The headmaster's daughter looked at Su's smiling face, calm and elegant. The girl's thin body floated in the empty air, as if she could fall down at any time.

In fact, sometimes, the most terrible thing about campus violence is not the moment when the violence happened, but the recovery period after these things. Generally, it is difficult for the victims to go out.

They will always think back to the time when violence happened, in various forms, the most common one is nightmares.

Su Mian thinks that she has a good mentality all the time. She has been in a cold and violent family and has been ignored and grown up. When she faces violence, what she can immediately think is what kind of way to solve it, even if this way is not acceptable to everyone.

They tried hard to open the hand of the headmaster's daughter, and said in fear, "let's go! We don't think of human life! "

"I don't! I don't believe it. She really dares to jump! " The headmaster's daughter said fiercely, "don't worry, she doesn't have the courage! She just said it. "

"Let me go! I don't want to stay here anymore! "

"Yes! This time you are coming, it has nothing to do with us! "

"You!" "If you dare to leave now, I'll let my father drive you all away!" yelled the headmaster's daughter

Su Mianmian has been staring at the three of them. When they are excited to watch, the closed classroom is suddenly opened.

A boy quickly came in, obviously the same uniform, but wearing it on his body has a sense of abstinence.

There was no expression on his face, and there was a cold air of no admittance.

"Su Zheyu?!" Su Mian looks at him in shock.

Isn't he in the hospital? How come out?

Su Zheyu went to Su Mian's face and held her down. Without waiting for any reaction, he took her out.

This man is not su Zheyu!

I don't know why, Su Mian has this feeling in her heart.

though they are as like as two peas, he is not Su Zheyu.

Su Zheyu is a high and cold gifted student. He looks down upon her every time he talks to her.

If he was su Zheyu, he would never come to save her. He would only look at her coldly.

So, he's not him!

"Who are you?" Su Mian grabbed his hand and asked, "where are you going to take me?"

Su Zheyu didn't return her words, but went straight ahead.

Su Mian tried to break away, but found that she couldn't break away at all. She said angrily, "let me go!"

Su Zheyu walked to a corner, stopped and said, "there is no surveillance system here."

That's why I want to bring her to myself.

Su Mian rubbed his wrist and asked deliberately, "aren't you in the hospital?"

Su Zheyu's face suddenly sank, a pair of good-looking eyes stared at her, and said, "last time you helped him, this time I helped you, which is two to offset."


"Su Zheyu." He said bluntly, "you've found out clearly that I'm the same as him. Why pretend to be stupid again?"

As expected

Su Mian thought for a moment and asked, "are you his fourth personality?" She had just doubted, and now she just wanted to hear him confirm it.

"No, you are wrong!" The fourth personality bent slightly, whispered in Su Mian's ear, "he is my fourth personality!"


(cough, this article is a silly, white and sweet one. My brother is an important role. I hope you like him)