.

Dion frowned as his eyes fell on the pillow in Derek's other hand. "Err… what's going on?" 

"Are you a saint?" Mike inquired as he glanced at the hotel room's door before casting Dion a look full of dismay. "What could they be doing inside, pray?"

"My brother being scolded or the other way around?" Dion cocked his head to the side, imagining that there would be no way Lewis and Devon would go that far. Although they've kissed, what he had imagined was just a simple peck.

"Dude, just what kind of image does your brother and Devon have in your head?" Mike's nose scrunched up as they were adults already. He found it annoying that Dion was suddenly thinking like an innocent child.

Dion let out a sigh and shook his head lightly. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"What? Then, tell me."

"Why would I? I don't talk about other people's lives behind their back, especially my brothers." Dion clicked his tongue in annoyance.

While the two of them bantered nonstop with the prolonged discussion, Derek glanced at the door. His brows perked up when the door slowly creaked open and Lewis just peeked through the small gap.

"Young master?" Derek called, eyebrow raised.

The door opened at a snail's pace, revealing Lewis' disheveled hair and inner white suit. Lewis acted nonchalantly as he turned around and walked back without saying a word.

"Er… does that mean we can go inside?" Mike wondered and stared at Dion, who looked back at him and shook his head.

"If my brother speaks more, be sure it will be the end of the world." Dion reminded, strutting his way in with his hands inside his pockets. Mike darted his eyes from Dion to Derek and frowned, as it seemed that Lewis was just that kind of person.

Mike took a deep breath and forced himself to step forth. 'I don't think Mister Qin will kill me.'

Meanwhile, Lewis opened a bottle of water to drink as he could barely stop himself from going further earlier. Devon was dangerous when drunk. Fortunately, she listened when he said she should take a shower to sober up.

"Derek, did you prepare medicines and soup for her later?" asked Lewis, even without knowing whether Derek was already inside or if his assistant even heard him.

"Yes. The soup will be delivered in here in a little while." Derek replied almost immediately as if distance and hearing Lewis' sentence halfway was enough for him to understand the entire context.

Lewis chugged down the water to cool his body down and breathed out. He then walked back to the lobby of the hotel room where Mike and Dion were perching. The former sprung up to his feet when he laid his eyes on Lewis.

"Ah, hello, CEO Qin. My surname is…" Mike trailed off as Lewis raised a hand.

"There's no need for that. I already know you... I know a lot about you." Lewis perched on the one-seater armrest while the other two behaved themselves. As soon as his eyes landed on them, both flinched, alarmed for no reason.

"Ge, about the article, you're not mad about that, right?" Dion broke the silence when he couldn't take it anymore. "You, of all people, know the reason I hang out with sis every day."

Well, Lewis was the one who asked him to accompany her. So, Dion wasn't the person to blame, but the paparazzi who couldn't respect their privacy.

"You are right. It's not your fault." Lewis nodded, making his little brother heave a sigh of relief. "However, you could've been more cautious about the people following you around. They only released the photos where my girlfriend's face is not showing to build suspense."

Lewis' eyes glinted menacingly as his tone grew colder. "If they were not ambitious enough for fame, my girlfriend's face will be everywhere now. Do you know what will happen if that happens?"

Fans would stalk Devon, and she would have to deal with those crazy types of fans as well. Dion's popularity was no joke, and the Qin Family had dealt with a lot of female fans who didn't know when to stop.

"Well," Dion pouted as he gazed down like a tamed puppy. "I thought they already stopped after I've gone hiatus for almost two years now."

"I've contacted your manager, and I told him that everything is under control." Lewis continued before he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "But you have to talk to Grandpa. He had been calling me since your phone is off."

Dion's entire body froze when he heard his brother's last remarks. Grandfather? The news reached their grandfather this soon? Shouldn't he be in bed when the article was released?! 

"Anyway, about you, Mister Huang." Mike's shoulder stiffened when he heard Lewis call him. "You should stop."

"Sir?" Mike knitted his brows and tilted it a little to the side.

"I pay close attention to people around my family. Although I don't meddle with their affairs, I know a thing or two, but still, turn a blind eye. So, I'm telling you to stop." Lewis fixed his eyes on Mike and his expression solemn.

Mike remained silent, holding his breath before he gazed down. "Yes, sir."

"What? What's going on?" asked Dion, darting his eyes from Lewis to Mike and then to Derek, who was standing on the side.

"It's nothing important, Dion." Lewis shook his head sideways, leaning back. "Forget about it."

Dion frowned, as he didn't like being kept in the dark. He glared at Mike, but the latter didn't meet his eyes as his focus was on Lewis. 

'What is this all about?'