Dong Dong, after some enlightenment from Huo Ting, deeply realized that he was still too young to hit people impulsively.

Even if you beat it, you should beat the invisible place!

When he got home, he reached out and waved and couldn't wait to go back to his room to take notes.

After su Mian got off the car, he reached out and took La huoting's hand. Huoting looked back at her.

She sipped her lips and asked, "uncle, can you talk about it?"

Seeing her worried face, huoting took her to the back garden.

Roses are planted in the back garden. All the roses provided in the house are picked in this greenhouse.

The roses here look better than those bought outside. Sometimes, the elder Huo family will ask the housekeeper to send some to them.

However, Su Mian is not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful roses at the moment.

She looked down at the little stone at her feet and asked in a low voice, "uncle, Dongdong's mother Why did you leave? "

She knew that maybe uncle would be very unhappy when asked this question, but she really wanted to know.

She never wanted to know these things before because she didn't care.

But now it's different.

She cares about winter, about Uncle.

So, she would want to know more, including Some of the past.

The atmosphere was frozen for a moment. Su Mian looked up at huoting's back and couldn't see his expression, but she knew that huoting was in a bad mood at the moment.

"She..." Su Mian suddenly regretted asking.

"She doesn't want winter." Huo Ting said coldly, "if you are worried about this, you can rest assured that she will never come back."

Su Mian rushed up to hold Huo Ting's back and whispered, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

Huo Ting sighed a little and said, "little sheep, Dongdong is our Huo's child, always..."


At that time, Su Mian didn't think about the meaning of huoting's words. He didn't understand the meaning until many years later.


Two days later, leiaotian asked Huo ting to meet him at night.

It's the first time in three years that the two have sat together peacefully.

Huo Ting found that leiaotian was thinner than he was three years ago. His eyes were blue with iron, and the whole person didn't look normal.

"I know what you want to ask?" After a sip of wine, he said coldly, "I didn't cheat you. When I saw her, she was dead."

Leiaotian looked at huoting scarlet.

For three years, he had known the answer, but he was unwilling to accept it.

"You deserve it!" Hoting said cruelly.

Leiaotian said fiercely, "that's because you haven't experienced the pain of losing your lover."

"Yes, but I will never have such an experience. Because I won't hurt the one I love! "

Huoting looks down upon him most. He didn't cherish when he was there. Now he's gone and pretends to be a saint of love.

"Yes! You can't? I deserve it! " Leiaotian laughs madly.

Huo Ting looked at him for a while, saw that he was crazy, frowned, and said, "I'll warn you for the last time, don't move the sheep's idea again."

After that, he took a sip of the wine in the cup and left without caring about him.

Half a minute later, leiaotian stopped his crazy smile and murmured, "Huo Ting, I want to see what you call love in the end What's the difference... "