
"Little sheep, you make me angry." Huo Ting says coldly, "some words, I say only once, I hope you can remember it!"

Su blinked, inexplicably.

Uncle, which tendon is it?

"You are my man! Everything about you is mine, including your body. In the future, no more injuries are allowed. " Though his tone was cold, he stroked her tenderly.

Su Mian shrank slightly and whispered, "I promise you."

Huo Ting looks very pitiful at her lovely appearance, holding gauze on her forehead. He snorted coldly and said proudly, "don't think you are coquetry with me, I won't punish you. When you are good, I will set rules for you myself."

Su Mian's face turned red and he said, "uncle, can you not say this every time?"

She really can't stand it, every time.

When the atmosphere was just right, uncle said this, and all of a sudden the atmosphere was gone.

But, in other words, what kind of atmosphere do you want?

"Yes! Dad is really too boring than you. At this time, he should say "I love you, you are my little apple, and a heart is burning for you." Dongdong can't look down and said, "then you can eat saliva from mouth to mouth It's on TV. "

I didn't think he could see the live version. I was a little excited to think about it.

When they heard the voice of Dongdong, Qi Qi turned to look at him, only to see that he did not know when to stand up, and his eyes looked at them excitedly.

“……” Sue turned her face away in pain.

Huo Ting was very angry and felt that it was a serious mistake that he didn't take Dong Dong out first.

"Why don't you go on? Don't care about me, I just give you advice Ouch... " Dongdong hugs his butt and shuts up.

"Take a rest first. I have something to say to Dongdong." After Huo Ting finished, he went out with Dongdong in one hand.

"BAABAA, I hope to see you tomorrow..." Winter said with tears.

Su Mianmian couldn't look down, and said with a headache, "uncle, you are not allowed to fight in winter."

"Already." Dong Dong rubs his buttocks.

"Then No more fighting in winter and winter! " Su Mianmian corrected his speech skills.

Huo Ting looks up at Dongdong.

In winter, I pedaled in the air and said pitifully, "Daddy, I will never dare to do it again. If you want to kiss me, I promise I won't say a word. You see, for the sake of many novels I've given you, please forgive me once. "

Good! It turns out that he wrote the series of "bully president falls in love with hot little wife" in his computer?!

When he opened it, he thought it was infected by a virus, and his computer was hacked by competitors.

“……” Huo Ting listened to Dong Dong's words and wanted to beat his ass even more.

"What novel?" After hearing the novel, Su Mian said, "I'm really bored. I want to read it."

Huo Ting is trying to stop him. He thinks that it's enough to poison him in winter alone. Pure little sheep can't be taken astray.

Dongdong said excitedly, "it's very beautiful. I'll bring it to you later."

"Well, you can get it now."

"Daddy, you let me down first."

"Yes, uncle, you should put down winter and winter."

“……” Huo Ting has a kind of foreboding that little sheep will be crooked by winter and winter.