“……” For K, Su Mian doesn't know how to respond to him.

Mingming is such a cool and handsome boy

Young man, isn't it good to order so much?


It's like crying.

The waiter was looking at them all the time. Seeing that they didn't speak, he asked again, "Sir, do you want any more?"


"No." She is worried that she can't finish eating.

K and the waiter look at Su Mian.

Su Mian replied, "OK, one more."

"Yes, sir. Please wait a moment."

After su Mian saw the waiter go down, he asked himself a question that he had always been curious about.

"How do you know so much food?" Every time k chooses a place that is not very popular.

"I hacked into the system of gourmet.com, got the evaluation information of members, and then made a screening, where the comprehensive evaluation was the highest. I tried one by one, and then found out the wrong store." K explained.

After su Mian listened, she smacked her tongue.

She replied, "to eat You really give too much. "

K smiled, but seemed to fit his age. He said, "I like it, so I think it's quite interesting."

Su Mianmian picked up the cup, took a sip of tea and asked, "K, have you thought about the future?"

K picked his eyebrows and asked instead, "is this what you are worried about?"


K clearly said, "yes, you will have the college entrance examination in another two months."

Su Mian nodded and said, "I really want to go on to the University Department of Eaton, but I'm afraid I can't get my grades."

"I can help you."

Su Mian looks at him.

K pointed to his heart and said with a smile, "although he is very counsellor, his brain is really good. He has begun to take college courses."

"Every time you talk about him, I have a subtle feeling..." Su Mian said honestly.

K laughed again and said, "you won't mix us up, will you?"

Su Mian looked at his face and said, "I'm sure not, but Su Zheyu will. Do you know all of them?"

"Don't look down on me." K reached out and knocked on the table and said, "I have all his memories. I know you have a very common relationship with him, but to be honest, in his memory

everyone in the Su family doesn't care. He is a complete nerd..."

Su Mian nodded with deep feeling. Su Zheyu did.

"Then I'll trouble you." Said Su Mian.

"Little things." After the two settled the matter, K asked again, "in fact, I have a question for you, is boss Lei reconciled with Huo Ting?"

If so, he will consider running again.

"You mean vampires?"


"Don't you think it's like that, leiaotian?"

"My God! You are really something. Ha ha! " K chuckled, holding his stomach, and said, "but really, that's a good description."

Su Mian was infected by him and smiled. She said, "I don't think they have a good relationship

"That's good..." At least he doesn't have to run again.

Su Mian looked at him and asked, "what did you do to him?"

K sighed and looked up at the sky at a 45 degree angle. Just about to say it, Su Mian's cell phone rang.