Su Mianmian walked out with an empty lunch box, feeling guilty and worried.

I feel guilty because my uncle said to her, "although the food you cook doesn't taste good, I'm still barely satisfied with this little surprise for you to get up early in the morning and cook for me."

Worry is also because the uncle said to her, "since you can cook, then you will be responsible for my lunch. By the way, green pepper is such a disgusting food that I don't want to see in my menu in the future!"

…… But she can't cook!

If I turn myself in now, will uncle be angry?

The answer, of course, is yes.

So, Su Mian didn't turn herself in, she just walked out in despair.

When Mengmeng sees Su Mian coming out, she pulls her and says, "Mianmian, I'm sorry. Today's meal is cooked by the boss himself. It's really terrible. We've already complained by phone. The boss said that the chef should make a new one and send it to us Ah, have you eaten up? "

Su Mian Leng Leng, asked, "is it hard to eat?"

"Yes, it's too salty to eat." Mengmeng said in wonder, "strange, how did boss eat it? It's hard to eat. No one here can eat. "

I think it was made by myself!

That's why uncle will eat all!

Su Mian's heart was filled with guilt. If she had known earlier, she should stay even if the food she made today was no longer ugly or tasteful. It's better than cheating her uncle.

Mengmeng shouts at her back, "Hey, where are you going? Boss's meals are all gone, don't complain? "

Su Mian returns to the door of the president's office. After standing for a while, she knocks uneasily.

"Come in." There is a monitor at the door. When Su Mian is at the door, huoting knows it's her.

Su Mian came in and looked at uncle. He could not say what he was saying.

"What's the matter?" Huo Ting looked up and asked.

She sipped her lips and said, "uncle, I will learn how to cook in the future."

Huo Ting thought she was sad about lunch, and said, "it's not too bad." This is the most comforting thing he has come up with.

Su Mian lowered his head and said that he didn't make it.

Seeing her withered appearance, Huo Ting could not help but feel interesting. He thought about it and said, "I'm looking forward to your second little surprise."

Right! And afternoon tea!

Su Mian holds her fist in both hands, looks up at huoting, and her eyes are shining again.

She said, "uncle, there is a delicious cake across the company! I'll buy it for you now. Wait for me! "

With that, she turned and rushed downstairs.

Huo Ting is a little surprised by Su Mian's reaction, and at the same time has a light sense of pride. He is really the one he likes! Sure enough, the little sheep thinks of itself all the time.

He stood up, drew up the curtain behind him, and looked downstairs.

Within a moment, I saw Su Mian running across the road and entering a cake shop. After a while, he came out with a bag.

At this time, the downstairs Su is waiting for the red light. She has never thought that the red light will be so long in just one minute.


Suddenly a car passed in front of her. After passing her, it fell back quickly. The people inside pulled the door open, and drew the unprepared Su Mian in, and closed the door!

The time before and after is not more than one second.

The green light finally turns into a red light, but there is no su Mian, only the cake falling on the ground.

(thank you for your support ~ ~ your support is the power of Xiaohuo