Mengmeng turns off the computer and prepares to leave with her bag. Seeing Su Mian still sitting in her seat, she asks, "Mianmian, if you don't leave, it's too late. Sister Mary said that the orientation meeting will start at 8:00 on time."

In order to celebrate the three new comers, the Secretariat will hold a new reception tonight.

In fact, the new year's meeting is to have a meal together, and then sing happily.

"You go first, I'll go later." Su Mian returns.

The reason why she dare not go is that she has not reported to uncle yet.

"I'll see you later."

After Mengmeng left, Su Mian got up and walked to the door of huoting's office. Just about to knock, the door suddenly opened.

Su Mian took a step back.

Huo Ting looks at her expressionless.

"Uncle, how can you come out and scare people?!" She rubbed her chest, inexplicably a little guilty.

Huo Ting looked at her and said lightly, "back."

He was a little upset in his heart. He was going to cool the little sheep. After she didn't adapt, he would come to find himself. As a result, she didn't come for a day.

Huoting now seriously doubts that Chen's strategy is wrong.

It seems that the little sheep don't eat it?

Su Mian didn't seem to hear Huo Ting's displeasure. She reached for his arm and asked pleasantly, "can I go home later tonight? My colleagues in the Department held a welcome meeting, and I also want to go. "

Hearing this, Huo Ting was even more upset! Want to play with others? On the contrary, it's said that a man is the God?!


"Really? Great! " Uncle is good at talking.

Huo Ting said coldly, "it's eight o'clock at home."

Eight Even if she used to have a drink of water and left immediately, it would be too late.

"When did you have this?"


“……” Uncle, please don't be cute! Tear eyes

Su Mian's face was almost taut. She sipped the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand and continued to pull La hoting's arm. She said in a coquettish way, "uncle, if I don't go, I won't make friends. If I don't make friends, I won't be better integrated into Huo's family."

"Why do you make friends? Little sheep, don't put the cart before the horse. Do you need me to remind you of your work? " Huo Ting said displeased, "you only need to serve me well. Other things have nothing to do with you."

Su Miao make complaints about his work.

Even if she was raised, would you please give her some meaningful life?

Like or not like those 100 pages, she found the credibility was very low after a rough scan.

Uncle Ming likes cake very much, and his favorite is strawberry cake.

But it didn't even write such important information.

Su Mian knows Huo ting. He is a typical person who eats soft but not hard.

She thought about it, pretended to be pathetic, and said pleasantly, "honey, I promise you will have a little surprise for lunch and afternoon tea tomorrow. I've been thinking about it all day today."

Hearing Su Mian's words, Huo Ting felt more comfortable and said proudly, "in fact, I don't care about these, you know, as long as you make food, I can do anything."

What? Uncle wants to cook for him?

"You are so stupid that you can't do anything well. I'll have to ask Mary to assign you the simplest job." See how thoughtful and understanding he is.

"Yes, yes." Su Mian's answer of duplicity.

make complaints about her life, but it's not easy at all.

Huo Ting saw that she was obedient. Today's sullen mood was almost over. After thinking about it, he asked, "do you really want to go?"

Su Mian nodded hard.

"Go." Huo Ting said generously, "I'll go with you."

“……” Uncle, if you are sure you will go, we will not be scared to death?