When Mary got back to her place, she immediately picked up the phone and gave a small report to hoting.

"Boss, I did what you said Madam didn't say anything. OK, I'll continue to pay attention. "

After hanging up the phone, she could not help but bear it. She went to Tianya in vest and posted a post: "my boss is a snake spirit disease. He wants to attract his wife's attention and play hard to get Chapter name must be long! 》。


After one post, two new recruits who joined the company today also came back.

Originally, as the chief secretary, she really didn't need to take care of these young people, but who let the group come in with Mrs. boss?!

In order to show that everyone is "equal", she had to go out in person.

Mary stepped on 15 centimeter high heels and walked over, smiling professionally. "Come here, new people."

Su Mian hears the words and stands up quickly.

"Take your time, don't get up so fast." It will make you dizzy to stand up suddenly.

As soon as Mary's words were finished, Su Mian and her three men looked at her in surprise.

She laughs and says, "we are such a humanized company. Everyone in the company is a family who loves each other."

Two small new people immediately moved to say.

"It's really happy that we can get into Huo family..."

Su Mian secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead when everyone didn't pay attention.

Then, Mary simply said the content of everyone's work, and let the new people go back to work.

She said, "come with me

After hearing this, Su Mian followed Mary into her office.

Mary said directly, "madam, your work is quite special. You are responsible for the two meals of boss, lunch and afternoon tea. Here are the likes and dislikes of boss. First, you go to have a look, and then write a plan."

Marie make complaints about it while BOSS is really trying to make good use of it.

In order to brush the sense of existence in front of his wife, he thought of such a way.

Su Mian heft the weight in his hand. How can I see it here is more than 100 pages?!

Mary replied, "it's not enough. I have a food boss would like to eat occasionally. I'll give it to you after you have digested this information."

“……” Thank you. She really doesn't want to know.

Su Mianmian returns to the office with the information, and the two newcomers stand up to welcome her.

A girl with a baby face said, "my name is doll. What's your name?"

"My name is Su Mian." Su Mian returns.

"My name is Tian Mengmeng." The other girl is very cute.

After exchanging names, the three began to communicate with each other.

Although the doll has a baby face, she is the oldest of the three. She is 23 years old and just graduated from university. Her job is also the heaviest of the three. She is responsible for the sorting and classification of the copywriting.

Tian Mengmeng, like Su Mianmian, is an intern. She comes three times a week, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

"Mianmian, you are lucky enough to be responsible for boss's diet." "Mengmeng said enviously," so that he can steal food when he selects dishes for boss. "

It's really enviable to eat a big meal every day!

By the way, Mengmeng is a foodie.

"Or shall we exchange?" Su Mian is really upset about this job.

She doesn't want to write a report or anything?

She has never seen such a picky eater!

Mengmeng thought for a while and said, "well, I've lost weight recently, so I'd better not change it."