Huoting must follow Su Mian. In this case, Su Mian doesn't want to go.

As a result, when she couldn't say it, Huo Ting wanted to go.

When Su Mian went to the Imperial Palace, it was eight o'clock.

"Mianmian, why did you come so late? Everyone is waiting Ah! " At last the scream was because of seeing hoting.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo..." The poor senior didn't have the glib to face the customers at all and began to stutter.

Hoting, with a black face, swept the hand he just wanted to put on the shoulder of the lamb.

Great courage! Huo Ting looked at his work card and silently wrote down his face.

The scream was so loud that everyone in the room looked out. When they saw Huo Ting coming, they all stood up in fear.

"Mr. Huo, why are you here?"

Huo Ting was not at all uncomfortable. He glanced at everyone and said, "I heard that you have a new meeting. I'll come and have a look."

Everybody is crying in the heart, all do not understand why "welcome new meeting" can attract BOSS?

If they had known that, they would have changed their names.

Mary is the only one who knows Su Mian's identity. When she sees Huo Ting coming, she doesn't understand anything.

She clapped her forehead painfully, regretted and forgot to tell her subordinates that she didn't have to invite Su Mian.

Boss come here. What else do they dare to do?

That's right. Tonight is a fraternity in the name of the welcome party.

However, at present, boss must not find out, or

She's going to be miserable.

Mary thought of these things that might happen, her face turned blue, she reluctantly hung a smile and said, "thank you boss for coming to guide the work, but we're almost together here, boss, your time is busy, everyone quickly thank boss, we'll break up the party."

"Gone?" The man in charge of the arrangement was stunned and said, "but the captain hasn't come yet."

Mary would like to take a picture of the second cargo's men, but the premise is that she has to close her eyes first.

"Someone else?" Huo Ting looked at the things on their table. They were all drinks. He really didn't want to have dinner.

“……” While Mary was still thinking about what to say, the door opened again.

The captain of the bodyguard came in with five or six bodyguards. They were off duty. Everyone changed their suits and put on their casual clothes.

They are all in good shape. Ordinary clothes are worn on them, and everyone is wearing the feeling of a model.

"Mr. Huo?" The captain asked doubtfully, "Why are you here?"

Huo Ting looked at his right-hand man, and knew that she was about to get married.

Looking at the ratio of men and women at the scene, I couldn't understand anything. My pupils shrank slightly and said coldly, "Mary, it seems that I have given you too little work."

“BOSS……” Mary was about to kneel down and beg for mercy when she heard Mengmeng shouting.

"Mianmian, what's the matter with you?"

Huo Ting hears the words, which has any mood tube Mary, he looked back, saw Su Mian holding the stomach half squatted down, a face of pain.

"Get out of the way." Hoting said coldly.

Mengmeng is so scared that she immediately dodges to one side. Huoting stoops to pick up Princess Su Mian.

Su Mian said in a weak voice, "uncle, I have a stomachache." She gave Mary a sign when she couldn't see it to reassure her.

As soon as Huo Ting heard Su Mian was not comfortable, he no longer had the heart to care about others and walked out with her in his arms.

Mary is going to kneel down to thank her wife.

Compared with the cold boss, the lady is just like the gentle little angel in the spring breeze!