Su Mianmian was ordered to rest at home by Huo Ting because of his injury.

Naturally, she didn't like it. The wound on her forehead looked big, but it wasn't deep at all. After so many days, she had been fine for a long time.

This day, when Huo Ting went out, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his face, smiling and asking, "uncle, can you come back earlier in the evening?"

"I've been busy lately."

"That's it!" Great, uncle will be back later today.

Huo Ting took a deep look at her, saw her head down and added, "for your recent good performance, you can go to school next week."

Su Mian looked up in surprise and said, "thank you, uncle, you are so nice!" She found out that she spent more time with Dongdong and learned to be cute with him.

Fortunately, though, uncle took this.

Huo Ting left with satisfaction. Su Mian immediately changed his face and said to the housekeeper, "hurry, arrange a car for me. I don't think uncle will come back so early today!" She had to take advantage of Huo Ting's work and plan to visit the cake shop.

The housekeeper's tears on his face, how do you think the painting style of his wife has changed?


But when Su mianmianmian went to the cake shop, she found that the shop had not opened yet.

She took out her cell phone and looked at it at 12 o'clock.

In the past, we should open the door, right?

She reached for the door and knocked hard, shouting, "boss, boss..."

After a while, the door opened and a tall man with a face full of scum appeared in a Doraemon sleepwear.

He yawned and saw that it was su Mianmian, then his eyes widened and he said angrily, "I wipe it, you know it's coming! It's nearly a month. You haven't called. I thought where did you die? "

As he spoke, he reached out and pulled Su Mian in and closed the door.

Outside the door, Su Mian, who is responsible for protecting Su Mian, and the driver and bodyguard who escorted Su Mian, all see a question in the eyes of the other party. Is this going to derail, madam?

What to do? It was escorted by him! Huo Shao knows if he will kill them?!

The boss took Su Mian and looked carefully, pointed to the scar on her face, and asked, "did you fight?"

Su Mian said unnaturally, "that's all. Don't look at my face. It's almost over."

The boss shook his head and said in a very appreciative tone, "I appreciate you so much. Young people should be full of anger. In the past, you were too grumpy and didn't care about anything. It made people worried! That's good for young people! When it's time to do it, she'll give you one punch. You'll give her ten. By the way, have you won? "

Su Mian speechless said, "let me win."

The boss was blocked by Su Mian's unconcerned tone. He took a deep breath and asked, "by the way, what have you been doing since you haven't been here so long?"

Su Mian said in a light way, "I'm going to get married."

When she said this, the boss was drinking water. When she heard it, she puffed it out.

"Cough, cough..." The boss clapped his chest hard and was choked.

Su Mian, a little speechless, took a few paper towels and handed them to him.

The boss gasped and said, "please! If you don't want to say it, I won't force you. Your excuse is too insincere! "