The first day Xiaoyang came to work, Huo Ting was very excited.

Today, when they came together, little sheep was going down a street across the company, saying that the impact was not good.

Although Huo Ting didn't understand the meaning of the influence in the mouth of the little sheep, he thought that the two would soon be able to have a long-term relationship. Maybe he could try the bridge passage in the book "bully president and naive Secretary"

Thinking of this, Huo Ting couldn't help but go to the private fitness room to make a set of machines, which would change clothes after taking a bath and come out, just to see the little sheep coming.

Su Mianmian talks to Mary about things. She happens to see her uncle come out in a disheveled way with water dripping on his hair.

The buttons on the chest were not fastened properly, revealing the abdominal muscles.

Su Mian looks red and turns around at once.

"I haven't seen it. Why shy?" Huo Ting said while slowly buttoning.

Su Mian bit her lip and wanted to keep talking to Mary about her seat.

Eh, where are the people?

Mary has long been witty.

It's all like this. Su Mian doesn't understand anything.

Mary is afraid she won't mind, so as long as she takes care of her uncle.

Su Mian took a deep breath, turned around and said seriously, "uncle, I'm very grateful for the opportunity to work for me, but I can't accept your arrangement."

Huoting is close to Su Mian, with her hands on her side.

Su moved back nervously until her back was against the wall.

"What do you want?" Huo Ting stoops in her ear and asks, "you say, I meet your request."

He breathed on Su's face, and she had goose bumps.

She turned her face to one side, lowered her eyes, and said, "I don't want to be different from others. The other two new assistants are sitting outside. I want to sit with them."

Yes! She can't sit inside. How can an assistant sit in the same office with the president?

Isn't it obvious that there's something fishy between them?

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it." Su Mian returns.

"Well then. I'll call someone in and move your stuff out. " Huo Ting looks at Su Mian, who is nervous. He turns around and sits back in the office chair and presses a number.

Su Mian blinked, a little surprised that uncle was so good at talking this time.

A minute later, Mary came in again, with a security guard behind her.

She took a look at Su Mian and then directed the security guard to move Su Mian's desk out.

"Is there anything else?" Hoting asked coldly.

Su Mianmian is a little uncomfortable with uncle's sudden face change. He is stunned. He replies, "no more."

"Then close the door when you go out." After Huo Ting finished, he didn't even give Su a look.

He said so. Su Mian didn't say anything, so he turned and closed the door and went out.

"Mianmian, sit here first." Mary smiled in her ear and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll call your name in the company."

"It's OK." Su Mian replied, "Please sister Mary."

"Take a seat first. The other two assistants have just got down to take the work card. They will come up later." Mary said, handed Su Mian a work card and said, "this is yours."

Su Mian took over.

Mary gave a few orders and left.

After all, as the chief secretary, she is really busy.

Su Mian looks at the busy figures around him and is a bit at a loss.