Huo Ting frowned and thought about Su Mian's words. He replied angrily, "what's the difference? Not all alone? "

Su Mian is also silent. It seems that there is no difference. No matter the first personality or the fourth personality, they all use one body.

It's a bit indecent to think about it.

However, Su Mian can't take Su Zheyu as his original one.

Seeing Su Mian's silence, Huo Ting thought that she agreed with her words and gave orders to her subordinates.

"Catch him!" Because he is a brother, so he beautifies the script.

Instead of saying 'kill him for me'

Hearing this, she said angrily, "he's hurt. You can't touch him!"

K was dressed in a black suit. The wound was not covered obviously. If she hadn't just touched the blood, she didn't know he was hurt.

That should be for her injury, which makes Su Mian feel guilty.

Huo Ting's frown can kill several flies, he said, "little sheep, obedient, you go back to the car and sit first. I'll deal with it here."

Even my brother-in-law has to thank him for his brainwashing.

Huo Ting is already thinking that it's better to poke some holes in K's body

Su Mian hears words, then knows uncle is perfunctory oneself, she says anxiously.

"Uncle, don't get me wrong. I was locked up in the mountain. K saved me." She didn't forget that K just sent a very misleading message to uncle.

She was worried that uncle looked for it, so she thought it was k who kidnapped her.

Is this a little sheep's complaint?

Huo Ting coughed uneasily and said, "don't worry, I won't do anything to your brother. I just want to talk to him about something."

Su Mian was still uneasy. She took La hoting's hand and said, "I'm worried about his injury when you remember to find a doctor for him."

Huo Ting nodded very reluctantly.

Su Mian looks at k again, and then sits on the bus.

As soon as she left, the whole life of hoting changed.

If it's sunny just now, it's cloudy and there's a storm brewing.

He was very unhappy at K, K is still a light look, smile very leisurely.

"What is your purpose?" The channel he just sent him is clearly the sign of leibatian, which proves that this person is leibatian.

No, or it used to be.

K is very cooperative to say, "I have a little thing to offend brother Tian. I can't stay there any longer. Now I just hope Huo can always give me a shelter."

So it can explain why he can "save" the sheep in the first time.

Because he is the person over there at all, but, he says so, Huo Ting also won't believe him.

Lei batian has a lot of killers around him. The youngest is less than ten years old. Unexpectedly, the younger brother of the lamb is also

In this way, he suddenly felt that there were many things he didn't know.

Lei batian has planted people around him unconsciously?!

K saw Huo Ting's face getting darker and darker. He thought he might have misunderstood him.

"I'm not a killer, I'm just a logistics man."

(you can leave more messages. All messages and small fires will be refined and earn points)