These people usually do not show up like this unless it is a major meeting of the school.

When the head teacher saw them, he did not know why there was a sudden surge of uneasiness in his heart.

"Hello, school principal." She hurried forward and said politely, "Why are you here?"

The headmaster is fat, everyone is smiling, but at the moment he looks at the head teacher without a trace of good mood. He glares at her fiercely and says, "shut up and stand aside."

With that, he immediately changed his face, looked at Huo ting with a simple smile, and said pleasantly, "if Mr. Huo has anything to do, just tell us not to come here in person."

"Then you say, how to solve it?" Hoting asked coldly.

As soon as the headmaster received the news, he rushed over. In fact, he didn't find out the specific things. Hearing Huo Ting's words, he thought that if the headteacher did something inappropriate, he would make a difference to the headteacher.

When the head teacher saw the performance of the principal, what else did he not understand? Fear is to provoke people who should not be provoked, a burst of fear in my heart.

"It's OK. It's a small misunderstanding. I'm just chatting with Su Mianmian." She replied with a guilty heart.

Su Mian hears the words and despises the head teacher. She didn't say that just now.

"Didn't you say I was going to drop out?"

The headmaster glared at the head teacher.

She said, "no, I don't mean that."

The headmaster raised his hand and waved it, implying the head teacher not to speak any more. He said, "I'm sorry Mr. Huo, it's our fault. For such a good student as Miss Su, we Eton are very welcome. I'm very sorry for Miss Su's grievance. To show my sincerity, I decided in the honor of the headmaster that we should dismiss such irresponsible teachers !”

The head teacher didn't expect that the headmaster's treatment was so cruel. She said in a panic, "no, headmaster, you can't do this to me. I've been a teacher in Eton for 20 years!"

She said she was looking for her support among other school leaders.

"And vice schools of Jin and Jin?" She did so much just to shoot principal Jin's thigh, but this meeting, what about others?

The principal sneered and said, "vice president Jin was expelled from Eton yesterday. What do you want to do with him?" Originally, the position of the president could only be achieved this year, and he would be robbed by the back-up Deputy School of Jin.

It's unexpected that vice school Jin gave birth to a troublemaker daughter and offended people who shouldn't be offended.

When the headmaster thought of this, his attitude towards huoting and Su Mian was more flattering.

"No, no way!" The head teacher fell to the ground.

Fired yesterday?! How could it be, vice president Jin is the most popular person to be headmaster.

So what's all she did for?!

Huoting looks at all this coldly. He doesn't want Su Mian to see too many bad things. These things can be seen on the surface.

The rest will be dealt with by him in private.

He nodded and said, "the principal did a good job."

The principal smiled more naive and said, "Mr. Huo is satisfied. We are always student-oriented." Finish saying, he made eyes, the security guard of the school immediately came forward to pull away the head teacher who was still in shock.

Su Mian looks at the changeable things, and has a kind of indescribable feeling in her heart. She reaches out her hand to LA hoting and says, "uncle, shall we go home?"