"No, you are wrong!" The fourth personality bent slightly, whispered in Su Mian's ear, "he is my fourth personality!"

Su Mian looks at him in surprise and slowly opens his eyes.

Fourth personality or something It's very cold to think about it carefully.

Su Mian's response seemed to please him. He narrowed his eyes and said, "my name is K. remember my name. Don't treat me as that egghead next time."

How about saying that to yourself?

“……” Su Mianmian still wanted to know how he came out of the hospital. She asked, "aren't you in the hospital?"

K glared at Su and said, "I'm not sick!"

Su Mian would like to say that most patients will not admit that they are ill.

Suddenly, the fourth personality suddenly stood up straight, looked at the rear, and then again looked at Su Mian.

Su Mian was bewildered by him, then saw him bend over and take up the pin on her chest, looked at it carefully, and said, "it's really interesting."

"You like it? Here you are. " To thank him for helping himself out.

This pin is given to her by Dongdong. She must wear it, or she will not love him.

She thought that the design of the little sheep was pretty cute, so she obeyed the idea of winter. In fact, if she didn't wear it, she would be bored to death by winter.

K looks at her and makes sure Su Mian doesn't know it's a monitor. He smiles and helps her to put it on again, saying, "I'll see you next time."

Finish saying, no matter Su Mian's response, quickly left.

Su Mian was stupefied. Before he could react, he heard footsteps coming from behind.

As soon as she turned around, she was held in her arms.

“……” As soon as she wanted to struggle, she found that it was uncle from the familiar smell, so she gave up the struggle and just said stiffly, "uncle, my face hurts so much."

It's so tight that it's pressed on her face.

Huo Ting let go of her, looked at her with a black face, and asked coldly, "Su Mian, what I said to you, have you ever let go of it?"

Although uncle always spoke coldly, he called her name completely for the first time.

Su Mian looked up at him and found his eyes cold, without a trace of temperature. She couldn't help panicking and said, "I have."

"No, you didn't! If you take my words to heart, you won't climb the window. " Hoting said coldly.

You know, when he just heard the news at the meeting, the whole person was going crazy.

It's so close that his little sheep will be forced to jump!

Thinking of this, he rushed over from the meeting immediately, relieved when he saw Su Mian, who was safe. He was very angry when he saw that she didn't take this matter seriously at all.

Su Mian hears the words, this just reflects, what he said is just the matter.

She smiled and said proudly, "uncle, I don't really want to jump, I just want to scare them."

Huo Ting stared at her smile coldly and said nothing.

After a while, Su Mian lowered his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't think too much at that time."

From small to large, she has not been valued by everyone. Even if she married Huo Ting, she was forced to start at first.

In the end, she was still lack of self-confidence in the beginning of the marriage.

"That's what you think..." Hoting's cold reply.