The question about whom to talk with is really worrying about winter and winter.

He thinks that he can't do without himself, but he has only one person. What should he do?

So, dad is better than not to divorce with BAABAA.

This is the answer after a few turns in winter and winter.

"BAABAA, tell me the truth. Why are you cold war with dad?" Winter and winter asked at first sight.

Su Mian lowered her head and didn't want to talk about it.

Winter drum drum face, carefully asked, "it is not Daddy than have an affair?"

Su Mian looked up at him, unable to say, "No."

What do you think all day long?

"Then Baa Baa do you have a adulterer? It's over. Dad is so old. He can't fight with fresh meat? But if you like fresh meat, you can wait for me for a few years... "

Su Mian couldn't hear any more. She pulled Dongdong's cheek with her hand and said, "Dongdong, no more nonsense."

"Well, the mud in your nest is cold?"

"What do you say?" Su Mian let go of his hand, rubbed Dong Dong's face, and said, "say it again."

"Winter dreary say," then why do you cold war? "

Su Mian sighed and said, "I, I don't know how to say..."

"Say it with your mouth." Dong Dong patted his chest and said, "tell me, I'll help you out."

Su Mian looks at Dongdong, and is silent for a while. She shakes her head.

"Honey, I really don't know..."

Compared with Huo Ting's view of Dongdong as a child, Su Mian and his way of getting along is more like friends.

So when Su Mianmian said he didn't know, Dong Dong immediately believed it. He thought about it and immediately replied with a sharp tongue.

"BAABAA, I believe you, since you don't know, then it must be daddy who makes trouble for nothing. You know, a man who has been single for too long will always have menopausal problems. He is irritable and bad tempered. Don't worry, I will teach him a lesson for you!"

Finish saying, no matter Su Mian's reaction, he immediately jumped off the bed and ran out.

Dongdong ran to huoting and looked up at him.

Huo Ting was upset. Seeing winter, he waved and said impatiently, "aren't you sleeping with your mommy? Don't get in my way. "

"Daddy, why are you cold with baa?" Dongdong asked the same question.

"Children don't care about adults!" Hoting said coldly.

"Dad can't stand your big man better than me! You all started to have a cold war, then divorce. I told you! One day, I will definitely follow baa, so that you will become a poor old man without a wife or a son of paper. "

“……” Huo Ting said coldly, "Huo Chendong, I am your own father."

Dong Dong was stupefied, as if suddenly thinking of the fact, he said, "BAABAA and I are not better than myself." Finish saying, still deliberately provocative looked at his own father.

Huo Ting's sinews rose and whispered, "don't make me beat your ass."

Dongdong covers his ass instantly, shakes his head and says, "is that the only way daddy can do it? I really want to have a good talk with you! Because of your vexatious behavior, BAABAA baa only ate half a bowl of rice this evening, and usually ate two bowls of rice. "

His words let Huo Ting hear the heart, he asked anxiously, "is the little sheep not full?"