It was a surprise.

She was still standing at the zebra crossing waiting for the red light for one second, and then she was pulled into the car next second, unexpectedly smelling a pungent smell.

Not good! It's overpowering!

Su Mian wanted to hold her breath, but she found that she was still a step slow. She couldn't use her strength and her brain was confused. She wanted to open her eyes and see who the kidnapper was

It turned out to be dark.

When she woke up again, she found herself in a bed.

It's very quiet around. I can only hear the air conditioner blowing in the room.

She looked at the ceiling dully, thought of what happened before she lost consciousness, and sat up abruptly.

"Well..." Su Mian covers her forehead and resists the sudden stabbing pain.

After a while, her head didn't hurt so much, so she had the energy to see where it was.

The design of the room is like a huge cage. The bathroom, shower, bed and bookcase are not in the same line.

It's a circle.

Su Mian makes a circle and finds that there are food and game machines here except for no external connection.

Is this to make the kidnappers happy?

Then what surprised Su Mian even more was that her coat had been taken off.

Fortunately, the kidnapper still has a little conscience. He has turned on the air conditioner for her, or she will definitely catch cold.

She stepped on the thick blanket and came to the door step by step, twisting hard.

All right! It was locked.

I thought there would be an unexpected surprise.

She clapped hard at the door and shouted, "is anyone there? Hello... "

After ten minutes of shouting, there was nothing.

Su Mian doesn't give up to go to the window and force the curtain open.

“!” Where is this!

What she saw was dense bamboo, and the height was at least three or four meters.

Is this the mountain?

Naturally, the window can't be opened. It's locked with a door lock.

Su mianmianmian is disappointed to draw the curtain well, sits back on the bed, starts to think.

Who is the one who tied himself up here?

What is the purpose?

Besides, uncle should have found out that she's gone?!


Naturally, hoting found it.

Not only did he find out, but he could even say that he watched Su Mian being kidnapped.

It was so unexpected that someone dared to move him in s city. As for him, he was stunned for half a second, so he immediately contacted his subordinates and asked him to locate Su Mian.

Yes, he has put a monitor on Su Mian for a long time, and there is more than one.

"If you dare to touch me, I will make you regret coming to this world!" Huo Ting said harshly.

Twenty minutes after su Mian disappeared, his men brought him bad news.

"I'm sorry, Huo Shao. The monitor is disturbed. We can't find the position of Madam..."

Huo Ting's face suddenly changed.

There are three monitors on the little sheep. In such a short time, they were all dismantled?!

The other side of such means, inexplicably let him have a kind of familiar feeling.

He said coldly, "contact the mayor, I need to adjust the surveillance video."

Half an hour later, it was nearly an hour before Su Mian disappeared.

"Huo Shao, I'm sorry that I still can't find my wife's position. Now we have preliminary doubts Madame was taken on the plane... "

Huo Ting's eyes sank sharply.

Good! He knows who took the sheep!