Huoting came to the place where they asked suweize to have a good 'rest' with the gloomy breath of fear on his face.

"Boss, we have transferred the surveillance video. Do you want to see it now?" Chen CE asked.

After he had just read it, he felt very sorry for his wife.

This man doesn't treat his wife as a daughter at all, does he? How can I beat my daughter like this? If they were not like each other, he would have suspected that his wife was not his own.

"Give it to me." Huo Ting ordered.

Chen CE opens the tablet and tunes the video to Huo ting.

A few minutes later, the plate was hurled to the ground by Huo ting.

Chen CE lowered his head and held his breath. He dared not say a word.

"What about others?" Asked Huo Ting, gritting his teeth.

"In it, just woke up, he has been shouting innocent injustice, the captain felt God upset and knocked him unconscious."

"Wake him up." Hoting said.

Chen CE nodded, walked in and said a few words to the captain of the bodyguard. The captain extended his hand and gently knocked on suweize's body, making a creaky sound.

After a loud sound, suvizer woke up in pain.

He raised his head and glared at the captain fiercely. He said angrily, "if you dare to treat me like this, I will not spare you!"

"Take it out." Chen CE said coldly.

The captain didn't pay attention to the threat of suvizer at all. He bent down and shouldered suvizer on his shoulder, deliberately bumped into the injured place, making him unable to say curse words in pain.

He easily follows behind Chen CE and asks, "do you want to have a midnight snack together in the evening?"

Chen CE took a look at him and said, "you are not my dish, and I like my sister."

The captain was stupefied, and then reflected what Chen CE meant. He swore, "I shit, who likes you?" He just asked casually, does this little white face think too much?!

"Uncle, I won't make an appointment. Thank you."

"Fuck!" The captain also wanted to scold a few words. As a result, he saw Huo Ting's face was black, and the two men were silent. They dared not make any more jokes.

Suvizer was thrown to the ground, and before he could relieve the pain, he saw huoting standing in front of him.

He was startled and said, "Huo Shao, I really know it's wrong. Please forgive me! Su Mianmian is my daughter no matter how I say it. I really don't want to. By the way, is Mianmian OK? Is she here? " With that, he looked behind Huo ting.

After this incident, if he can no longer see Huo Shao's lingering love for Su, he is a fool.

Hoting pointed to his right hand and said, "it's this hand." This is a positive tone.

"Huo Shao I really don't mean it. Please let me go. " Suvizer cried for mercy.

"If you don't want to, then I won't embarrass you." Hoting said cruelly, "I want your hand."

Suvizer's face turned pale because of his words.

"No, Huo Shao, you can't do this Continuous, she will be angry, right, she won't let you do this to me! "

"Do you think I'll give you a chance to see her?"

"Huo Shao, Huo Shao, spare your life!"

"Do it!"



When huoting returned home, he found that Su Mian and Dongdong both slept very sweet, and Dongdong even left suspicious saliva.

He turned his face to the wall and turned his face towards the wall.

He leaned his hands on Su's head and looked at her deeply.

Su Mian felt his hot vision and opened his eyes vaguely.
