Chapter 61 - 60. Decisions[Bonus ]

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
When Connor heard his lover's voice ask if the mark could be removed, the question had the same effect as a slap in the face. It was as if the doctor had dismissed his feelings. He had almost reached the front door when he heard a noise behind him. He turned back with his heart pounding and saw a little white werewolf hiding and her guardian who was watching over her. The agent smiled and stopped to wave at the omega girl.

As if she was just waiting for this sign. She ran to him, arm outstretched and Connor opened his arms to receive her. Sora curled up in the arms of the agent who closed his arms around her. She was still wearing the scarf Greg had tied around her neck and the agent smiled.

"You're leaving already?" Her voice was sad and her expression was adorable.

"Yes. I have some very important things to do. Nothing quite as fun and cool as a snow werewolf though."

"I'd like to play with you again, can we?"

Connor paused to think about his answer. He had no idea how things would turn out and didn't want to make any promises he wouldn't keep. He didn't want to disappoint her.

"I don't know Sora, but I promise to try."

The little omega pouted and the agent snorted at her upset expression. He hugged her before letting her scamper over to Willow who was waiting for the little girl to bid her goodbye a few steps away.

With a nod of his head, the man greeted the woman and left the house. The wind was freezing so he pulled his scarf tight around his neck. He quickly walked over to the car and slipped inside. Connor let his body sink into the chair and closed his eyes.

His body had warmed a long time ago when the door opened and Glen took a seat behind the wheel. Eden sat down in the back and the agent was surprised to see the silver-haired Soul healer settle down next to the male omega.

"What are you doing here?" he said with a frown.

"I'm tagging along to help you."

"As if you can do something besides screwing everything," Connor mumbled.

He didn't bother to hide his annoyance. Even if he knew nothing was her fault, he couldn't help but want the old werewolf anywhere but near him because he was pissed by how she had messed up his world. He didn't know who he was anymore and he didn't know what would happen to his relationship with the man he loved more than anything.

He remembered his boyfriend's words and his heart throbbed. Glen started the engine and Connor noticed that the doctor hadn't arrived yet.

"Where is Greg?"

"He told us to go without him." Glen talked as he avoided looking in his childhood friend's direction. "It's better if he's not here when we meet with the Skinwalkers and he has things to do."

Connor greeted the news and his expression darkened. He looked towards the house where the doctor was standing over with his hand lifted to his ear. Probably on the phone. He grabbed his safety belt and buckled it.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter."

At his words, Glen started to drive. He was staring at the road in front of him, trying with all his might not to let how he felt after the few minutes of heart-to-heart discussions he had had with Greg. His hands tightened on the steering wheel.


"Greg, are you sure about that? Do you want to remove the mark? I mean… I thought it wouldn't bother you and you'd fight for Connor… "

"I asked if it was possible to remove the mark, I never said I wanted it to be removed." The doctor stared at the door that had just closed behind the brown-haired man.

Greg was reluctant to chase after him but it would be pointless considering what he was planning to do. He had to let Connor save Glen's life. In the meantime, he would follow what he decided when he learned of the existence of the mark. His heart was pounding and after everything he had learned about Connor, staying calm was taking all of his energy. Still, there was no room for uncertainty. He was determined.

"I don't see exactly what the difference is," The werewolf confessed, his head tilted.

"I want to know what this mark entails. Even though Connor did it subconsciously, it seems to have some pretty significant value in his clan. So much so that it threatens my life. I just want to have everything in hand so that I can decide what I have to do. " His tone was calm and his expression composed as usual.

"The Skinwalkers' claiming mark is the equivalent of the werewolves mark. This is proof that the Skinwalker has chosen their life partner and it is also a warning intended for any outsider. It tells that the marked person is caught. Finally, to answer your question, no it cannot be erased. At least not to my knowledge. "

Glen was watching his best friend's lover. As always, the indecipherable expression the man wore kept him from guessing his thoughts. However, Connor had always been the exception.

The doctor easily showed a range of emotions when his boyfriend was involved in any situation. In any case, that was the case in the general run of things. Overprotective and head over heels, Greg Douglas had never shown coldness or indifference when it came to the WIA agent. 

Glen had a hard time figuring out what was going on in his head and he was afraid his friend would be hurt because of it. The light-brown-haired man might not say it, but he had fallen hard for his boyfriend.

The Dominant resented himself that his curse put both of his family in such a position. He clenched his fists and Greg's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Don't worry, you don't have to feel guilty at all. I know exactly what I'm doing." He opened his coat to search the inside pocket, pulled something out, and opened his hand slowly to show what was in his palm.

Glen's eyes widened, as did Eden's, and before the alpha could open his mouth, the Soul healer beat him.

"Oh? Is it your response to the threat hanging over your head? "

"Yes. This is my answer. I won't come with you. It wouldn't do anything for me to go there except to create unnecessary tension. Whether Connor accepts his inheritance or rejects it, he needs me to be out of his hair so that he can act freely. He might do something impulsive if the Skinwalkers ever come after me. I don't want to put anyone's life in danger. Neither his nor yours, Glen, and that goes for mine too. "

The Elder nodded at his decision and put his hands flat on top of her desk to get up. She walked past Greg who had lowered his head. His hand had closed around what he held in his palm and a sad glow darkened his ultramarine eyes. She guessed that the decision to part way with his lover was more difficult than he wanted to appear.

"We will make sure he comes back to Bloodhood's territory. I won't leave without him no matter what, " Glen stated.

The doctor lifted his head to give a faint smile that didn't reach his eyes and the Soul Healer spoke up.

"Don't feel guilty. It's better for a civilian not to be involved with the Moon Goddess children's businesses. I'll come with them. It has been a while since I heard any fresh news from the Blue Moon clan. I would like to be a witness, regardless of the change that would take place. I might even be able to convince them if ever our Goddess is on our side. His hand rested on Greg's shoulder as if to reassure him.

The smile she gave him was sincere and encouraging. Enough to calm the emotion that threatened to take hold. He turned to the alpha.

"I entrust you with Connor. Take care of him on my behalf. "

"Will do but, don't you want to tell him something. I don't know what to say to him… "

"It's ok. It doesn't matter. Just make sure he comes back. I'll take care of the rest. "


In the car, no one dared to say a word. Even the old werewolf knew best not to say a word and just looked at the agent who was boiling in anger in the front passenger seat. Glen's hands were tight on the wheel. He glanced at Connor who had pulled out his phone.

If one word had to describe the atmosphere around the agent, it would be terrifying. After taking the device out of his coat pocket, he started typing furiously on the digital screen. Glen didn't have to wonder who the recipient was. The device was silent for a long time. More than half an hour had already passed.

In the car, everyone felt more and more uncomfortable. The alpha didn't even dare to put on the music because he knew it might just blow up the man next to him who was now a keg waiting for a spark. The hole in the glove box that testified to the agent's last outburst of anger was still present. Eden cleared his throat and Glen's whole body stiffened.

"Hm… Connor, I wanted to apologize for everything earlier. I mean when I jumped and hurt you. I know it's not an excuse, but I had just discovered your true nature. I wondered why you had to hide something so important from Glen and what your intentions were. Anyway… hm… "

"Don't worry. I'm not mad at you. I got extra treatment so it doesn't matter. If I had a mate, I guess I would have reacted the same. "

"You have Greg."

In the car, the two passengers in the back held their breath as the alpha called out the name of the man who had chosen to stay back. It was a double or nothing bet that the werewolf had done.

He refused to drive any longer in this atmosphere and his experience had taught him that confronting Connor was always the best solution.

Still, Glen felt a drop of sweat slip down his back. Even though he knew the explosive anger of his childhood friend, he had never seen the man in such a state. Silence fell again. The dominant could feel his mate dig a hole in the back of his head and he didn't need a link to know that the omega was currently cursing his gut.

The phone vibrated and Connor finally moved. The man who hadn't reacted to Glen's remark looked at his screen and read the few words that were written in the message. In a cold voice, he addressed Glen.

"Pull over the car."

The alpha did so without asking for an explanation. When the vehicle stopped, Connor, who had removed his seat belt, opened the door and stormed out. He walked in the snow on the roadside and stopped a few yards away. Glen observed his figure which start to shake slightly and sighed. The werewolf unfastened his belt and went out.

He walked over and approached the man and heard his sniffles. The alpha stopped just a step away from the agent.

"I can't say any more than that but it's not what you think Connor."