She doesn't want to go to school in Eton now!

Can teachers abuse students at will?

Su Mian holds her fist tightly and stares at her fiercely without saying a word.

The head teacher took a wet tissue and wiped his face. Seeing Su Mian's fierce appearance, he was afraid. He pushed back a few steps and pointed to her and said, "don't mess with me. I've called your parents. He'll be right here!"


Su Mian is a little confused. Who else will come here for her?

Suvizer is absolutely impossible! She knows very well.

As for stepmother, it's even more impossible

She wiped her face severely. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, huoting saw the door of the office open, and huoting came in with a black suit. When he saw Su mianmianmian, his eyes swept around her. After he was sure that she was not hurt, he turned to the head teacher.

The head teacher has never seen so many men in black suits, especially the one staring at her at the front.

The gas field is so powerful that she will be scared to pee.

"You called for me?" There was no sound of temperature in hoting.

"Yes, yes." The head teacher swallowed his saliva and asked, "you, you are su Mian's parents?" So young is brother?

Su Mian looks at Huo Ting standing in front of her. She is shocked. She never thought it was her uncle.

Instinctively, she reached out and grasped hoting's dress.

Huo Ting felt that his clothes were swinging. He reached out and patted Su's hand gently.

Su Mian immediately felt a sense of security, a feeling of support is cool.

"I'm her guardian." Hoting said coldly.

Guardian?! Su Mian was shocked again.

When did her guardian change uncle?

Unconsciously, her relationship with uncle has become so deep?

The head teacher was a bit withered by this "Guardian". Even then, she didn't forget that the purpose of her tossing about was to let Su Mian drop out of school.

She took a deep breath and said, "since you are her guardian, I'll tell you straight. I've worked for 20 years, and I've never seen such a difficult student attack the teacher in public..."

The teacher in charge pointed to his bloody red chest when he was attacked. He said angrily, "look, this is what Su Mian did!"

"Are you ok?" Huo Ting asked with a frown.

"Ah? I have a pain in my chest! I'll go to the hospital to have an examination later... " The head teacher said to the serious place on purpose.

Huo Ting can't bear to stare at her. Seeing her voice, she turns around and asks Su Mian.

"I asked you."

Su Mian Leng Leng, back, "I'm ok." She just hit people and it was pretty cool.

What kind of parents are you, the head teacher?!

His child attacked others, didn't ask the injured person to calculate, instead asked his child hand has smashed pain?!

She was almost abused and cried, she said angrily, "this parent! Because you connive at children like this, Su Mian is so arrogant! "

Huo Ting took Su Mian's hand and looked at her carefully. After she was sure that she had not lied, she focused on the person who had been chattering all the time.

"Do you have an opinion?"

God! What is that?!

The head teacher took a breath of blood to spray out, she rubbed her chest, just wanted to scold and wake up the irrational 'parents', but saw the office and walked into a group of people.

Isn't this the principal and the school directors?!