It's not the kidnappers who come after you, is it?!

Su Mian watched nervously, holding on to K's clothes with both hands.

The door of the car opened, first to see a big long leg, then to the black faced Huo ting.

It's uncle!

Su Mian's fright turned into a surprise.

"Uncle, I'm here..." She waved happily to hoting.

K raised his eyebrows, showing a smile of unknown meaning.

Su Mianmian thinks K will stop and let her down, but instead K is an unexpected engine car, increase the fire power, and drive away when everyone can't hold their hands.


That's right! Very handsome and leave without a word!

"K, what are you doing?" Su Mian shouted angrily.

"I said I would take you to an interesting place." K calm way back.

"I don't want to go, OK?" K is riding too fast. Su Mian can only hold his waist, for fear that he will be thrown out if he doesn't pay attention.

"I want to take you." K is still very calm.

Su Mian is going to be pissed off by him.

Is this personality too self? What do you want?!

"I'm not going! Stop it for me! " She cried out.

K still ignores Su Mian.

Su Mian can't stand pinching his waist, but forces him to slow down. As a result, he only sees that at the beginning of K's life, he deviates a little, and then speeds up even faster.


She puffed her cheeks. When she wanted to enlarge her moves, she felt a little sticky in her hands.

She looked down, it was blood!

"You're hurt!" She said in surprise.

K sips the corners of his mouth.

"You're not going to die?!" Su Mian said angrily, "stop right now!"

At this time, huoting was overtaking them. When k was shaking his head, two cars suddenly appeared from the other side and stopped ten meters in front of them, and huoting's car was running with them.

Huo Ting rolled down the window and said coldly, "stop right now!"

They had no way to escape and were surrounded by several cars.

K narrowed his eyes slightly and said regretfully, "it seems that he can't go today."

With that, he slowed down and stopped.

Huo Ting came down from the car and walked towards Su Mian and them with a fiery face.

Su Mian has been looking forward to seeing Huo ting in his heart, but when he really saw him, he was a little frustrated.

In particular, Huo Ting's face is very bad, very angry. It looks like he is going to strangle her.

She looked at Huo ting and held out her hands to her. She thought, don't you really want to pinch her neck?

Sue shrunk her neck.

Huoting didn't know what she thought. He reached out and hugged Su Mian.

"Thirty two."

Su Mian fell into a warm embrace and was picked up by huoting.

She leaned her face a little shy against hoting's chest.

"What?" What does thirty-two mean?

"You are thirty-two hours and eighteen minutes out of my sight." Huo Ting's tone is as cold as ever.

"Eh? I thought it was a long time, and it didn't work out for a long time. "

"Little sheep."


"Shut up! Don't make me angry on purpose as soon as you come back. "

“……” She didn't.

Huo Ting carefully put Su Mian on the ground, and then turned to look at K.

K takes off the safety helmet, hooks the corner of his mouth towards him, smiles slightly.

"Isn't he your sick brother?" Huo Ting asked angrily, "is it su Zheyu or Su Chuyu?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "he is not su Zheyu. His name is K."