Dongdong is your wrong expression, nodding and saying, "yes."

"Then why don't you persuade her?!" Hoting said angrily.

Dongdong puts on a face that my father is better than expected to make trouble without reason!

"What are you waiting for? I'll call for someone to get some food for the lamb! She's still growing up, not hungry! "

After that, he rushed downstairs in a hurry. Ten minutes later, he came up with the food and said, "go, take it to your mommy."

“……” In just ten minutes, Dongdong felt that he had a new understanding of his outlook on life. As expected, all the married men became terrible.

He must not get married too early.

Dongdong takes the food back, Su Mian sees his tiger face, touches his head a little worried, and asks, "what's the matter with you?"

Dongdong replied seriously, "Daddy is such a cranky and moody person. BAABAA, you can see that he has a smart, lovely, handsome and compelling son on the paper and accepts his Da!"

Su Mian smiled and said, "honey, can we stop talking about this topic?"

"Well, my father knows that he is wrong. Just now he cried and said to me that all the mistakes are his fault. You must forgive him."

Su looked at him in dismay.

Dongdong continues to talk nonsense, "you see, daddy asked me to bring this porridge for you. If you eat it, you will forgive him. You can't cold war with him any more."

Su Mian said helplessly, "in winter, I will eat this porridge. As for other things, let's not talk about it for the moment."

She didn't quarrel with her uncle at all, so once Dong Dong said this, she knew that Dong Dong was breaking up.

However, in any case, Dongdong is very touched by her concern.

Just, there are some things she needs to think about

winter winter disappointed to see Su Miao, silently Tucao in mind, dad is useless than, even his wife can't make complaints about it.


The next morning, there was no change in the atmosphere between the two.

It's no use trying to be cute even in winter. Su Mian is still reluctant to smile. Huo Ting doesn't even give them a look.

After the meal, huoting sent Su Mian to school.

Along the way, the atmosphere is still awkward silence.

When Su Mianmian got off the bus, he looked at huoting, who was watching the computer, and sipped his lips. He left without saying anything.

In fact, she felt a little uncomfortable in the cold war with her uncle.

Although uncle always spoke coldly, he never ignored her.

Su Mian patted his cheek and told himself to show his weakness to Uncle before going back at night?

Say you're wrong

But what's wrong with me?

Who can tell himself?!

After class, the head teacher said to Su Mian, who was in a trance, "Su Mian, come to the office with me."

The head teacher is a 40 year old woman. She happens to meet a career bottleneck. If she can go up, this is her last chance.

Yesterday, she was hinted by the headmaster's treasure. She immediately went back to check Su Mian's files and found a place where she could show her kindness.

"Su Mianmian, you haven't paid the purchase fee yet."

Eaton's school uniform has two sets in a single quarter, and two sets of ceremonial clothes, all of which add up to ten.

It's all hand-made and expensive.

Su Mian's uniform was ordered two years ago. At that time, Su Weize paid for it. Every year, students will customize the uniform.

But Su Mianmian doesn't think it's necessary. It's just that the skirt is a little shorter. Anyway, it can be worn.

"Teacher, if I can still wear them, I won't order them again." Said Su Mian.

The head teacher said disgustedly, "the whole class has been booked, only you have not! Do you want to pull down the campus style of the whole class? Really, poor people like you don't want to come to Eton! "