After going to school, Su Mian was called to the office by the teacher again.

She was told that everyone had volunteered and she had to make a decision as well.

Su Mian asked anxiously, "teacher, according to my current achievements, if I work hard in the next time, do you think I will be admitted to the University Department of Eaton?"

Eaton has a university department and a small reputation in s city.

Of course, this is not su Mian's only choice.

But Eaton University Department has the major she wants to study. If she can't get here, she will go to another university.

If it was before, it didn't matter to her.

But now, she still wants to stay in s city.

The teacher looked at her with a little headache and said, "I think you'd better consult with your family."

After the head teacher was changed, she took over Su Mian's class. What the headmaster specifically told her was the background of Su Mian.

So, she is more confused about Su Mian.

Huo Shao is Eaton's largest shareholder. If Su Mian wants to go to Eaton University Department, isn't it easy?

However, what she didn't know was that Su Mian didn't know these things at all.


Su Mian lowers his head. He has never seen him since he was beaten by Su Weize in the hospital last time.

What's more, she didn't feel that if she discussed with him, she would get any result.

"Thank you, teacher." Su Mianmian said, "I will hand in the volunteer list tomorrow."

"Oh, yes."


After class, the driver came to pick up Su Mian.

"Don't go home until later." Su Mian, holding his bag in both hands, said, "I want to go to uncle's company to find him."

The driver nodded and drove to the holly group.

The rest of the company didn't know the relationship between Su Mian and huoting. They were surprised to see Su Mian coming.

"Mianmian, it's not your work today. Why are you here?"

Su Mian was stunned. Before she could reply, Mary stood up and said, "I called her to come here! Go to work. Don't surround yourself here. Go to work. "

When Mary came out to drive people out, everyone broke up.

Mary pulled Su Mian into the office and asked with a smile, "why did Madame come here suddenly?"

Su Mian hugged his schoolbag and said, "I have something to do with uncle. Is he free now?"

Mary's expression had a moment of embarrassment, and she immediately smiled very naturally and said, "unfortunately, boss is just in a meeting, I think it will take a while, or Madam, would you like to sit in my office first?"

Su Mian did not doubt that he was there, nodded.

After Mary settled her in the office, she turned around and walked out gracefully.

Just as soon as the door closed, the grace on her face immediately collapsed. Her face was flustered and her face changed so that Chen CE, who had just come over, could not help looking twice.

"Mary, you really should find a man." He said kindly, "if you go on like this, I'm really worried about your suffocation."

Mary is not in the mood to listen to Chen CE's poisonous tongue at the moment. She grabs Chen CE's arm and says in a panic, "what can I do? Madame is here! Boss sees the goblin in it! "

“……” Chen CE's face was expressionless.

"It's time for you to respond to my sister! In case of an unfortunate fight God! It's quite possible! " Mary said worriedly, "shall we bring the security department first?"